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THE MILLENNIUM REPORT: Reporting the Most Important News in the World Today
People gather at the site where a cargo plane crashed into a small farming community on a small island in the White Nile river, close to Juba airport in the Hai Gabat residential area, on November 4, 2015. © Charles Lomodong / AFP
TMR Editor’s Note:
This second Russian plane crash appears to be another message from the CIA, MI6 and MOSSAD to Putin’s Russia. That two Russian airplane disasters have taken place so close to each other is not coincidental. Both have all the appearances of inside jobs. Both were quite stealthily covered up during all phases of these typical black operations.
Exactly what is that message sent by the USA, UK and Israel? As follows from a previous TMR commentary:
“Get out of the Mideast or else Russia will expose its civilian and military flights to similar threats.”
(Source: Russian Metrojet Takedown Evidence Points To A Bomb Or Directed Energy Weapon)
Simply put, the real Axis of Evil will not tolerate Russia’s interference in the Middle East. Quite frankly, the whole Zio-Anglo-American Axis is shocked at Russia’s sustained and overwhelming airstrikes on the ISIS, ISIL And IS military positions throughout the Levant. Russia has blown up the entire Greater Israel Project in a month’s time to the utter horror of Tel Aviv, London and Washington.
Putin Goes Ballistic In Syria, Obliterates The USA’s Secret ‘Mideast Strategy’
To the point, the AAA (Anglo-American Axis) has had the entire Middle East hardwired for centuries, and much more so since the creation of the Modern State of Israel (MIS). The establishment of the rogue criminal nation like the MIS was just a stepping stone toward taking complete control of every country within the Mideast region. Such command and control was to be implemented by every means necessary, some covertly; others overtly like Iraq and Libya.
Nevertheless, the AAA never expected the Russian Federation to enter such a snake pit. Putin et al. knows full well that the CIA, MI6 and MOSSAD will perpetrate all manner of civilian atrocities, military massacres and terrorist attacks in order to drive them out … forever. Russia is especially vulnerable along it extremely long borders with those countries that have been used to wage proxy wars against the Motherland. However, the Axis of Evil has grossly underestimated Putin’s Russia in this particular regard.
Russian Airliner Takedown Over Sinai: Was It The MOSSAD, the CIA, ISIS Or All Three?
The current Mideast reality is such that Russia is terribly exposed. Anything that Putin attempts to conduct on the periphery of his highly disciplined military operations in Syria is subject to serious AAA interference. A passenger jet and cargo plane are perfect examples of such brutal violence and mayhem. Asymmetric warfare has always been the hallmark of the MOSSAD as Israel was literally born out of terrorism … just as it is sustained by false flag terrorism.
The crashed plane may have had about 20 crew and passengers, two of which survived, according to the South Sudanese president’s spokesman. Also, others on the ground may have been killed.
Reuters says its eyewitness has counted over 40 bodies at the crash site, but it is unclear how many of those were on board.
A South Sudanese presidential representative has stated that there were 12 passengers and six crewmembers on board, five of them Armenian and one Russian.
A conflicting report suggested that 50 people were onboard the plane, the South Sudan Tribune said, citing local authorities.
The plane was owned by the local Allied Services air carrier, and was 45 years old.
An unidentified police officer near the scene told Reuters that there were two survivors, including a child, but could not say how many people were on board or give further details.
A woman and seven children are among the victims, the local National Courier media outlet reported.
The agency’s eyewitness saw aircraft lying across the White Nile River, Reuters reports. According to the local radio station’s Twitter feed, the crash occurred around 800 meters from Juba airport.
Experts at the scene have said the crash was likely caused by overloading or a technical error, the South Sudan Tribune reported.
The plane was headed to Paloich in the Upper Nile region, a source told the National Courier.
THE MILLENNIUM REPORT: Reporting the Most Important News in the World Today
In all the complaining about “islam” … it is *NEVER* shown why “islam” is not a religion … “islam” is *ONLY* a political entity (with a military arm). It’s very simple to prove this.
