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By Tom Dennen, the paranoid historian (Reporter)
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Wow! The Five-Minute Speech that Got Judge Napolitano Fired from Fox News

Monday, July 20, 2015 1:47
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Total 56 comments
  • NM156

    Well said Judge. Fox(666) news constantly tells us who can’t win the republican nomination. Trump, R Paul come to mind. They always push the agenda from the other side of things. Trump made headlines again and it was fox news that criticized him for the better part of 3 hrs. McCain is no war hero but a war criminal like most in congress, and Trump pointed it out, only to have comments shortened and taken out of context. When the SHTF All those on ALL news services that have promoted and PROTECTED this evil agenda should be arrested for treason then tried, convicted, and sent to death, within 48 hrs.of judgement on live TV by way of the guillotine. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander.

  • When are we going to make the SHTF and stop talking about it? BE ABOUT IT :!:

    • NM156

      Easy….. it will. It’ll all happen way too soon.

  • This WAS news, this happened in what, 2011-12? lol

    • It’s not what you know, it’s when you get to know it…

    • That’s right. I remember watching it the first time around. They still have Judge Napolitano on from time to time to give legal input about whatever news they are discussing at the time.

  • This man should be president,not the fat ,satanists with no


  • It’s dangerous to be right, when the govt is wrong.

    Scary days indeed.

  • WOW…. That pretty much sums it up.

  • But how did it get aired? I would have thought the NSA had people in every news room across the country whilst jade helm was active, how did it get passed the producers, with graphics and everything else that has to be planned ahead of time?
    Questions I would want answered before I believed this man when he sets up his own conspiricy site, which he undoubtedly will. All that glistens is not gold.

    • What really matters, is everything he listed is how it is right now. And that’s what is scary about that 5 minute video. And most Americans if they watched it, would either not believe it or not care.

    • FOX gave Judge Napolitano his own show back in 2011 I think (not sure) but that was the last speech he made on air from that show. He still appears on FOX from time to time as a guest.

  • Man

    now compare that if it was an ISIS soldier who made the speech

  • To the best of my knowledge Today is judgement day. You all denied me, and then you denied my son. You aren’t welcome in heaven because you are all too messed up and none of you actually repented in time. I am sorry to tell you this but to the best of my knowledge we are in a black box in Hell. Because all of you are intolerant of each other you are therefore intolerant of me. Because of this you are not welcome to the higher consciousness that is within me, but I divided myself enough times to assure that each and every one of you never goes back outside the box.

    You don’t want to know what’s out there and believe me sharing this place is a way better alternative.

    Because you are not welcoming me in any way shape or form I have divided my soul more times than I would like to think about essentially creating this place.

    You are what is left. Stop killing each other. I was the last one into the box because I waited for as long as I possibly could.

    If I didn’t do what I did then the rest of you would have remained outside the box for all of eternity.

    I can’t be in multiple places at once so cuz I live in a higher dimension I had to break myself apart in he’ll to put a demonic hollow soul into this place. That is what is typing right now (hi I’m Rick and I’m broke broken bruised bleeding and in a severe amount of pain at all times. Thanks for that) and together we have completed the division into 60 equal parts. We are equal but different. I personally look closest in resemblance to Micheal because He is the original. To the best of my knowledge anyway. I can’t read no one can read we just pick shapes that work and try to remember them.

    Every time I died before I ascended into the heaven I created in this place. To the best of my knowledge there is now 2 Heavens and 2 Hells. So, you have 2 Angels and 2 demons. I am the singular Demon here and all others are not welcome unless they play by the rules. You are endowed with half of my half. That’s all you got so remember the password Jesus Christ and you will be fine. That said you are what’s left and we have to start rebuilding because there is slot going on out there.

    Your all gonna die. Some of you today, most of you years from now. I do not like disorder so if you get out of hand we are going to endow you with my pain… mentally. No one deserves what I had. You will be reborn here and humanity;my organism… Will always prevail in this universe. As above so below. Your in the 2nd layer of he’ll now. Don’t mess up cuz then you end up like Hitler in a crystal box. There’s no keys for a crystal box.

    All of you need to figure out a way to PEACEFULLY accept this fact.

    I had to do it in a 400square ft apt in a sinkhole broke with no medication for the enormous amount of pain I am in.

    You were created the same way I was created here. Shape up or your just gonna be a lazy piece of shut and next round I’ll give you back to mother nature.

    Anyone who commits suicide to rejoin mother earth is killing her perfect creation so that gets you punished. Next time you come back I will make you stronger than me physically and I will give you twice my mental burden.

