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Warning: Federal Court Rules That 2nd Amendment Right Is Now A Reason For Cops To Detain You

Saturday, June 20, 2015 10:08
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Grand Rapids, Mich. – In a stunning violation of 2nd Amendment rights, the U.S. District Court of Western Michigan ruled police have the legal authority to detain individuals that choose to exercise their constitutional right to open carry a firearm. Open Carry is also specifically allowed under Michigan law.

The ruling means that people in Michigan who choose to exercise this constitutional right are now subject to being stopped by law enforcement for engaging in a completely lawful activity.

Officers detained Johann Deffert in early 2013. He was walking down the sidewalk with a holstered FNP-45 pistol, after receiving a 9-1-1 call from a woman who spotted Deffert with the open carried, but holstered, handgun on his person.

The dispatcher initially informed the caller that Michigan is an open carry state. However, the woman subsequently explained that she found Deffert’s presence alarming, due in part to his wearing of camouflage, although she admitted that he wasn’t threatening anyone. Somehow the dispatcher made the decision that someone engaging in a completely legal activity, as earlier in the call noted by the dispatcher, should now be inspected by police, due to caller saying they found wearing camo disturbing.

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The absurdity in logic; that someone wearing camo takes the situation from being a completely legal situation not to be interfered with, and raises it to a level of needing police assistance, shows the extreme arbitrary nature of the entire situation.

The incident was captured on responding officer Moe Williams’ dash cam, and lasted 14 minutes. Williams had indicated he believed that perhaps Deffert was suffering from some type of mental illness, as he seemed to be “talking to nobody” when the officer arrived on scene. Upon further investigation, Deffert was revealed to have been happily singing the song “Hakuna Matata” from the Disney movie “The Lion King” while strolling down the sidewalk.

The video shows the officer command Deffert to lay face down on the ground upon arrival on the scene. Deffert was treated as if he were a criminal that needed to prove he was not doing anything wrong, as the officer detained him while running a mental and criminal background check. Deffert was polite and respectful throughout the encounter, but strongly asserted his rights regarding open carry laws in the state of Michigan.

Remember, all of this transpired despite Deffert’s total compliance with Michigan law, in respect to open carry of a firearm. Eventually, Deffert was released, as he had violated no laws, done nothing wrong, and there was no legitimate reason to hold him. Shortly after the incident, in what seemed like a vindication for Deffert at the time, Grand Rapids Police Sgt. Steve LaBreque recommended to Moe’s commanding officer, that Moe “would benefit from some additional training in handling ‘open carry’ issues.”

Several months later Deffert filed a federal lawsuit alleging his constitutional rights were violated and that he was assaulted and falsely imprisoned. The legality of open carry in the Michigan was never in question, only if law enforcement had the authority to detain an individual simply because they were open carrying a firearm, according to court records.

In the most convoluted of logic, U.S. District Judge Janet Neff claimed that officers do have such authority. Neff wrote that the officers were “justified in following up on the 9-1-1 call and using swift action to determine whether [Deffert’s] behavior gave rise to a need to protect or preserve life … in the neighborhood.”

When a call to 9-1-1 is made in regard to a completely legal activity, the police should not even be dispatched. If in fact the police needed to “determine whether [Deffert’s] behavior gave rise to a need to protect or preserve life … in the neighborhood,” they need not impeded a citizen from going about their legitimate and legal business,” as Neff asserts, but rather could passively watch from a distance to determine if there is any reasonable suspicion of criminal activity afoot, and if so act accordingly.

The most glaring problem with Neff’s logic, is that there is no reason for police to ever assess someones behavior who is simply engaging in constitutionally protected and lawful activity, regardless if another citizens takes issue with the activity. If the activity fails to rise to the level of criminality, then police have no business getting investigating or getting involved. The police, as public servants, aren’t paid to investigate non-crimes.

The idea that someone needs to prove their innocence for engaging in a constitutionally protected activity is contrary to everything America teaches its children to believe about liberty and freedom.

The case will most likely be appealed to the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit. The National Rifle Association and others have offered to assist in the appeal.

