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Draft Dodging 101: How to Preserve Your Freedom in a Time of Crisis

Saturday, June 20, 2015 13:58
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(Before It's News)

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Earlier this week, Michael Krieger of wrote about the likelihood of a military draft in America’s future. He suggested that high ranking members of the Washington establishment are currently contemplating the return of mandatory government service, ostensibly to fight ISIS. Unlike previous drafts though, this one wouldn’t be restricted to the military, but would include mandatory service for organizations like the Peace Corps and Americorps. Unfortunately for the future of freedom in America, he makes a pretty compelling case.

While it may sound outlandish to many, I can see how this might come to pass. While most Americans think the draft is a terrible idea, there’s also a strong sentiment that the current “millennial” generation is out of touch, and perhaps a draft will instill some respect and discipline among them. They’ll also make the case that we need to fight ISIS. While most Americans don’t want to send troops to the Middle East, most people agree that ISIS is evil and should be destroyed.

And finally, for those who find the idea of military service unpalatable, this draft would allow people to do “community service” instead of engaging in front line combat. I guess what I’m trying to say is, even though the vast majority of Americans hate the idea of a draft, the propagandists have a few ways to make them shrug and accept it without putting up too much of a fight.

But should it come to pass, every American that is eligible for this draft will have to ask themselves if they are willing to submit their time, their freedom, and their lives to the oligarchic elite that rules them. Should they decide to dodge this draft, they’ll likely have to choose one of the following avenues of resistance. (warning, a few of these would probably be illegal during a draft, so use at your own risk).

Conscientious Objection

This one is a long shot, but is worth considering. Should your Selective Service number come up, you can claim a conscientious objection against war, on religious or moral grounds. Historically speaking, this one usually fails to impress the draft board. It may work if we’re just fighting another war on terror in Middle East, but if say we go to war with Russia in the near future, and the government needs a few million fresh bodies, your ethical sentiments will be ignored.

Doctor’s Note

During the Vietnam War, it wasn’t uncommon for doctors to “diagnose” various diseases for those who didn’t want to get drafted. There is a long list of ailments that will prevent you from being drafted, and you might be surprised by how many doctors would be willing to provide this service. If you don’t believe me, consider how easy it is for someone in California to get a medical marijuana card, even if they’re not sick. They’re practically giving them away. There’s a financial incentive here as well, since letting a patient get drafted is basically like losing a customer (sometimes permanently)

Unfortunately, since this draft will provide options for those who don’t want to be in the military, having a condition that makes you unfit for combat, won’t necessarily keep you from being drafted into Americorps. Still, that may be better than dying whilst fighting US trained proxy forces.

Fail Your Physical

On the other hand, you will also be examined by the military’s doctors and recruiters, and they may disagree with your doctor’s diagnosis. If you’re drafted, at some point you will likely end up at a place called MEPS (Military Entrance Processing Station). Here you will be thoroughly examined, and tested for your intelligence. You will be given a drug test, which you can try to fail. They’ll probably have you go on a run and do push ups etc. to see if you meet the basic physical standards required by boot camp, which differs depending on each branch of the military.

Of course, you can fail that as well. You’ll also be given a vision and hearing test. If you don’t wear glasses, it may be hard to convince them that you have terrible vision, but an undiagnosed hearing problem might be a bit more believable.

Also keep in mind that while you’re in MEPS, you will be seeing signs posted everywhere which will threaten you with prison time for lying. These signs are complete lies, and are there to psych you out. Granted, the laws will be different during a draft, so make sure you do your legal research before you get sent off to MEPS.

Pretend to Be Crazy

This one doesn’t always work since so many people try it. Also keep in mind that every attempt you make to dodge the draft, will make the next attempt more difficult. A pattern of defiance will emerge, and eventually the people responsible for inducting you into the service will learn to ignore your antics. Think Klinger from MASH.

But I digress. Pretending to be crazy can work, but it has its pitfalls. While you may successfully avoid the draft, if you play it up too much they might just have you institutionalized. Considering the fact that so many politicians want to restrict gun ownership for anyone with a mental health history, this may cost you some of your freedoms down the road.

And keep in mind that there is more than one kind of crazy. It’s hard to say what the rules will look like during a draft, but currently, having ADD is practically guaranteed to keep you out of the military (but might not keep you from owning gun in the future), and it’s also pretty easy to fake. And if all else fails, the fastest way to get yourself kicked out of boot camp (again, this is how it is currently), is by displaying suicidal tendencies. You don’t have to make an attempt on your life, just saying that you’re thinking about it will have you ejected from the service in no time.

Playing Dumb

At MEPS, you will be given the military’s intelligence test, known as the ASVAB. This will decide what kinds of jobs you would be best suited for in the military. Feel free to bomb this test. And don’t worry if you think they won’t believe you despite graduating high school. You only need a pulse to pass high school these days, and graduates frequently fail the ASVAB

Playing Smart

Maybe you’ve got a college degree and you don’t think they will believe your test scores. Or maybe you don’t think they will believe any of these attempts to dodge the draft, so you’ve decided to accept your fate. That doesn’t mean you can’t influence your chances of getting a certain job. You can always pass the ASVAB with flying colors.

Unlike an IQ test, you don’t have to be a genius to score well on the ASVAB. In fact, if you have just slightly above average intelligence, you’ll likely score in the 90th percentile. So why is that important? Because, many combat positions like the infantry, have very low intelligence standards. That’s not to say that everyone in the infantry is an idiot, but those are in fact the military’s standards. Scoring really well on the ASVAB might just get you out of the more dangerous jobs.

Fly the Coop

As a last resort, you may have to flee the country. This will probably be more difficult now than it was in the Vietnam War, since Canada often fights alongside the US these days. That means their government may not be very sympathetic to your draft dodging antics. You’ll have to find a country that doesn’t have an extradition treaty with the US, which unfortunately, is an ever shrinking list. You can take a look at this list for yourself.

On the other hand, if there’s a country that you would like to live in that happens to have a treaty with the US, read up on the details. They may not be obligated to extradite political criminals, or may allow asylum. But keep in mind that you may never be able to return to the United States. Still, if you don’t want to die for the bankers and their Washington stooges, that may be a small price to pay for your life.

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