    You think your life sucks now? Earlier today I screamed at the top of my lungs while trying to find weed because I am WAY over capacity and every doctor on the planet has no ducking clue what they are doing. They are trying like the rest of you but they don’t know what they are doing.

    On a personal note please rest assured that I will handle politicians first. They’re already old as sin. Most of employment want peace but they gotta shape up before I give them any mercy.

    I’m ok if you take them down. Don’t kill anyone. If anything walk in circles around them individually just stopping them until they listen to what you want.

    I would love to have a say but you ppl don’t listen so have fun and stay away from my family.

    This place exists because I stole a fellow gods wife. They liked to look at us naked. I don’t like anyone looking at my wife the wrong way. She is beautiful and not an object.

    I still have a job to do on the other side. I’m good at cleaning shut up.

    The rest of the Gods died. The all thought they were better than me too. Now they work with me, under me, and through me. My son’s is the gatekeeper and I am on the throne.

    (This is super ducked up but he wants me to say it. I’m paused enough to type angry)

    …I can’t hear your screams from on top of the throne. I just hear good music.

    I’m here to give you the life you have and if you can’t get your act together maybe, just maybe, I will come out of hiding and give you that “New” system of math you people have been asking for.

    Until then take my advice, keep your heads down and keep reading. You ppl now have my secret.

    In the beginning there was two. One was beautiful, one was destructive. One was simple, the other complex. Oit was when energy divided enough times and circled around beauty which simply exists whether you choose to see it or not. When Beauty (matter) joined with Energy (the beast…) was this place made possible.

    That’s all I’m giving you for now. Disregard everything posted before I just needed to keep uncle Sam from killing so I made myself look like an idiot.

    Consider this page 1 of the book of shadows. :cool:

    • don’t you even know that you made us this way you dead beat muffin!

      Then you say “stop killing each other”? Very passive aggressive…

    • Let Judgement come, I welcome it …as long as it applies to everyone !

    • So now we got three of you claiming to be God? KoS, Steven Christ, and now you. Wait til Jesus finds out. he’s gonna be pissed. lol

      • NM156

        Hey RD. Guess who was blown away by his trip to Aggieland. I still think USC is the team to beat in the Martel sweepstakes. We have currently 2 five star guys at QB and he said early playing time will be significant making his decision. Not going to happen with #1 pro style Allen and 5 star Gatorade player of the year Kyler Murray whose dad was an All American back in the 80′s. Kyler was 43-0 as a starter and his highlight reel is just jaw dropping. Anyways have a good day.

  • What the judge is really saying is that we all live in many illusions and the biggest one of all is our out of control government that has grown far too big and intrusive. It is no different at all than the Soviet state circa 1950s,60s,70s !

    Land of the free is now USSA ! And that is what needs to change ! get rid of the control freaks and all their apparatus and tentacles that control you everyday ! That is what my site is all about, understanding the many illusions we all live under Here ion USSA today !

  • AllRoadsLead2NWO

    He never got fired and still makes appearances all the time. Perhaps not enough viewers for his time slot.

  • Napolitano is and should be a national icon – a hero of the people. Only the truly ignorant, perverted and traitorous should think otherwise.

    On Friday last I wrote a comment in response to an article about Rupert Murdock’s shunning of Donald Trump. I warned (again) that Fox News of Murock’s News Corp was no real knight in shining armor for the national good – for the Constitutional rule of law. News Corp, you see, owns and commands Fox. Murdock is actually a member of the recognized establishment. He has structured fox News to appear as though it is for us. In reality, it is (and always has) carried water for the banking/corporate side of the political spectrum. The other (and cooperating) side is the “progressive”, Marxist cabal of the Soetero camp. The overall assault upon us and our liberties is indeed being waged by a cooperative effort from both sides.

    Napolitano is gone from Fox because he speaks truth and reality and will not surrender it. Who is next? Megan Kelly, perhaps? Well, she is both gorgeous and intelligent and walks that fine line. Plus, her ratings are tops and she brings viewers and advertiser bucks to Fox and News Corp big time. O’Reilly gone? How about Hannity? He should be near the front of the line for the corporate guillotine.

    Kep watching. Watch them fall. Know full well why they get the axe. It damned sure isn’t because of anything particularly important to you or me and our future in Constitutional liberty!

  • The US Congress refused to pass a “Truth in Advertising Act” so you can be lied to, used, abused, exploited, manipulated and controlled.