It will be interesting to see what open carry advocates across the nation, and specifically those in Texas, a hotbed of open carry activism, think about this ruling; and how they would respond if this were to become the standard of law in their state.

Sound off in the comments!

Be sure to share this critical information with all your liberty loving friends!

Read the decision below.

Johann Deffert court documents

Jay Syrmopoulos is an investigative journalist, free thinker, researcher, and ardent opponent of authoritarianism. He is currently a graduate student at University of Denver pursuing a masters in Global Affairs. Jay’s work has previously been published on and You can follow him on Twitter @sirmetropolis, on Facebook at Sir Metropolis and now on tsu.


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Total 4 comments
  • You have to love it when the courts contradict themselves and prior rulings.. SUCH AS THE POLICE HAVE NO DUTY TO PROTECT ANYONE EVEN ACCORDING TO THE SUPREME COURT! So much for the judge in this case saying ” Neff wrote that the officers were “justified in following up on the 9-1-1 call and using swift action to determine whether [Deffert’s] behavior gave rise to a need to protect or preserve life … in the neighborhood.”
    Now, who are we to believe?? the idiot that said the police were justified in their criminal activity or the SUPREME COURT THAT SAYS THEY HAVE NO DUTY TO PROTECT??
    It certainly cannot be both!

  • Governments Have Descended to the Level
    Mere Private Corporations
    Supreme Court Building
    Clearfield Doctrine
    Supreme Court Annotated Statute, Clearfield Trust Co. v. United States 318 U.S. 363-
    371 1942
    Whereas defined pursuant to Supreme Court Annotated Statute: Clearfield Trust Co. v.
    United States 318 U.S. 363-371 1942: “Governments descend to the level of a mere
    private corporation, and take on the characteristics of a mere private citizen . . . where
    private corporate commercial paper [Federal Reserve Notes] and securities [checks] is
    concerned . . . For purposes of suit, such corporations and individuals are regarded as
    entities entirely separate from government.”
    What the Clearfield Doctrine is saying is that when private commercial paper is used by
    corporate government, then government loses its sovereignty status and becomes no
    different than a mere private corporation.
    As such, government then becomes bound by the rules and laws that govern private
    corporations which means that if they intend to compel an individual to some specific
    performance based upon its corporate statutes or corporation rules, then the government,
    like any private corporation, must be the holder-in-due-course of a contract or other
    commercial agreement between it and the one upon who demands for specific
    performance are made.
    And further, the government must be willing to enter the contract or commercial
    agreement into evidence before trying to get the court to enforce its demands, called
    This case is very important because it is a 1942 case that was decided after the UNITED
    INCORPORATION” in the State of Florida (July 15, 1925). And it was decided AFTER
    the ‘corporate government’ agreed to use the currency of the private corporation, the
    FEDERAL RESERVE. The private currency, the Federal Reserve Note, is still in use
    (i) Articles of Incorporation of UNITED STATES CORPORATION COMPANY
    (ii) From The Great American Adventure by Judge Dale, retired. (pages 93-94)
    [4] Corporations are not and can never be SOVEREIGN. They are not real, they
    are a fiction and only exist on paper.
    5] Therefore, all laws created by these government corporations are private
    corporate regulations called public law, statutes, codes and ordinances to
    conceal their true nature. Do the Judge and your lawyer know about this? You
    bet they do!
    6] Since these government bodies are not SOVEREIGN, they cannot promulgate
    or enforce CRIMINAL LAWS; they can only create and enforce CIVIL LAWS,
    which are duty bound to comply with the LAW of CONTRACTS. The Law of
    Contracts requires signed written agreements and complete transparency! Did
    you ever agree to be arrested and tried under any of their corporate statutes?
    For that matter, did you ever agree to contract with them by agreeing to be sued
    for violating their corporate regulations?
    [8] Enforcement of these corporate statutes by local, state and federal law
    enforcement officers are unlawful actions being committed against the
    SOVEREIGN public and these officers can be held personally liable for their
    actions. [Bond v. U.S., 529 US 334-2000]
    (iii) Our Government is Just Another Corporation

  • Who Is “Judge DALE”?

