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Dr. William Mount: ” Writers >>never Give Up !!! ” <>please Post This Message To “writers”

Friday, July 17, 2015 20:20
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(Before It's News)

William Mount
Writers – Never Give Up !!
Wed Jul 15, 2015

Writers – Never give up.

Pray (Visualize if you will) that all the forces coming against the truth
are cast into the Lake of Fire with no delay and with full prejudice

It is hard for those who are truly writing to expose the truth. You are
attacked by US Army Cyber Command, the CIA and a host of other
US ABC Agencies you may never have heard of.

Your websites and email accounts are taken down, many of you are
shot with odd type of weapons that cause strokes and heart attacks.

It is not easy to tell the truth when the norm is lying.

You are considered an oddball by your friends and an enemy of the
government for speaking the truth.

You are attacked on the net, in your finances, and physically using
weapons you have never even heard of.

Never Give Up.

These colors do not run.

If I am the last man standing for FREEDOM in America then so be it.

I will lead the way, follow me and expose the truth at every corner
of the Earth.

You Tube Video: Writers – Never Give Up

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

NESARA- Restore America – Galactic News


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