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Terrifying footage of largest Great White shark ever caught on camera

Monday, November 9, 2015 14:11
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New footage has emerged showing what is widely regarded to be the largest great white shark ever caught on camera – Deep Blue.

The 20-foot-long predator was first filmed near Mexico's Guadalupe Island in 2013 and featured on Discovery Channel show Jaws Strikes Back.

Researchers tagged the enormous fish and videographer Mauricio Hoyos Padilla released footage of it interacting with the divers inside a cage.

New footage captures HUGE great white shark in Mexico


Deep Blue was first filmed near Mexico's Guadalupe Island in 2013 and featured on Discovery Channel show Jaws Strikes Back

The great white shark was pregnant, measured over six metres in length and was estimated to be 50 years old

At the time the fish was filmed it was pregnant and measured over six metres in length. Researchers estimated that the giant was also around 50 years old.

The footage shows Deep Blue swimming towards the divers inside their protective cage while under water in Mexico.
The fish swims alongside the cage and dwarfs the researchers watching on before turning slowly and approaching the video maker.

The shark then passes the second cage very closely and Mauricio is able to capture a quick glimpse of Deep Blue's huge teeth before she swims away again.

The enormous great white shark swims alongside the metal cage and dwarfs the researchers watching on

The shark is recognisable by her scars, gained through either fighting or mating, as well as her huge size

According to the documentary the shark is recognisable by her scars, gained through either fighting or mating, as well as her huge size.

Mauricio recently posted this latest video to his Facebook page, where it has amassed nearly eight million views.

One person wrote: 'Deep Blue is my favourite and this video is even better than the first one,' while another said: 'Man! That was awesome; what a magnificent animal'.

Is this the largest Great White shark ever to be filmed?

The giant fish swims very closely to Mauricio, who is able to capture a quick glimpse of her huge teeth


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