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Amanda & Douglas Jewell Tell All Re GcMaf & Dead Doctors

Tuesday, August 11, 2015 7:37
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Source: Spiro 

GcMAF – the latest discovery in the fight against cancer has excited the whole world of medicine, and upset the cancer industry and the authorities.

A few days ago Amanda Mary Jewell & her husband Douglas innocently went on a holiday to the Island of Dominica & suddenly became prisoners in their hotel room because vile rumours were circulated in the Island’s press & on radio to the effect that they were wanted for arrest in the UK for “killing babies with industrial bleach”. This is the extent that the authorities will go to, to suppress the news that GcMAF is a very effective cure for all illnesses related to the immune system. Many people connected to the research have mysteriously died in the past  month & this couple will be returning to the UK on Tuesday 11th August in dreadful fear for their lives.

They are asking for people to meet them at Gatwick Airport at 9.30am on Tuesday 11th August to assist their safe passage out of the airport. This is not scaremongering.
This is very real.
If you can help them, do it please!


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