The “islam” machine claims that they are from … God’s covenant with Abraham.
The severe problem here … is that the “koran” rejects all manner of Abraham covenant writings, like the below (for example) … much more listed on >
Does God have “prophets” who are liars against His Abraham covenant writings ? No, mohammed is not a prophet, “islam” is not a religion (just like the heresies are not religions).
– – – – –
The “koran” in … “maryam 19:35” >
“It is not befitting to (the majesty of) Allah that He should beget a son.”
Catholic Faith (pre-fulfillment) writing of Proverbs 30:4 >
“Who hath ascended up into Heaven, and descended? What is the name of *His Son*.”
– – – – –
The “koran” in … “an nisa 4:157” >
“That they said (in boast), “We killed Christ Jesus the son of Mary, the Messenger of Allah. – but they killed him not.”
Catholic Faith (pre-fulfillment) writing of Daniel 9:26 >
“Christ shall be *slain*: and the people that shall deny Him shall not be His.”
– – – – –
The “koran” in … “ali imran 3:2-3” >
“Allah. There is no god but He, the Living, the Self-Subsisting, Eternal.”
Catholic Faith (pre-fulfillment) writing of Genesis 18:1-3 >
1: “And *the Lord* appeared to him in the vale of Mambre …”
2: “And when he had lifted up his eyes, there appeared to him *Three* Men standing near to him and as soon as he saw them, he ran to meet Them from the door of his tent, and adored down to the ground.”
3: “And he said: *Lord*, if I have found favour in thy sight, pass not away from thy servant.”
- – - – - – - – - -
C A U T I O N: The Catholic Church has had *zero* … physical properties, priests, and bishops since 8 December 1965 … because of the Sources of Dogma on automatic excommunication for heresy.
Mountains of proof >
Photographic proof >
Pipe down Edomite.
In order to get a better perspective of what kind of trash Islam is , please read the French Phiolsopher ,Michel Onfray’s book on Islam & Chrristianity and see for yourself how the very clever Jews of Bethlehm very elaborately created a very poisonous brain washing sect called Islam to forever enslave half of the world’s population.Quoran is nothing but a fake carbon copy of Torah.
Dear Mike, ‘God’s covenent with Abraham’? And who is this big God that demands a capital letter? Is it the one and only who commands the multiverses or is it one of the slightly ‘smaller’ gods who went around killing people to make a point, as described in the texts you quote. I suspect it was the latter, the god you mention wanted all humans dead as a consequence of the flood. We were saved as a hybrid race only by a benevolent lesser god but you didn’t mention him. I similarly hope that you do not believe that God and the Lord are the same entity when you quote the Lord in the later reference. They are not.
My point, of course, is that you seem to have your Ggods mixed up. If you read widely enough and stop spouting lines that you don’t understand you too will be able to differentiate your Ggods and a whole new vista will open up before you.
Let me be blunt: as long as this planet has “privileged” elites, royalty, bankers, criminal politicians, insurance conmen, fraudulent courts and every bent spiv who games society(us) for their “Profits” fueled by a MONEY/BANKING SCAM that has entrapped the entire planet/system, WE ARE DEAD.
WE need a Global Non-Profit Bank that SERVES everyone on this planet, bar none.
WE need a BANK that raises the bottom upwards and limits personal GREED.
WE need to ARREST the leaders and place THEM in prison for CRIMES AGAINST YOU.
WE need a BANK that charges NO INTEREST, DOES NOT fund WARS.
WE need OUR lives to be OURS, just as GOD gave us ALL for FREE.
