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To begin with, the founders created a republic, and all of the founding debate in the late 18th century used the language of the republic from ancient Athens and Greece. And one of the key qualities of the republic was resistance to corruption. Now, they did not define corruption as bribery. They defined corruption as placing special or personal interests ahead of the common good — or today what we would call national interest. And when you apply that standard to politics in America today, we are a massively corrupt republic. – Gary Hart, former Senator from Colorado and 1984 Presidential candidate – Westword article link
TND Guest Contributor: Dave Kranzler
I’m not really sure why we celebrate the 4th of July anymore. What is it exactly that we’re celebrating? The fact that we’ve been stripped of the rights – the Bill of Rights – and the guarantee of those rights – by the most ruthlessly corrupt Government in history? Are we celebrating the fact that the police in this country get away with killing an average of 1 person every 7 hours? Perhaps some of you are cracking a champagne bottle over the fact that the business and political elite running this country are allowed to operate free from any fear whatsoever of violating the legal constraints originally put in place to prevent their unfettererd wanton acts of political rape, financial pillage and unbridled wealth theft.
Certainly all military activity since WW2 has been based on rampant U.S. imperialism seeded in the U.S. Government’s attempt to rule the globe – to impose our “exceptional” code of values and ethics (note the sarcasm) on the rest of the world. The principles and Rule of Law upon which this country was founded have been smashed and usurped by an uncontrollable, filthy band of criminal elitists and the corrupted politicians they have purchased. This specifically and especially includes “President” Obama, who is perhaps the most pathetic political sock-puppet in history.
The theme of the ruling elite this year is “beware of terrorists.” The news this morning was advising viewers to “report anything suspicious.” The fear-mongering propagated by our Government has become beyond ridiculous. Bankers and corporate America commit felonies – and in some cases have admitted it – yet, they go unpunished. In fact, at tthe absurd extreme, the front-running candidate to be the next President has openly committed treason and multiple felonies. Go figure that one.
In the context of the global community, it’s outright embarrassing, if not pathetic to be an American…I wanted to re-print this interview with Gary Hart published in Westword magazine, Denver’s version of New City’s “Village Voice.” Hart delivers a brutal assessment of this country’s lapse into Dante’s Inferno.
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About Dave Kranzler:
I spent many years working in various analytic jobs and trading on Wall Street. For nine of those years, I traded junk bonds for Bankers Trust. I have an MBA from the University of Chicago, with a concentration in accounting and finance. My goal is to help people understand and analyze what is really going on in our financial system and economy. You can follow my work and contact me via my website Investment Research Dynamics. Occasionally, I publish on Seeking Alpha too. As a co-founder and principal of Golden Returns Capital, LLC Mr. Kranzler co-manages the Precious Metals Opportunity Fund, a metals and mining stock investment fund.
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