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You Are Illuminated

Saturday, July 11, 2015 22:50
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God said:

You are I. We are Self-Perpetuating. In effect, We are an Echo of Our One Self. We are a Reverberation. We are Thoughts made from Oneness. We are an Idea, and We are so much more.

On Earth, you present yourself to Me, somewhat as if you were at a cotillion. Yet you are a Princess in disguise who presents her Self as Cinderella. In Reality, you are a Princess who disappears. Just the same, the silver slipper fits. And hearts are true, and love is true and is found everywhere, even in the most unlikely places.

You are a parade of My One Self, a Parade of Oneness on Earth, an unfolding of your One Self. You are like one of those photographs where the shutter keeps clicking. You see the same still photograph fanned out second by second in milliseconds. You had a dream, and I had a dream as well. My dream of you came true. You are illuminated. My Light I bequeathed to Myself in the illusive form of you. You are light and nothing but light.

You are a still photograph of light caught in motion. You are an atom moving and assembling and reassembling. You are My Picture of Love. You go on about the business of life in the world as a shell of your Self, even as the Truth Is You Are Complete, Entire, Wholeness. Life can only count to One.

You seem to be a sequence, yet you are Wholeness. Wholeness is Oneness.

You appear to have taken a walk from your Self, a walk from Me, yet you and I are Oneness, flat-out rounded Oneness. Oneness shines. Oneness trips over Itself to get out there and reveal the Marvelous Picture of the World. The world is only a picture, a representation, for the Reality of Oneness is Stillness.

Oneness is a tried and true Atom of Love spilling out into the Universe. Imagine a Silent Atom revealing Energy Twinkling, an Immovable Silence of Light Filling the Imagined Universe. Oneness is Real. That’s it, yet there is a Light that fills the Universe, and it is seen in color. Angels named Human Beings dance on the Head of a Pin. Life on Earth, as you know it, rolls out.

Life on Earth is like kneaded dough that appears as pie, appears as cake, appears as pastry, appears as bread and butter, appears in myriad shapes of deliciousness.

In your trek in the world, you hunt for your True Self. You find this and that, and, nope, that’s not It. This and that are not Oneness, but only a tiny speck of it. You search for the diamond until one day, you stumble upon your Self. You always had this diamond. You didn’t wear it. You were and are It. Now you realize Oneness. You may have looked everywhere but within.

All the answers are within. You appeared as a plodder when you are actually My Burgeoning Self all along. You kept looking for something that you already are. You looked in all the wrong places, yet, and here is the Joker, the Oneness of You was also always everywhere. If I am Everywhere, so are you.

Here’s the thing: There is no outside. There is Inner. You seem to play cards on a table. You seem to smoke cigarettes. You seem to win a hand, or you seem to lose a hand. All the while you are as One Atom Dancing Along and putting on a good show. You are proficient at Theater. I will go so far as to say that you are a Virtuoso of Oneness.

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