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“Donald Trump Has Commanding Leads In Every Single Poll,” Making Many Pundits Predict That His Support Is Even Higher, Up To 75% Of The Vote

Saturday, November 7, 2015 4:29
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(Before It's News)

As fresh polls keep on being unveiled nation wide, Donald Trump has commanding leads in every single poll. The support is so high that considerations for who is being polled has initiated a dialogue that the support could be even higher. Not all of the voting block in most polls are questioned for their support and in the key demographic of 18-45 year old’s, most polls are performed with land line robo-calls.

In a cell phone and social media world where most younger people do not even have a land line phone, it would propose that according to the support from land line house holds, the support could be higher- Much higher as in 50% of the vote or more.

Support for this theory has been the release of several social media polls on numerous news blog and support outlets showing Donald Trump with 55%-75% of the vote.

Fox News talked about this possibility in the polling data today and as more proof is brought forth on the polling process, I will bring it to you.

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