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By BARRACUDA (Reporter)
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Federal Reserve “We Won’t Give You Your Gold Back!”, A Sign Of Financial Crisis

Wednesday, September 16, 2015 7:36
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Federal Reserve “We won’t give you your gold back!”, a sign of financial crisis. Consistently, the Federal Reserve Bank of NY has declined to return gold to other nations, and have even refused to let foreign nations inspect their gold. Many are now speculating that the Federal Reserve Bank may not even have any gold left. Some have even suggested the bars at the FED are gold plated for show.

In Revelation 18, we read how “Mystery Babylon” is destroyed financially first. We’ve seen the billions of dollars paid out in pedophile cases, but now we are going to see her stripped of her remaining wealth. The international banking triangle of power is split between: The Vatican Bank, the Bank of England (Rothschild), and the Federal Reserve Bank of NY. When the U.S. dollar, the world’s reserve currency, fails, we shall see the global economic collapse. 

“And he [the Angel] cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, ‘Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird.’”

“For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies.” Revelation 18:2-3

Since the inception of the Federal Reserve Bank, there has not been one audit. They operate in secrecy and impunity. Why is it we continue to take these global bankers on their word? I think it’s time to audit the Federal Reserve!!! 


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Total 14 comments
  • They’re right. One cannot see what is not there. :???:

    • Or will easily identify the plated tungsten, if that’s even still there. Those were probably already traded out to places needing fakes, like maybe hey give us one real kg bar and we’ll give you these 10,000 tungsten plated bars. Poof you just increased your gold holdings by several orders of magnitude!

      • Oh what I would give to have to get the cordinance of the underground bunkers for the Rothschilds, Rockefeller’s and the Gates.
        Boom, out go the lights!

  • According to the Vatican,Jews run their bank…Jews run the Federal Reserve,and of course the Rothschilds are Jews…
    So it really isn’t split up…Jews steal everything like usual.
    Of course Queen Beatrix Makes Chabad Chief Rabbi ‘Officer of the Order of Orange-Nassau’
    should be no surprise either.

    • According to a World Bank Whistle blower called Karen Hudes who worked in the World bank for over 20 years as an Attorney the Vatican is in cahoots with the Bankers and Intelligence agencies to loot the World of all its wealth, she says they are hiding it away in vaults all around the World

      And the fact is the MOTHER of ALL central Banks is the BIS, Bank of International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland

      During WW2 the Bank of International Settlements was ran by a NAZI Banker called Walther Funk, and they used to sell NAZI GOLD made of Jews Teeth and Wedding Rings for Adolf Hitler

      It mentions their Nazi involvment during WW2 on the following Wiki link

  • How does bible BS always get brought up??? Because yeah I put stock in the rantings of long dead nut bars on scopolamine.

    • It’s ashamed you have nothing to look forward to at the end of your life or so you think . I believe you are going to really be surprised ! Let the bitterness go and stop and think everything through . Which came first the chicken or the egg ? When you answer that with facts then you will realize that there really is a GOD . And He does care for you or He would not have given you a soul at birth . Along with that you got a free will . You have every right to question , but someone somewhere has hurt you and for this I say I am sorry . Set down and reason everything into existence . Things are to wonderfully made to be an accident . You are not an accident ! You are a purpose . GOD doesn’t make junk , it all has a purpose for being , just like you .

  • jdp…Ron Paul has been trying get an audit for years. If we can ever get one, we will know the truth.

    • To me, not having an audit of Fort Knox since before I was born says it all. Just like the majority of people and workers in and around Fort Knox think the gold is gone, so do I. It is easier for them to spent the gold to keep the only currency in competition to the Federal Reserve Note down and then lie about the gold they have. What else would you expect from ethically and morally challenged un-American bankers.

    • Well, that’s just silly! How do you audit gold painted pieces of wood? Of course they could borrow all the needed gold from the FED for the audit.. Oh, sorry.. they cant .. the Fed spent (stole) all their gold too, which isn’t their gold, but Germany’s England’s China’s France’s Italy’s.. Russia’s, Belgium’s (although I believe Belgium got ahead of the curve and withdrew their gold 50 years ago)
      It’s all been spent, along with the missing trillions of $ from the pentagon, into tunnels and bunkers for the wealthy.
      And that alone must tell you that something catastrophic is coming. All I can say is I hope one of their pre programmed shooters cracks up while locked up with them in the tunnels :twisted:


  • FED is a talmudic-jewish Bank! The talmudic-jews have the gold. The others have the paper money.

  • AllRoadsLead2NWO

    All gold would be confiscated- just like evil and appointed National Socialist Dictator Franklin Delano Roosevelt did in america in 1933.

    • AllRoadsLead2NWO

      Here is the Dictatorial ‘executive order’ unless you are unfamiliar.

      America has never been a ‘free country’ and was created for One reason only -to usher in the New World Order. It was not founded by judeo-christians but by the Masonic Order.

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