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Lord Mayor questioned in paedophile sex ring case

Sunday, August 16, 2015 4:51
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(Before It's News)

DETECTIVES investigating child sex abuse claims at the Dolphin Square apartment complex in London have questioned trustees of the block, including a former Lord Mayor of Westminster.

Alan Bradley claims that someone has a vendetta against him and insists the claims are false
Officers from the Metropolitan Police’s Operation Midland have been interviewing residents to see if there is any truth in the rumours of a VIP paedophile ring.

They have visited current and former trustees, including Alan Bradley, who lives in the plush riverside development in Pimlico. He was questioned two months ago.

They asked the former councillor, who retired last May after 36 years, if he was aware of any abuse. Mr Bradley said he had been the target of unsubstantiated rumours that he had attended sex parties in the 1930s block.

He said he knew nothing about paedophile rings and added that the allegations against him “had not one shred of evidence” and were the result of a “vendetta”. He was not arrested and was not interviewed under caution.

Mr Bradley, who held the title Lord Mayor of Westminster in 1995?1996, is also a former vicechairman of the Dolphin Square Trust and is a director of residents’ group Dolphin Square 2005.

Mr Bradley said: “A couple of officers came to see me about the time they were interviewing a few other trustees who have lived here since the 1970s and beyond.

“They were primarily concerned with what I knew, if I’d ever seen or heard anything untoward or was aware of any reports of improper behaviour in my role as a trustee.

“I told them I’d known nothing of that sort of happening here.

“They asked whether I knew of some allegations made about me attending parties. I replied that I did know about the rumours but that there was not one shred of truth in them.


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