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Let’s get this out of the way right off the bat: yes we all are subject to parasites, no you shouldn’t be freaked out just yet. This isn’t meant to scare anyone, it’s simply a fact, and it’s better we learn how to deal with parasites properly than simply ignore them and hope they’ll go away.
The good news is that cleansing parasites is not all that hard and can be done very affordably. The difference in the way you will feel after a cleanse, should you need to do a cleanse, will be astronomical. And so, in this article we’ll go through how we get parasites, what problems they can cause, the stories of real people’s health transformations and how we can get rid of them.
“Ninety percent of humans will have a problem with parasites in their lifetime.” – Dr. Oz
Intestinal parasites can infect the gastro-intestinal tract of humans and other animals. While they can live in different areas of the body, they mainly stick to intestinal walls. You can get parasites in a number of ways; they can come from the ingestion of undercooked meat, unwashed fruits and vegetables, or infected water. You can also get them while travelling, from contact with animals, or through skin absorption.[1][2]
There are a few types of parasites we can get:
Trichinella: Infection with the microscopic parasite Trichinella leads to trichinellosis, also known as trichinosis. This comes from eating undercooked meats.
Hookworm: Hookworm infects an estimated 576 to 740 million people worldwide and was once a common infection in the U.S., particularly in the southeast. This typically happens from walking barefoot on contaminated soil.
Dientamoeba Fragilis: This parasite is one of the smaller parasites that can live in the large intestine. It’s unclear how exactly it is contracted or spread.
A study out of The University of Maryland states, “Parasites can live within the intestines for years without causing any symptoms.” This is why many of us have parasites without even knowing it.
Symptoms Of Parasites
Symptoms can range greatly and so it’s important to focus on some of the most crucial ones in order to understand how serious our infection might be.
Again, the 5 listed above are the more serious symptoms, but the following are also common: constipation, diarrhea, gas and bloating, irritable bowel syndrome, joint and muscle aches, allergies, sugar cravings, skin conditions – mostly irritation/itching at nose, ears, eyes, anus – but also potentially rashes, hives, eczema, acne, headaches, chronic fatigue, trouble sleeping, yeast and candida infection.
How To Get Rid Of Parasites
I took an even deeper dive into understanding parasites by listening to and reading about other people’s stories. I found out that someone that writes for us here at CE had quite a few health challenges and finally, through parasite cleansing, was able to see those problems disappear.
I wanted to know how she got rid of her parasites and was pleased to find out it’s quite simple. You can basically use natural herbs to kill and pass the parasites living in your intestines.
We did a story on Olivia and found out she had a number of health problems throughout her life. She dealt with IBS, depression, acne, anxiety, and poor digestion. This led her to search out a ton of research about her conditions and their possible causes. Once she found out parasites might be at the core of all of them, a parasite cleanse was the first thing on her list to try.
Here is a picture of her back acne improvement along with one of the parasites she passed during her cleanse.
Here’s more info below from Olivia.
“ has an excellent parasite forum where I got a lot of tips and tricks! I started to check out the sub-forum ‘Hulda Clark Parasite Protocol’ and realized that everything people know today about the three parasite cleansing herbs (black walnut hull, wormwood, cloves) was because of Dr. Hulda Clark’s discoveries. I bought her book and read the chapter explaining how to use the herbs for a complete parasite cleanse.”
All of these can be bought on your own at herbal stores, natural food stores, or online. To keep it simple, Olivia teamed up with a Traditional Chinese Medicine doctor and came up with an awesome parasite cleanse that’s been getting great results from anyone who has done it. They launched an Indiegogo campaign and reached their goal in just 4 hours! We’ve tried this cleanse ourselves and were very happy with it, so we wanted to share it with you as well.
The article We All Have Parasites: The Symptoms And How You Can Cleanse Them published by TheSleuthJournal – Real News Without Synthetics
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Can’t use if pregnant or wearing a pace maker
Hulda did not discover the use of Cloves, Black Walnut etc to cleanse Parasites. It takes about 1/4th of a second to show those old folk remedies were in use way before she was born.