    “Judge DALE” is a hoax. All of the online articles that are fraudulently attributed to “Judge DALE” are also hoaxes. The people behind the hoax have already admitted it to us. This is the reason that you have never seen a photograph, video or live appearance of “Judge DALE”. He does not actually exist.

    There are actually two different people who have fraudulently impersonated “Judge DALE” online and they write about two entirely different subjects in two entirely different styles.

    “Rodney DALE Class” is the original “Judge DALE” (which uses his middle name, “DALE”, as an inside joke). Class is actually an amateur legal theorist with barely a high school education who was never a judge. Class and his “editors” first began fraudulently impersonating the “Judge DALE”, a fake “retired federal judge”, in 2009 (a federal felony).

    All of the fake “Judge DALE” articles that appear online on the subject of the “LAW” were written by Class and his “editors”. All of the fake “Judge DALE” articles that appear online on the subject of “DINARS” were written by the late John MacHaffie, who died on January 8th, 2015.

    Here is how it came to be that there were two fake “Judge DALES”. Between 2010 and 2012, the original people who actually created the “Judge DALE Hoax” (“editors”) organized and edited Class’ amateur belief system about “the law” into the two original “Judge DALE” forgeries: “The Matrix And The US Constitution” (April 10th, 2010) and “The Great American Adventure: Secrets Of America” (sometime before May 25th, 2012). These “editors” posted these two original “Judge DALE” forgeries on their own websites.

    Afterwards, these “editors” solicited other likeminded webmasters who would agree to post (or to post links to) these two original “Judge DALE” forgeries on their own websites with full knowledge that these forgeries were fake. These likeminded webmasters played an important role in the “Judge DALE Hoax”. Indeed, two of these webmasters were so enthusiastic about their role in the hoax that they themselves actually wrote and posted additional fake articles online in which they claimed to “know Judge DALE personally” and wherein they purported to quote dialogue that they exchanged with this fictional character (who does not actually exist).

    Arguably, the most important of the likeminded webmasters (who distributed the “Judge DALE” forgeries) was the late John MacHaffie of MacHaffie posted articles on his own website on a broad range of subjects. But, he was passionate about the subject of investing in “DINARS” (a gold-backed currency used in some middle-eastern countries) and related subjects like global currency re-set/revaluation and non-disclosure agreements (which MacHaffie claimed were necessary when investing in “DINARS”) . Many people regarded MacHaffie as a genuine authority on the subject of “DINARS” and he had followers reading his “DINAR” articles all over the globe. MacHaffie did not write about the subject of the law. And, Class did not write about the subject of “DINARS”. So, Class and MacHaffie were not competitors for the same readers. Thus, Class’s material and MacHaffie’s material were compatible and Class’ material seemed to be a good fit on MacHaffie’s website,

    At first, all went well with the “Judge DALE Hoax”. Readers of the “Judge DALE” forgeries on the websites of these like-minded webmasters actually believed that “Judge DALE” was a real person and that he really was a “retired federal judge”. Readers of the “Judge DALE” forgeries believed the false and utterly delusional claims reflected therein about “the law” and the legal system. And, nobody outside of the “editors” who originally created the “Judge DALE” forgeries and the likeminded webmasters (who distributed the forgeries) knew that the whole thing was one giant hoax intended to dupe and defraud the American people.

    By 2012, the “Judge DALE Hoax” had become an unqualified success. The fictional online character, “Judge DALE”, had become a genuine brand-name with real value among amateur legal theorists, largely as a result of the efforts of these likeminded webmasters, like MacHaffie (who distributed the “Judge DALE forgeries” to his own readers).

    But then, in late May or very early June, 2012, the “editors” who originally created the “Judge DALE Hoax” stole some proprietary information from MacHaffie about “DINARS”, posted it on the websites of all of MacHaffie’s competitors and fraudulently attributed that stolen information to “Judge DALE” (who MacHaffie knew did not actually exist and who MacHaffie had actually helped make into a bona fide internet sensation).