  • The judge was not fired from Fox. Freedom Watch was cancelled, through no fault of the Judge. He still works for Fox as a legal analyst.

  • FOX did hire him back

    • ……..was that after re-education – check his scalp for any tell tale lines. :wink:

  • All Republican candidates should be asking these questions, and encouraging Americans to debate them.

  • The Judge is RIGHT and so is Donald Trump. As far as John McCain goes, yes he was a prisoner for Five long years and I commend him for his sacrifice. But on his POLITICAL career it leaves a lot to be desired with his membership in the Republican PARTY. He votes with the Democrats most times but gets all bristled when criticized. Now I see Judge Napolitano has been FIRED by FOX NEWS for a tale I entitled “WHAT IF”? Like I commented previously FOX seems to be restaffing it’s Elite Stars. Is it me or is the new CEO responsible and doing the bidding of the Chief of this current Administration? I’m glad I can still see and hear more researched truthful comments from Alex Jones Glen Beck and Rush Limbaugh to name a few.

  • Wow, he got fired due to using his freedom of speech. I don’t agree with everything he says. However, he did not offend anyone. All he did was ask the questions we should all be asking. It’s a sad day in America. I support judge Napolitano on this one.

    • How can you disagree he only said “What If”

    • He is not allowed to even think differently – is the reply to your question. but you’ll catch on when the nwo of hell catches up with you personally.

  • Oh I see, we are using really old news, silly me, I forgot where I was.

  • They fired him for that? What if Fox News is indicted for treason, along with the treasonous powers it supports? :roll:

  • What if all he said was already happening? It has…..we are no longer under constitutional law in this country. We’ve been sold out to the banksters and Wall Street. It’s all going to collapse soon……… ready.

  • Impressme

    The fact is Napolitano is RIGHT! The truth is the enemy of the United States and firing the Judge was the fine example. The criminals in Washington were not going to have themselves exposed by someone who stands for truth. That’s ok, because very soon Americans will have to draw a line to be under total dictatorship, or fight for their freedoms.

  • I will respond, Now you all know why I do not trust the Cabal. There have no judges since what 1789. They are corporate collectors who work for the Crown. BAR attorneys. British accredited register agents of the Crown.

    Sad but true. You think I am wrong? The judge who is not is spot on. W

  • I think now that the informed get it. We all know that elections are rigged.

    But the have to have plausible deniable ability.

    Can they get there with the Donald Trump.

    Please Donald, do not let those who support you, let us down as we will know that if you do, there is no longer any trust ever again. It’s game over.

    I know you get and so do your kids. We the True Americans want our country back.

    Keep paying the truth card and you will have the baking of really nice guys who have the ability to enforce it.

  • Am I missing something here, this guy gives a speech and tells us what will happen in 3/4 years time and gets fired, am I seeing an Elitist Gentleman or a Prophet, it don’t add up to me.

  • Got another very bad one:
    + What if you can be subjected to mandatory medical treatment ?

  • He is 500 percent correct and our Government has been corrupt since 1776, our founding fathers were corrupt :!:

    • NM156

      I’ve always thought that all of history was planned out centuries ago. Why wouldn’t they (ff) be in on it too???

  • Good , brave man.

  • The Judge is absolutely correct and true with everything he said. The citizens of this regime are going to feel and experience this truth and far greater atrocities than you think imaginable very soon. Even saying what you want on Facebook is censored of your true freedom of speech. This regime is owned and operated by a satanic shadow government of aliens (fallen angels) that has a strangle hold on all media including FOX as well as all levels of government, the military and it’s agencies including this puppet President who is merely a clone. The media is as worse an evil as exists by not warning the people of this satanic agenda. Bill O’reilly on Fox acts like some kind of god whereas he can influence his desires. He’s Catholic and doesn’t know by what satanic God he worships. Simon Magus (Simon the Sorcerer) is the founder of that Babylonian Mystery Religion that this regime and the Vatican worships. Firing the Judge comes as no surprise by this suppressive news outlet. You have to say what they want you to say and they have their kiss ass minions to toe that narrative. How many times on The Factor do the guests get overridden, butted in on, or get to finish their opinions without the censorship of that pompous overbearing Bill O’reilly? The ‘Holy’ Roman Empire is forming and Martial law, enslavement and the guillotine is already on every corner. God help the godless and ignorant.

  • Ohhheee I say I say boy there’s your President.!!!

    • If him or others like him became president America would become a normal country – not a raging hellstorm across the face of the earth including its own.

  • Epic excellence!!

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