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By King of Shambhala (Reporter)
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Credible New Proof Apocalypse Has Broken. Hours Leading Up To End Of World (Video) Recognize Me Now Or You’re Lost!

Sunday, November 22, 2015 10:38
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(Before It's News)

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By King of Shambhala (I announce the Apocalypse and Revelation as a Buddhist reluctantly delving into the Christian Apocalypse as a Messenger of it. I’m the Messiah/Jesus.)


I’ll give a test to you to know if you’re going to heaven or to hell. Did you reveal the Antichrist Obama?


Let’s gather and form the Messengers of the Apocalypse, the Bible’s “Army of Truth”! We have to form our battle-troops. the Apocalypse’s Messngers must go forth and spread the message to the whole world and fan out on media, Internet, the news etc…. everywhere.


Rabbi Rami Levy & 15 year Old Natan English Subtitles – Testimony About The End of Days Coming Soon



Testimony About The End of Days Coming Soon Rabbi Rami Levy & 15 yr Old Natan English Subtitles




Has anyone noticed something hair-raising? This is the proof the kid Natan in that video above is for real: his T-shirt says “CHICAGO”. You people must all know (or you’re ugly and stupid clueless morons ) Obama is from Chicago. Obama’s the Antichrist. Natan says Obama’s Gog, the one who unites 70 countries to attack Israel and break the Apocalypse. Put two and two together and connect the dots. Use your pathetic brains for once in your sorry lives. The kid’s for real because he couldn’t figure all that out. It means he’s a witness. He just says what he heard. Wearing that T-shirt’s a sign of connecting all the dots. How could he have chosen a T-shirt with “CHICAGO and announced that Obama, the ex-Senator of Chicago, Illinois, was the Antichrist? Use your brains if just for the first time in your sorry pathetic lives, people. Act as if you were intelligent and beautiful people, with some moral values at all. Listen to what I say and spread the message. I’m a university-person and did 28 years of post-university research upon the Buddhist Apocalypse deity Kalachakra and it’s Apocalypse-prophecy. You inbred backward Christian Bible-thumpers are pathetic excuses for human beings. You don’t use the stuff between your ears you claim to call a brain AT ALL. Follow me or you’ll have not even a rat’s arse’ chance of gaining heaven.


In the Apocalypse all will be damned to eternal fire in the Sulphur lake of fire and brimstone. None will be saved on earth. Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus, Muslims (Islam is the worst thing existing in the world), all will be thrown into hell along with he who has ruled the world, Obama the Antichrist. If you’ve not revealed him as the Abomination of Desolation said, you’ll be doomed. You’ll have no chance even in a million of being saved.  Let’s backtrack: the Bible says that when you hear the news of the Second Coming (I’m bringing you that news in this comment) you must run out of your house, drop what you’re doing and what’s in your hand, if you’re in a field ploughing, leave the plough in the furrow and ‘RUN’. That is the direct quote of the Bible. What does “RUN” mean? It means to go out…. because the only ones who will be saved in the Apocalypse will be the Messengers of the Apocalyypse says the Bible. “RUN” means to go out and run to join the Messengers which are my followers. I’m the way and I’m the Truth. All others are false christs and they’re NOT the way and the Truth. I’m gathering the Messengers of the Apocalypse. We alone will be saved. The rest (which are the total world population of 7,5 billion) will be thrown into the deepest hells. More precisely, they’ll not die – but they’ll be suspended of their judgment until their natural timely deaths, when they’ll be thrown into the deepest hells as judgement for their sins. The judgment is suspended until they naturally die. The Apocalypse is no destruction. It’s a judgment of the entire world’s sins and the revelation of the Antichrist ruling over and leading all the evil of the world. The Judgement Day of their sins is NOW. We Messengers of the Apocalypse do that and I’m the Judge of their sins.  The main sin making or breaking peoples’ destinies, deciding between this person and that person, will be whether they revealed the Antichrist Obama or not.  Revealing the Antichrist Obama is our Messengers’ mission. We must spread this news if we want to be saved. That means we must cover the earth from East to West and reveal Obama’s the Antichrist to the whole world from the USA to Asia and back again, over and over and over on all media, Internet, the news, etc… everywhere everywhere everywhere. Go go go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!; with the news that he’s the Antichrist. If you want to be saved hurry because this message is once only. If you don’t recognize me now you’re lost.



