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A Call to the Goddess Women of the World: The Return of the Sacred Feminine

Saturday, August 22, 2015 6:43
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A Call to the Goddess Women of the World: The Return of the Sacred Feminine

A Call to the Goddess Women of the World - the Return of the Sacred Feminine - divine

21st August 2015

By Little Bear

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

Healing Duality

In the history of humankind we have arrived at the juncture where the disharmony and violence within the collective of humanity and destruction against Gaia Sophia – the spirit name of our Mother, Earth – poses an alarming threat to continued Life on this planet. The wounds of this conflict are indeed a reflection of our individual and collective disconnection from the very source of all Life – Divinity – and pro tanto the natural world of Gaia Sophia.

Contemporaneously to the never-ending moment of destruction, we are being called into the era of Conscious Evolution: to consciously and collectively evolve beyond the endless moments of disconnection, discord and disharmony that presently exist on Earth; to actively participate in creating a New Earth, grounded and centred in our awareness of our inherent Divinity and Oneness; the Oneness that we find in Unity or Fifth dimensional consciousness, as creations of the superior force of Life – the Creative Life Force of All That Is.

Integral to our collective healing is our remembrance of the Sacred Feminine essence, energy and principle. The Feminine principle and energy is the source of our connection to Love, to Creation, and is the embodiment of a deeply held connection to Nature, “Mother Earth”. She is the very fabric of our life. She is the force of love and unity that flows within our collective and individual psyche, regardless of our gender. She is the destroyer of illusion and the healer of wounds. She is the ‘Goddess’ and the Spirit of Life. She is the Seer and her voice is one of immense insight, embodying the qualities of wisdom, love, intuition, understanding and compassion. She is our connection with Nature and our natural world. She is the means by which we are connected to Earth and all realms. She is grounded in Nature, deeply connected to the source of Life, and the speaker of the language of wisdom, balance and Love.

Yet the light and force of the feminine has been, by current and historical systems and practices, suppressed into silence, pain and darkness, resulting in a profound disconnection from Creation and cataclysmic harm to all of Life. And so it is now that we are called to consciously remember, re-join, celebrate and rebirth into the present realm of the third dimension, the awareness of our inherent Divinity and reunite with the love of Sophia: the Sacred Feminine essence and energy that is the conduit to the Source of Life.

And it is a real need, as humanity’s future depends on our ability to evolve into awareness of our Oneness and the vibration of the Fifth dimensional consciousness of Unity, Divinity and Love. So, in the path of our Conscious Evolution into a New Earth, any story that does not carry within it the voice, vision and wisdom of the feminine – the Sacred Feminine – is an incomplete story and journey of humankind from this moment forward.

The Philosophy of Conscious Evolution

Humanity will consciously evolve by the dual process of unbundling and untangling ancient man made beliefs and practices, and contemporaneously, re-birthing into the present realm the wisdom and knowledge of our Sacred lineage. In so doing, we remember that we – humanity – are the products and constituents of the source of Life and as such, we are but mere players on Life’s stage, creating our reality daily.

The path of our conscious evolution is found in individual healing and transformation into self-love and re-connection with the source of all Love – our Divinity. And our collective transformation is borne of the remembrance of the inalienable truth that We Are All One; that each of us is an intrinsically unique expression of the One Creative Life Force; that we are all sourced from Source, and that Source — the Creative Force of Life, the Great Spirit — is a force of Love.

A Call to the Goddess Women of the World - The Return of the Sacred Feminine 1

And so, to heal and evolve, we must remember, reunite with and embrace all the parts of self and heal the inner child within: for the path to healing is a path to wholeness. In the words of Marianne Williamson, “you must learn a new way to think, before you can learn a new way to be”. But more than ever before, our challenge is to move beyond thinking and into the felt sense of our hearts as we chart the path to healing and wholeness.


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