WE need to sack the SATANS destroying OUR HOME. I NEED YOU ALL TO CHANGE YOUR MINDS BY CHOICE. WE CANNOT VIOLATE LAW. THE FINAL CHOICE IS LOVE OR MONEY? LIFE OR DEATH? GOD OR MAMMON. LOVE ALF. I HATE NICOLAITANS! PS: I just so happen to have a design for said bank. By myself I can do nothing, but united WE can fix our lives. IF you happen to have a few lazy billion or so laying about just donate it to start our own bank and refuse THEIR filthy lucre. NOW THAT WOULD BE A MIRACLE. The world can fund itself without parasites. But my guess is most would rather have a global war and kill each other, because that is what evolved monkeys do. Drop those bombs and make them see reason! FOOLS AND IDIOTS ABOUND.
Since, even if the Russia’s showed incontrovertible evidence of US, MI6 and MOSSAD involvement, the Zionist media would dismiss it as a lie. What Putin CAN do, is publish the names of ALL media professionals on the payrolls of these agencies in RUSSIA TODAY and SPUTNIK. Even better, simultaneously assassinate the SIX owners that control 90% of Western media. While chaos ensued in the CIA, MOSSAD and MI6, the angry mobs would take care of those agencies-owned media professionals, hopefully in extremely creative ways. Governments would fall in the West; and we just might get the free societies we deserve.
what drug are you on now – the only relationship between russia and that plane was that it was made in russia and had 1 ie ONE russian on board. thats like saying an attack on the taj mahal was an attack against Princess Dianna because she visited it once…..
out loud
I did not know that, thanks
War hawks have twisted the truth once again and that one got past me.
Egypt did not do as they were told and this is why David Cameron is trying to piss off tourists using the guise of “Our Safty” but it comes far too late and for our safty we need to lock Mr Cameron up along with the others in this country that are taking bribes from banakers and corporations.
The word is Treason, time we used it.
LOL! Putin thought it was easy. Bomb here and bomb there and stick your chest out like a real HE-MAN.
Well, it is costing you a lot you buffoon!!
Putin single handedly decapitated western hegemony, ISIS terrorists and the Israeli greater Middle Eastern genocide but to you he’s just a buffoon.
Right that makes a lot of sense.
pink slime = moron. He doesn’t even know the difference between an angel and an angle, and his moron ass lets us know it practically every single time he posts.
Or is it every time you read him?
you’re talking to a lunatic
Lies cannot stand up to the truth and it is time we held our leaders to account
Big bad Mr Putin is bombing hospitals in Syria according to our press and is something Israel is allowed to get away with all the time so surly it would be easy for the state department to give us the name of the hospitail that got bombed.
Watch what happens when the US state department are asked for a name, location, anything
Doctors without borders will tell you who’s bombing hospitals in Syria and it’s not Russia
The hospitals thing is actually becoming a bit more interesting. Of course the west have cited nonexistant hospitals in blaming Russia but the doctors without borders one that happened first that the western military actually admitted publicly was reported to possibly have been a drug distribution center. But that still doesn’t even make sense because why would the U.S. bomb its own heroin hospital? Unless, of course, it wasn’t the U.S. who really bombed it. Which draws back into question why would the U.S. military admit doing it?
The report was citing a Ukraine Donbas org that kicked out the doctors without borders for distributing illegal drugs through some hospital there. Then using that to presume they would have been dealing drugs out of the bombed hospital in Afghanistan. It does seem like it kindof adds up. Because of all the massive heroin that the U.S. has been harvesting in Afghanistan. Obviously they would need some sort of humanitarian front org to help distribute the drugs.
Then again maybe they did it because of the pull out strategy to cover up the evidence. Because we know the U.S. already initiated their pullout strategy when they bombed the electrical infrastructure after Russia defeated ISIS.
Yes it was in-fact the CIA and the rest of its goons, but Russia already captured the two CIA assets that were involved in this mission. Apparently they used sophisticated technology to lower the plane altitude such that the ground-to-air missile could hit it. Hence, the reason Putin cancelled all flights to Egypt immediately after that. It’s a job done by the Russian’ special forces with air cover from a c-130 out of Iran. We are already at war. It’s only going to get worse. As the Chinese Yuan rises to reserve level the war will increase.