    Needless to say, MacHaffie was livid. In retaliation, on June 4th and 5th, 2012, MacHaffie did two things. First, he posted a formal notice on his website,, that read, “Judge DALE Is Removed From This Blog” and, without revealing that “Judge DALE” was a hoax, he explained his reasons for banning “Judge DALE” from his website (explained above). Second, and more importantly, MacHaffie actually stole the fake name, “Judge DALE”, for his own use in peddling his own online articles about “DINARS” and he posted his very first “DINAR” article online as the SECOND “Judge DALE”. MacHaffie’s theft and use of the fake name, “Judge DALE”, served several purposes for MacHaffie. First, it taught Class’ editors a lesson about stealing the proprietary intellectual property of others (he simply returned the favor by doing the same thing to them). MacHaffie knew that Class’ editors could not complain publically about what MacHaffie had done to them without revealing their own role in the “Judge DALE Hoax”. Second, MacHaffie’s theft and use of the fake name, “Judge DALE”, had the effect of confusing and confounding “Judge DALE’s” original followers and thereby weakened the value of the “Judge DALE” brand among amateur legal theorists. Third, MacHaffie’s theft and use of the fake name, “Judge DALE”, increased the number of readers of MacHaffie’s articles on the subject of “DINARS”. MacHaffie continued to use the stolen, fake name “Judge DALE” in connection with his own online articles on the subject of “DINARS” until his death on January 8th, 2015. MacHaffie never forgave Class’ editors for what they had done to him.

    This is why since June 4th, 2012, there have been two authors of the online forgeries that have been fraudulently attributed to “Judge DALE”, not one. This is also why there are no “Judge DALE” forgeries that were ever posted online that relate to the subject of “DINARS” until after June 4th, 2012. This is why all of the “Judge DALE” forgeries that appeared online before June 4th, 2012 related exclusively to the subject of the law. This is also why, since June 4th, 2012, the “Judge DALE” forgeries posted online address two entirely unrelated subjects (the subject of the LAW and the subject of “DINARS”). This also explains why “Judge DALE”, an alleged “retired federal judge” would, on June 4th, 2012, suddenly and inexplicably start writing articles about the subject of “DINARS”, a subject about which no “retired federal judge” would have any interest, knowledge or expertise anyway. This also explains why there is such a profound difference in the quality of the writing between the two types of “Judge DALE” forgeries that appear online. Those “Judge DALE forgeries” on the subject of the LAW that appear to have been written by a high school student (as edited by other high school students) were written by Class and his editors. Those “Judge DALE forgeries” on the subject of “DINARS” (global currency re-set/re-valuation and NDA’s) that appear to have been written by an intelligent, articulate, educated, literate person were written by the late “John MacHaffie. This is also why no new “Judge DALE” forgeries on the subject of “DINARS” have been posted online since MacHaffie’s death on January 8th, 2015. Finally, this is why new “Judge DALE” forgeries on the subject of the LAW continue to be posted online despite MacHaffie’s death (Class and his “editors” remain alive to post new “Judge DALE” forgeries online about the subject of the LAW).

    Either way, there is no real “retired federal judge” who wrote any of the “Judge DALE” forgeries that appear online. Either way, “Rodney DALE Class” was the original “Judge DALE” and was the namesake for the fictional online character, “Judge DALE” (which uses Class’ middle name, “DALE”, as an inside joke). Either way, “Judge DALE” is a hoax. Either way, all of the online articles that are fraudulently attributed to “Judge DALE” are also hoaxes.


    Rodney DALE Class (“Rod Class”) is an amateur legal theorist with barely a high school education. Class has LOST EVERY SINGLE ADMINISTRATIVE AND JUDICIAL CASE IN WHICH HE HAS EVER BEEN INVOLVED (WELL OVER 65 COMPLETE, CONSECUTIVE LOSSES AND STILL COUNTING). Despite a year long investigation, we have not yet found a single case involving Class that he (or his side) ever won. The reason that Class has a 100% failure rate in the courts is that he uses amateur legal theories (FAKE laws) in court as if they were REAL laws. Class’ amateur legal theories are an IMAGINARY ALTERNATIVE to the REAL laws that are actually used by the courts and the legal system. If Class’ amateur legal theories (FAKE laws) were actually valid, then he would not have LOST EVERY SINGLE CASE IN WHICH HE HAS EVER BEEN INVOLVED (WELL OVER 65 COMPLETE, CONSECUTIVE LOSSES AND STILL COUNTING). No person with a verifiable 100% FAILURE RATE IN COURT should be masquerading as a “teacher”, “legal scholar”, “retired federal judge”, “Private Attorney General”, “Bounty Hunter” or some similar nonsense title.

