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11 Ways To Keep Negative Thoughts From Harming Your Health

Sunday, August 16, 2015 4:17
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(Before It's News)

by Dr. William Cole

Did you know that you have around 60,000 thoughts every day? And what's even more surprising: Stanford researcher Dr. Fred Luskin has found that a staggering 90% of those thoughts are repetitive.

Think about that: 9 out of 10 of your thoughts are ones you have incessantly. And for many people these thoughts are not only repetitive, but negative.

Negative thoughts bring a prolonged cycle of stress — and that's very damaging to your overall health.

In fact, one study found that psychological stress actually lowers your immune system and raises inflammation in the body. Stress can also be a trigger for autoimmune problems: research from 2001 revealed that patients with Graves' disease had more stressful life events before their diagnosis, compared to control groups.


For most of us, so much of our day is wrapped up in the sublime storm of unconscious, repetitive thought. This keeps stress alive in your life.
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