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Jesus Said Both Heaven And Hell Exist! From Erasmus Of America – 4:58 Pm

Tuesday, April 14, 2015 16:22
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     Inline image 1   Image result for HELL OF THE BIBLE   
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Image result for HELL OF THE BIBLE   Image result for HELL OF THE BIBLE   
      Many people have died in hospitals or at homes and reported on seeing Hell which scared the daylights out of them. By coming back to life after dying, many became ardent Christians after that. There have been cases in hospitals such as a man dying suddenly saying that his feet were now burning in Hell and calling to the doctor to save him from damnation. I think I once heard the testimony of one atheist who was a doctor and briefly died and went to Hell. Then he was brought back to life at the hospital after being pulled in and out of Hell several times while operated on. He repented of all his sins and became an ardent Christian after that. I think it was on an TBN program where I heard his testimony. One doctor used to collect the testimony of patients who died and came back alive. Many of them testified on seeing Hell and glad to be alive again so they could become followers of Jesus Christ this time before dying. He wrote a book on them and also patients of his who said that they got glimpses of a beautiful hereafter with Jesus Christ and then came back alive after that. One man I attended church with had a prolonged death experience in a hospital and after being judged dead came back alive again. He reported on being shown the hereafter by Jesus Christ which was beautiful in appearance and the people were so happy. Then he was brought back to this life which he did not really want to return to as life was so much better in the hereafter than here.
     I have heard the testimony of Americans who died and came back to life. I also once heard the testimony of Russians who had been raised in atheistic Communist Russia and they also reported on seeing the hereafter when dying and thereafter becoming ardent Christians once restored to life. As Jesus Christ said when alive on earth, many would not believe the dead if they came back to life and testified on the hereafter to the living on earth. The New Testament says that when Jesus Christ resurrected from the grave to life, many other dead also came forth from their graves and appeared in Jerusalem at the same time as the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the grave. There were those who were converted by this and those who did not believe what others reported on some of the dead were now seen alive again in Jerusalem. The New Testament does not say what happened to these resurrected, but likely they were taken up into the air like Jesus was later and transported (“translated” usual Bible word also meaning “raptured” or taken up into the air).
     I heard the testimony of a Pastor Dan who resurrected from the grave 3 days after dying and he told of seeing a Christian pastor in Hell who had stolen from his church and said if returned to life, he would restore the stolen money to the local church that he had been pastor of. And a St. Padre Pio who was the only Catholic priest to ever have the stigmata (marks of Christ on his body) reported on a Catholic religious order type person appearing before him after dying and begging Padre Pio to find some way so he would not have to face the punishment in the hereafter that he was about to face otherwise. The dead often give us clues to what happens in the hereafter which we likely would not know about otherwise. In Christian catacombs around 100 A.D. and that era in Rome had notices by some dead where they wanted the living to pray for them the dead. Early Christianity apparently judged that prayers for the dead sometimes helped them in the hereafter. Having said that, I now remember Dr. Richard Eby who was dead for 18 hours or so in a Chicago hospital before returning to life said that prayers for him by his wife while he was dead helped bring him back to life if I recall his comment correctly. 
                                                                                                                                        Image result for Bible verses II Thessalonians 17:8
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Image result for HELL OF THE BIBLE   Image result for HELL OF THE BIBLE   Image result for HELL OF THE BIBLE   
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      As proven by thousands of Bible prophecies found hidden in the Old Testament (and New Testament now), since so many of these Bible prophecies later proved to occur in history for real long after they were written in Bible Code in the Old Testament, the Bible is supernatural and has been written by the Spirit of God for real. And some prophecies in the New Testament have come to pass after being written in the New Testament, so the New Testament is also supernaturally written by the Spirit of God for real. Apparently most of the New Testament prophecies apply to the Last Days after us today, but not all! Some have already come to pass as confirmed prophecies. Some Bible scholars have speculated whether the names of all human beings ever born in history are secretly in the Bible in super sophisticated Bible Code like those based as prophecies already which came true and defied odds of even billions to one of ever happening for real in history. There is such genius hidden in these sophisticated Bible prophecies in super Bible Code as only God could be brilliant enough to have written them and with total accuracy for future events and people.
Image result for bible verses on hell and heaven    Image result for bible verses on hell and heaven   
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 Image result for BIBLE VERSES ON HEAVEN   Image result for BIBLE VERSES ON HEAVEN  Image result for BIBLE VERSES ON HEAVEN   
      Christianity is a way of life to live by, not a book of idle sayings so you can be a spectator to Christianity and never bother to live by the philosophy of life and actions in life a Christian is supposed to live by . You represent a different concept of life  which is different than the pagans live life by in their different type character. Christians are supposed to practice the Christian way of life, not just read nice sounding words and then never live by the teachings that they represent. In parables, Jesus did not praise the lukewarm Christians in Revelation nor the foolish virgin Christians in Matthew 25. He praised those Christians who lived as real Christians in life, not those who gave light lip service to Christianity and then ignored it in their practical life on earth.
 Image result for BIBLE VERSES ON HEAVEN  Image result for NEW TESTAMENT VERSES IN PICTURES   Image result for II Thessalonians 17-8    Image result for II Thessalonians 17-8   
Image result for NEW TESTAMENT VERSES IN PICTURES   Image result for NEW TESTAMENT VERSES IN PICTURES   Image result for new testament verses on love   

     By using pictures to strengthen certain teachings of Christianity, this is the practice where a picture can be worth a thousand words or at least making the teaching more interesting by pictures than by just straight printed type.

