(Before It's News)
Videos For An Earth In Transition – http://www.earth-heal.com/index.php/videos.html
Source: Tom Lescher
“I can complain and criticize, Finding fault with you and I, But I would rather spend my time, Learning how to fly. Oh yeah, you know what I’m talkin’ about! One thing I forgot about in this report is $! This is a particularly lucky week and if there ever was a time to go for it NOW is the time. That may include that in order to make some money you need to spend some money! This is not to say you should foolishly throw your money away, but with consciousness, invest in yourself and your creations with the intention that their full value will be recognized by others and your energy returned.
Try to get outside just around sunset Saturday night and check out the Moon, Venus, Jupiter conjunction! We can all unite our hearts as one together!
Namaste, Aloha, and So Much Love!”