    But more importantly, Class is also a PROFESSIONAL HOAXER. Class is behind the “Judge DALE Hoax” in which he writes FAKE legal articles which reveal FAKE legal information while fraudulently impersonating a FAKE “retired federal judge” named “Judge DALE” (which uses his own middle name, “DALE”, as an inside joke). (Impersonating a retired federal judge, is a federal felony). Class is also behind the “FOURTH Administrative Ruling Hoax”, the “Property In Other People’s Names Hoax”, the “Private Attorney General Hoax”, the “Embezzling Federal Funds Hoax”, the “CRIS Hoax” and many, many other legal hoaxes. Class uses these legal hoaxes to help him sell his amateur belief system about the law and the legal system to other amateur legal theorists. But, most importantly, for purposes of this comment, Class is also behind the “Debra Jones Hoax”.

    Class has own internet radio show on AIB radio which he uses to sell his amateur belief system about the law and the legal system––the same legal system in which he has LOST EVERY SINGLE ADMINISTRATIVE AND JUDICIAL CASE IN WHICH HE HAS EVER BEEN INVOLVED (OVER 65 COMPLETE, CONSECUTIVE LOSSES AND STILL COUNTING).

    On July 8, 2014, in Episode 869, Class purported to bring in a “legal insider” as a guest on his radio show in order to validate, bolster and to provide support for his own amateur legal theorists about the law and the legal system. Class FRAUDULENTLY introduced this FAKE “legal insider” as “former attorney” and “former law enforcement officer”, “Debra Jones’’. As if those FRAUDULENT claims about Debra Jones were not bad enough, Debra Jones herself also FRAUDULENTLY claimed that she was once being “groomed” by the “Police Benevolent Association” to be “President of the United States” (an office that Rod Class himself once purported to run for as a “write-in candidate”). (In an apparent effort to cover all of the bases, Debra Jones has since added the titles “Dr.”, “ordained minister”, “martial artist” and “hypnotic therapist” to her resume’).

    Not surprisingly, during this 2 hour 43 minute show, this FAKE “legal insider” mindlessly “parroted” the same “amateur legal theories” (FAKE laws) and utterly delusional claims about the law and the legal system that Class himself makes. Rod Class’ radio audience was understandably shocked and horrified by the FAKE, FALSE and FRAUDULENT claims of Debra Jones who they genuinely believed was a real “legal insider” who was telling them the truth. This FRAUDULENT radio show became an internet sensation and was re-posted all over the web, much to the delight of Rod Class and Debra Jones.