      Pass this report around. You strengthen Christianity when you do this. We once pass the Omni Law in America and the American people have recaptured control of the federal government in Wash., D.C. which they do not control today. Under the Omni Law, you the American people suddenly have the power of national referendum to turn into national law the laws and policies you want to govern Wash., D.C by and cancel those laws and policies that you do not want Wash., D.C. to govern itself and you by nationally. This is a modernized version of the referendum power the Roman people had over the Roman Republic which forced it to obey the will of the people of Rome until the corrupt finally figured out how to overthrow it so the corrupt could then run the Roman Republic instead of the citizens of Rome. James Madison, “Father of the U.S. Constitution” and “Father of the U.S. Bill of Rights,” endorsed this ancient Roman concept of law the smartest concept of ancient man on earth to force the government to represent the will of the people instead of corrupt interests and respect the legal rights of the Roman people under the Roman Republic. It also helped the economy run better as it was honestly run until this system of law was overthrown by the corrupt who finally figured out how to neutralize honest government in Rome. And you had ten civil tribunes of Rome who ran this system for the Roman people and could investigate and arrest corrupt and treasonable leaders in Rome when required to protect the future of the Roman people under their government. Full name of the Omni Law on our website is ‘The Omnibus Civil Rights Act For America.”

      Our website is Our email is Our mailing address for orders and financial support not coming through our website is NIFI, P.O. Box 1465. Seneca, SC 29679 . Make checks, etc. out to NIFI and tell us what the payment is for. Our Omni Law Loan Program on our website helps to finance the faster passage of the OMNI LAW. Also, sale of products that we sell on this website also help finance the Omni Law Drive in America. 

     To help speed up our national drive, we will grant ten retail store locations for our coming Camelot project  where you can build the store building there with free rent for ten years and grant ten royal apartment locations at Camelot once built where you can pay $100 rent monthly for ten years for this instead of the high rental price the rich will pay for identical apartments to yours which will be large and about palace level in quality for you and family.  Rent won’t start until they are built and ready for you to use. Camelot will potentially become the most profitable tourist location in America to build a store at and jobs for those we allow to live there will be plenty to choose from and good income for you and family. You have to be one of the first twenty to send in $50 or higher orders to us for products or else place $50 or more in our Omni Law Loan Program to qualify for this promotional which ends at the end of April, 2015 or when the 20 promotional locations are gone already to those sent for this earlier. If things are on schedule, we may have Camelot operational by sometime in 2016. 

     We think we know a surprise way to quick pass the Omni Law but not letting the plan out prematurely. You can tell us which option you want for the retail location or else apartment and if you are one of the first 20 to send in an order, we will do you justice and see that you are taken care of in choice. These locations will be worth a lot of money and if you do not want to keep it for yourself, people will give you very good money to buy your option from you. Only qualification is we have to approve who you sell your option to. Any decent person is fine. It is just we won’t sell to terrorists or other obviously undesirable elements to get a foothold in our Camelot community. 

        Image result for 10 civil tribunes of ancient Rome   Image result for 10 civil tribunes of ancient Rome/sitting around table  Image result for 10 civil tribunes of ancient Rome/sitting around table 
    These pictures give a little flavor what the 10 Civil Tribunes of Rome looked like over 2,000 years ago! Our ten American civil tribunes will look more modern but still have a bit of the flavor of the ten ancient Roman civil tribunes in appearance to connect to the ancient Roman image of the 10 Civil Tribunes back then. This was the smartest political concept the ancient Romans ever came up with and they conquered a huge empire back in history because they were the most practical race on earth at their time. The genius of the Roman people was respecting practical ideas more than any other race on earth in their time of history. A lot better than “politically correct” nonsense of current American politics!

      Yours For God And Country, Erasmus Of America (pen name for that American leader who studied ancient Roman history in two private schools of America and like Thomas Jefferson who studied much Roman history himself, he commented that he studied enough Roman history where he could have been a Roman in American culture when he was growing up in America then. George Washington and other American leaders all greatly respected Roman history as the most practical political history to study to show smart ideas to American leaders with. That is why George Washington led the Cincinnati Society as Americans respected Roman history so much back then at the time of the American Revolution and afterwards.)
      P.S.  This is an item of great debate pro or con as to whether a drilling project in Siberia drilled a deep hole into the earth and heard screams of the damned coming up from the deep hole. You may use this link below to read the entire newspaper write-up on this. But it is an interesting story to read and speculate over!

Newspaper cutting of Researchers who Recorded Screams of the Damned
     If there really is no Hell, then where do unrepentant sinners go when they die? Do you think YAHUVEH would let them into Heaven?

Please Note: There has been much debate whether this is real or not. We are not saying it is real or not but we feel it is important enough to post it and let you the reader decide.]

These details are from the translation of an article in a Finnish newspaper named ‘Ammennusatia’.

A geological group who drilled a hole about 14.4 kilometers deep in the crust of the earth are saying that they heard human screams. Screams have been heard from the condemned souls from earth’s deepest hole. Terrified scientists are afraid they have let loose the evil powers of hell up to the earth’s surface.

‘The information we are gathering is so surprising, that we are sincerely afraid of what we might find down there,’ stated Dr Azzacov, the manager of the project in remote Siberia. 

NESARA- Restore America – Galactic News


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