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By Philosophers Stone
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Nuclear chemist finds cause of explosion of diseases worldwide is chemtrails made up of toxic coal ash

Sunday, July 12, 2015 1:10
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(Before It's News)

contrails_in_haarlemmermeerBy Ishtar Babilu Dingir

As a 60-year-old, I find it bizarre when people insist that our blue skies were always criss-crossed with blurred white lines. In my memory, they really were not that way. Even 20 years ago, the skies were clearer and bluer, and the thinner contrails from aeroplanes, which are much higher up, dispersed within minutes … unlike the metallic sheen from chemtrails which blocks the sun for half the day.

But it seems that how ever much evidence is provided to show that chemtrailing is a real and present danger to humanity, many cannot face even looking up to see them for fear that their whole world view would then come tumbling down.

It seems that some people need to tell themselves stories – no matter how unlikely the plotlines  – about their lives, in order to stay sane. They are like children who refuse to grow up … while the rest of us had to put away our toys some time ago. So I doubt this latest report will make much of an impact on them. But it is a welcome confirmation for those of us who are continually being told by the Child Catchers that we are crazy to ‘believe in’ chemtrails.

Dr. Marvin Herndon is a highly regarded nuclear chemist who is most noted for finding that the composition of the inner core of Earth is nickel silicide.

This month, in the peer-reviewed journal Current Science (Indian Academy of Sciences), Dr Herndon writes about his findings that chemtrailing or geo-engineering is taking place in our skies all over the world, and causing major health problems such as autism, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and ADHD to name but a few… not to mention the manifold destruction of plant and animal life.


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