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By Sound Of Heart - Galactic Free Press
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Daily Message ~ Saturday October 24, 2015

Saturday, October 24, 2015 8:44
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Dear Ones, to nurture your relationships, we suggest you consciously pay attention to the traits you enjoy in others. There is a natural tendency to do this when your relationships first start, but then, as time goes by, you start to become more focused on what you do not like than what you do. It is your appreciation for the other that will support and continue that first flush of love you feel, allowing the “honeymoon phase” to last. Remember, appreciation acts as an energetic anchor, and through your focus you get to nurture and grow what is desired in your precious unions. The most successful partnerships you see in your lives are those that demonstrate a deep appreciation for each other, whether they be based on work, friendship, or love. ~Archangel Gabriel



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