    But, before putting her on his internet radio show, Class already knew that Debra Jones was NEVER a “former real estate attorney”, NEVER a “former law enforcement officer” and that she was NEVER being “groomed by the Police Benevolent Association to be “President of the United States”. The truth about Debra Jones is as follows::
    1. Debra Jones’ REAL name is “Debra Jenks Jones”;
    2. Debra Jenks Jones was born on May, 29, 1967;
    3. As of today, Debra Jenks Jones is currently 49 years old;
    4. Debra Jenks Jones’ social security number is (redacted) 531-80-XXXX;
    5. Debra Jenks Jones lives at (redacted) XXXX XXXth Street Court, Puyallup, Pierce County, Washington State, 98375-6130 and has lived there since April of 1995. This is the reason that many of her “seminars” on “voodoo law” are CONVENIENTLY held in the nearby Yelp, Washington State area;
    6. Debra Jenks Jones HAS NEVER HAD a “professional license” of ANY TYPE from ANY STATE which means that she was NEVER an “ attorney”, a person who would have had a “professional license” from at least one state (at least at some point in time in the past). This is the reason why Debra Jenks Jones will not reveal the name of the law school from which she allegedly received her law degree. This is also the reason that Debra Jenks Jones will not reveal the name of the state or states that allegedly issued her a license to practice law. Such a law school does not exist and such a state does not exist;
    7. Debra Jenks Jones was NEVER a “law enforcement officer” in any jurisdiction. This is the REAL reason why Debra Jenks Jones will not reveal the name and location of the alleged law enforcement agency (or agencies) in which she was an allegedly employed as a “law enforcement officer”. Such a law enforcement agency does not exist;
    8. Debra Jenks Jones was NEVER “being groomed by the Police Benevolent Association to be the President Of The United States”. This is the REAL reason that she will not reveal the names of the many people within that organization who were allegedly “grooming” her, the place where she was allegedly being “groomed” or the exact manner in which she was allegedly being “groomed”; 9. Debra Jenks Jones’ false claims to the effect that she grew up in Washington, D.C. and that she was a “former Congressional Aid” to a conveniently DEAD Congressman (to make verification impossible) in the “nation’s capital” was a self-glorifying fraud intended to throw investigators off of her trail as well as serving as an inside joke (because she really lives in Washington State, not in Washington, D.C.);
    10. Debra Jones’ published address on one of her three websites of “55 Santa Clara Avenue, #220B, Oakland, California, 94610” is a fraud intended to throw investigators off her trail. This FAKE address causes persons looking for her to futilely look for her in the state of California, rather than in the state of Washington State, where she actually lives and does “business” while pretending to be a “former real estate attorney” and a “former law enforcement officer” when peddling her “seminars” on “voodoo law”, “FAKE law” and “amateur legal theories”;
    11. Debra Jenks Jones’ published phone number on one of her three websites is “(360) 458-6678”. The fact that Debra Jenks Jones lives in Puyallup, Washington is the real reason that the area code for that phone number is “360”. Area code “360” is not the area code for Oakland, California (her published business address) or Washington, D.C. where she falsely claims to have grown up. Instead, area code “360” is the area code for that portion of Washington State south of Tacoma, Washington, where Puyallup, Washington is located (and where she has lived since 1995).
    12. Debra Jenks Jones operates THREE FRAUDULENT WEBSITES in order to illegally and fraudulently solicit money from her victims;; and
    13. As an complete OUTSIDER to the REAL law and the REAL legal system, Debra Jones has no “inside information” about the inner workings of the REAL law and the REAL system to share with you or with anyone else. She is a complete and total fraud. When you think about it, the “Debra Jones Hoax” and the “Judge DALE Hoax” have much in common. In the “Debra Jones Hoax”, Debra Jones manufactured FAKE titles and FAKE credentials for herself to help her “sell” her amateur belief system in the same way that in the “Judge DALE Hoax”, Rod Class manufactured a FAKE title and FAKE credentials for himself to help him “sell” his amateur belief system. Thus, Debra Jones fraudulently impersonates a FAKE “former attorney” and a FAKE “former police officer” when “selling” her amateur belief system while Rod Class fraudulently impersonates a FAKE “former federal judge” when “selling” his amateur belief system.

    NOTE: It is a federal felony to use a “means of interstate commerce” (like the internet) to commit fraud (like soliciting and collecting money from victims for seminars by fraudulently claiming to be a “former attorney” and/or a “former police officer”). It is a state crime to impersonate an ”attorney”. It is also a state crime to impersonate a “law enforcement officer). In many states, it is a state crime to impersonate a “Dr” or a clergyman, like an “ordained minister”.

    Jean Haines of did much to re-publish and perpetrate the “Debra Jones Hoax” among her own online readers/victims. Ms. Haines wrote a glowing article in which she lavished heavy praise on “Debra Jones”. In response, dozens of Ms. Haines’ readers/victims wrote to her and specifically asked her for the very information that we have provided herein (details on Debra Jenks Jones’ REAL background and her REAL contact information). In late 2015, we attempted to answer all those questions by posting an early draft of this very document among the comments below Ms. Haines’ article. But, during the “moderation” process, Ms. Haines saw fit to block this comment from being posted on her website (or otherwise caused this comment to not be posted there). In so doing, Ms. Haines thereby prevented her own readers/victims from receiving the TRUE facts about Debra Jones contained in this post, facts that they had specifically asked her for.