Hurry to contact me at Twitter (, YouTube (, Google,( BeforeItsnews, (/contributor/pages/15/190/bio.html) Hotmail, (http://[email protected])  Many signs are showing the APOCALYPSE NOW of revealing the Antichrist Obama.
IMPORTANT NEWS: Comments disabled because people (Geeper [a homosexual furthering the murderous homosexual agenda], Gus Fang, “The Clucker”, caoneil76) reveal my private info online which is a crime. (Judge Tafoya ruled on it in Colorado in 2013: it is forbidden to reveal your opponent’s private information on Internet. Case “Delgaudio VS SPLC”) I got death threats too and got two criminal posters (“Crowpie” and “Doggoneit”) banned for that. The feds Trump will lead as president will track down these accomplices to Obama who support him on Internet and troll for him – Obama’s the world’s greatest criminal of all history.

In 2008 Newsweek Magazine‘s headline: Is Obama the Antichrist? Proof that he was so is in the article: “On Nov. 5, 2008, the very night Obama was first elected president, the Illinois Pick 3 lottery number for the Evening Pick was 666, a number associated with “the beast” mentioned in the Book of Revelation. Obama’s home state at the time was Illinois.”
A poll says that 1 in 4 say Obama’s may be, … and 1 in 8 says for sure, Obama’s…. the Antichrist.–

The meaning of the lottery draw of 666 is that money is Obama’s Mark of the Beast which we must refuse. Refuse Obama’s handouts of the Treasury’s money that’s bankrupting us: enslaving us for all future generations to Obama’s government/Leftists.

I’m revealing the Apocalypse which is that Obama’s the Antichrist. I’m Buddhist of the highest form of culture in the world Tibetan Tantric Buddhism. It’s right that I be Buddhist and not Christian because Jesus himself said no Christians would be saved in the end times and so he would return for the Second Coming but not as a Christian. He said “Don’t follow anyone coming in my name (aka “as a Christian”) in the Apocalypse.” My message is right because I reveal that in my faith’s Apocalypse prophecy of Kalachakra it says the Antichrist will have all the precise features of Barack Hussein Obama!

Born in the USA to US-Norwegian parents and we moved to France when I was 7. Schooled in French, I studied Tibetan language and culture (Paris University). I did an eight-month meditation-retreat upon the deity Naljorma. Then 28 years of post-university research upon the Tibetan Apocalypse deity Kalachakra. My life turned around when I realized that 666 was drawn in the lottery of Obama’s hometown the next day after his election which makes him the most probable candidate for Antichrist that history has ever seen and ever will see.

(I’m a 45-year religious Buddhist. The Christian Apocalypse is outside my field. But I am alone to reveal that Obama’s the Antichrist by relying upon the 666 omen found in Obama’s hometown’s Lottery.

Why am I nevertheless involved in the Christian Apocalypse? Because it’s linked to my own Buddhist Apocalypse prophecy Kalachakra and here is that reason:  – so as also to explain away criticism from the forces who support Obama – that reason is this: I use the Christian word “Antichrist” because the Buddhist Apocalypse prophecy “Kalachakra” predicts the announced evil Demon-King Krinmati will be part Christian (and Islamic/Jewish and Manichean - [Buddhist/Hindu]).  The Buddhist Kalachakra will thus combat that partly Christian demon: Obama the Antichrist. Obama indeed, has a varied creed of all and many faiths which are all mixed together. The Kalachakra prophecy doesn’t predict the coming of the Messiah nor Jesus but the coming of the King of Shambhala, me, the World Saviour [from the Buddhist perspective]. See personal website here...)

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