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By John Rolls (Reporter)
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Louisiana Supremes: Marriage Ruling ‘Complete Insult’ -’This is Not a Constitutionally Mandated Decision’

Thursday, July 9, 2015 9:09
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Bob Unruh / WND

Justices on the Supreme Court of Louisiana have ripped into the U.S. Supreme Court for the “complete insult” of creating “same-sex marriage.”

In its dismissal of a state marriage case because of the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling, the Louisiana judges pointedly emphasized “that the freedom of religious organizations to perform marriage ceremonies according to the dictates of their faith is not implicated herein.”

One judge, Jefferson Hughes, even dissented from the decision to let the state issue drop because of the U.S. Supreme Court’s Obergefell decision.

“Judges instruct jurors every week not to surrender their honest convictions merely to reach agreement. I cannot do so now, and respectfully dissent. Marriage is not only for the parties. Its purpose is to provide children with a safe and stable environment in which to grow. It is the epitome of civilization. Its definition cannot be changed by legalisms,” he wrote.

He said the Louisiana case involves adoption, and he was troubled by the prospect of “adoption by same sex partners of a young child of the same sex.”

How did America get from “Mayberry” to “gay marriage?” Here’s the explanation, in “A Queer Thing Happened to America: And What a Long, Strange Trip It’s Been.”

“Does the 5-4 decision by the United States Supreme Court automatically legalize this type of adoption? While the majority opinion of Justice Kennedy leaves it to the various courts and agencies to hash out these issues, I do not concede the reinterpretation of every statute premised upon traditional marriage,” he warned.

Others agreed to allow the case to drop but were displeased by being forced into the decision.

“Our U.S. Constitution envisions change through democracy and reserves to the states and the people all powers not delegated to the federal government. … Unilaterally, these five lawyers took for themselves a question the Constitution expressly leaves to the people and about which the people have been in open debate – the true democratic process,” wrote Louisiana Justice Jeannette Knoll.

“This is not a constitutionally mandated decision, but a super-legislative imposition of the majority’s will over the solemn expression of the people evidenced in their state constitutional definitions of marriage.”

Louisiana was among dozens of states in which voters adopted one-man-one-woman definitions of marriage. In many of those states, a single federal judge overturned the votes.

Knoll continued, “I write … to express my views concerning the horrific impact these five lawyers have made on the democratic rights of the American people to define marriage and the rights stemming by operation of law therefrom.

“The five unelected judges’ declaration that the right to marry whomever one chooses is a fundamental right is a mockery of those rights explicitly enumerated in our Bill of Rights,” Knoll wrote. “Simply stated, it is a legal fiction imposed upon the entirely of this nation because these five people think it should be.”

Read more at WND:

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Total 2 comments
  • You all marry your 1st cousins, half brothers & sisters right now.
    So, what the HELL is the big deal down there in the SWAMP of Louisiana?
    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

  • V.Religious, just because that is how it is in your family doesn’t mean everyone is that way. Don’t be such a f**king idiot!

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