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Wearing a burka or niqab in public has been banned in the Swiss region of Ticino, with offenders facing a fine of up to £6,500.
The region's parliament approved the law on Monday, which will ban full-face veils, worn by women in many Muslim countries, in the wake of heightened terrorist alerts across Europe, Swiss news site The Local reports.
It is now a criminal offence for women in the Italian-speaking canton in southern Switzerland to cover their faces with the garments in all public places, including shops, restaurants, public buildings and behind the wheel of a car.
No exceptions will be made for tourists, but other forms of face coverings such as masks, balaclavas or crash helmets will still be permitted ….
Oh yay!! Free women everywhere should stand up and fight against religious oppression of the female energy. No matter what religion it is. Do NOT tolerate it, at all.