    Everything that Rod Class has ever told you is as true as his claims to the effect that Debra Jones is a “former real estate attorney” and “former law enforcement officer”. The reality is that Rod Class will not hesitate to lie to you and to defraud you if doing so helps him “sell” his “amateur belief system” about the law and the legal system to you. Needless to say, if you paid Debra Jones hundreds or thousands of dollars to attend one or more of her seminars in the belief that she is a “former real estate attorney” and a “former police woman”, then you were defrauded and ripped-off. You should demand your money back and/or contact law enforcement authorities. Lying to the American people about their law and their legal system is an act of treason against the American people and should be treated accordingly. Rod Class and Debra Jones should be ashamed of themselves for committing this VICIOUS ATTACK on the America people. They should both immediately apologize to the American people for what they have done and they should both immediately discontinue their pattern of fraud upon the American people.

    If you are among the dozens of people on who still wish to reach Debra Jenks Jones, the FAKE former “attorney” and the FAKE former “ law enforcement officer” who intentionally lied to you and defrauded you on Rod Class’ AIB radio talk show, you may do so by using the following contact information:
    1. Call her at her published phone number appearing on one of her three websites of (360) 458-6678 (this number is also reportedly used by “Sleepsonic, LLC, 303 1st Street South #2 Yelm, Washington State 98597”);
    2. Look her up in Puyallup, Pierce County, Washington State and write her (we will not publish her full
    address online);
    3. Email her at her published email address of [email protected]
    4. Write her at her FAKE published business address at TrustUP (sic) Providers, 55 Santa Clara Avenue, #220B, Oakland, California 94610 (and hope that your letter gets forwarded to her REAL address in Puyallup, Pierce County, Washington State);
    5. Try reaching her through her three known websites,, and
    6. Contact Rod Class and ask him for her REAL contact information.
    7. Contact Jean Haines at her website at and ask for her REAL contact information.
    8. “LightInDarkness”, a senior writer with claims that Debra Jones once announced that she could be contacted at [email protected] and at 323-642-8277. So, you might also try those avenues when trying to reach this FAKE “legal insider”.

    Snoop4truth is a legal expert who opposes the New World Order, globalization, corporatism, The Federal Reserve, fractional reserve banking (which is pure fraud and theft), false flag operations, endless wars and the contamination of our air, water, food and natural resources.

    Snoop4truth opposes the main-stream-media and legal disinformation for precisely the same reason, the people behind both disseminate intentionally false and fraudulent information in order to advance their own agenda at the expense of the American people who they fraudulently claim to serve.

    Snoop4truth did not expose the “Judge DALE Hoax”, the “Debra Jones Hoax” or the falsity of Rod Class’ claims in order to harm Rod Class or Debra Jenks Jones. Instead, Snoop4truth exposed the “Judge DALE Hoax”, the “Debra Jones Hoax” and the falsity of Rod Class’ claim solely to reduce the catastrophic damage that such PURPOSEFUL AND INTENTIONAL FRAUD inflicts upon the American people every single day.

    Had it not been for the Rod Class’ role in creating and perpetuating the “Judge DALE Hoax”, then Snoop4truth would not have exposed the “Judge DALE Hoax”, the “Debra Jones Hoax” or the falsity of Rod Class’ claims about the law and the legal system.

    There is a world of difference between an amateur legal theorist making an innocent mistake about the law on one hand and a charlatan manufacturing an elaborate hoax about the law to defraud the American people on the other hand. Snoop4truth will only expose those charlatans who engage in elaborate hoaxes about the law to defraud the American people. This is why, to date, Snoop4truth has only exposed the “Judge DALE Hoax” and the “Debra Jones Hoax”. Snoop4truth has no quarrel with the amateur legal theorist who makes a simple innocent mistake about the law. Such people are mistaken, but they are not charlatans. There is a difference.

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