Ashtar: Obama Of The Light, Confirms Obama Went To Mars, Several Layers Above President, And Member Of Sirian Council
ASK ASHTAR December 28 2015
“I have heard you say over and over how light filled Obama is …..I just don’t understand how you can claim he is the light.”
Ashtar: The violent and greedy actions you have mentioned – and which we do not give energy to by repeating them here - are indeed most difficult to comprehend, unless you understand that they are being perpetrated by a large number of dark hats, not by President Obama himself.
This is all according to their programs and plans to completely take over the World, and these third dimensional situations are coming to an end!
Obama’s role is to put the Light upon them, so that Humanity can understand the Truth of what has been going on in the World. He has prepared diligently for this, and remains true to his Mission, despite daily attempts to assassinate him and his family.
He is the ninth member of the Syrian Council of 9, and is mentored by Lord Morya.
One thing more about the U.S. Presidency – there are many levels above this office which were created by the dark hats many years ago, and the President is very often not even told what is happening. An example of this is the secret space program, although Obama does know about it – he was taken to Mars when he was 18, but he left, once he saw what it was about.”
If you have a question for Ashtar, you can email it to him here:
He will select one or two questions to answer in our emails – they will not be posted on our website, or answered privately. Please ask about ONE topic only! Be sure to include at least your first and last initials, and the state or country where you live!!!
Indian in the machine (new tribal spirit song): Interesting information from Ashtar… down the rabbit hole… would you be surprised to know that Obama said he fav film of 2015 is the Martian, then he partied a few weeks ago with Bruno Mars?
Send your support to Obama… he has a special mission and origin, that only the galactics seem to be able to put it in to context… oh there’s more… but that’s all for now.
So earthlings… the idea from here on, is to have a god time, connecting with one’s soul… and then we connect with each other’s souls… no soul is born from darkness… all souls are Light…. even the ones who play the bad guys on planet earth, come from the Light…. it is true, and it will always be true… so keep coming together with by sending love to all who conspire against you or anyone… love is the kryptonite.
Now… if you are following my messages and are finding resonance… then the next step is to comprehend David Bowie’s Blackstar… I have posted some info. on this… this same info… may explain why the pope says this past christmas may have been the last. -IITM
“BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAAAAAA. no, im sorry, you will have to die, you give weed a bad name.”
I hope when it all goes down that you are able to make use of this tried and true technique. And remember… 1 is good, 2 is better, but you gotta go for the turkey.
This, is what i find hilarious, and while you peruse it, think “hall of examples” and then ponder…
hmmmm, a hall of examples, O YES!!! Coat the stuff i say with the syrup of the word “hypothetically” , like, i dream of bobble heads, in my hall of examples, and history teaches us sweetass methods to deal with those that you hate,eg and with the glory of every book every at finger tips, mwhahahaa, one can combine the concept of bobble heads, hall of example, and the side crackinly funny “badly stuffed animals” and then, yeah, let thy Inner Voice tell what i dream of
when it all goes down, im putting it on Liveleak, i have a church, membership 30 000 plus, thats just the ones that found out, i dont write checks i caint cover, i told them, i cut my tattoo off, they sed, no you wont. pah. i am only limited by the laws of nature at this given point, hypothetically, what if that were to change? RAGNAROK DEATH CHURCH LIVES! thats a paradox eh!
The Warnings given, the Notices posted, one does not just go on ploughin a field over an over,
Isa 28:24 Does the ploughman keep ploughing all day to sow? Does he keep turning his soil and breaking the clods?
Isa 28:25 When he has levelled its surface, does he not sow the caraway and scatter the cummin, plant the wheat in rows, the barley in the appointed place, and the spelt in its place?
Isa 28:26 For He instructs him for right-ruling, his Elohim teaches him.
Isa 28:27 For caraway is not threshed with a threshing sledge, nor is a wagon wheel rolled over cummin, but caraway is beaten out with a stick, and cummin with a rod.
Isa 28:28 Grain is crushed, so one does not go on threshing it forever, nor break it with his wagon wheel, nor crush it with his horsemen.
Isa 28:29 Even this has come from יהוה of hosts, who did wonders in counsel, who made wisdom great.
but Gus has the right idea, but look hey, there is FALSE metal too, eg "slipknot" very very very gay and lame. ok look my fave band EXMORTUS comes from SoCal but whatever, Sabaton , Ensiferum, Amon Amarth ALL ORTHODOX. that ling you gave me./.. thats emo bro. i shall forgive you because you get the concept.
Wonder if the Name Indian in the Machine is a code, Like Machine could be the Mother Ship.
This person writing these articles, is Freaking Amazing, Kinda Like Billy Jack, Dr. Who, Red Dwarf, Keir Dullea, Capt. Steven Hiller, C-3PO, Flash Gordon, Buck Rogers all rolled into one.
Does the proclaimed Creator of this Article, Play Music backwards, to get some sort of message? thus create these articles.
Also to get the true Message one must have the ability to read these articles backwards, sideways helps to.
A lot of people missed being picked up by the mother ship a few years ago.
Now with these articles, and people reading them backwards, they will know the exact time, and place to be picked up.
“Ashtar: Obama Of The Light, Confirms Obama Went To Mars, Several Layers Above President, And Member Of Sirian Council”
To bad this Ashtar being does not have a real picture. Guess a cartoon picture is better than NONE, right?
Sure is a lot of Ashtar, and Mars stories to link to.
Looks Like a bunch of disinfo , to draw attention away from real news.
he is at the cutting edge of luciferian occultism, a student of alice bailey and helena petrova blavatsky, also, he is a student of timothy leary, who is basically the super gay crowley of the 1960s. They are a special kind of scum, they conglomerate thusly:
and yes, your right, it is disinfo, but for a far more nefarious purpose, they seek to induce demonic possession in unwitting people, by using tribal shamanism and voodoo, it is belial, they seek to convice as many people as possible to get onto “space ships” with some shiny fellow in a robe, i say NAY! this is the trickery of the fallen! also! your sarcasm is far beyond these retards! but yaay sitrep yaay!
O THE IRONY! REFERENCES TO BACKWARDS LED ZEPPLIN DEVIL STORYS!@ ooo he knows! sitrep KNOWS! he KNOWs! Please do continue to bless us with your updates, your intel has been most stimulating! i SMELL A MIGHTY MAN OF VALOR!
Obama’s the Antichrist.
I’ve said it for seven years. WHy do people want to block that? Are they paid by Obama?
Why would people devote a seven-year website to debunk me to block the news Obama’s the Antichrist?
There’s only one possibility: I’m the Messiah and Jesus’ Second Coming.
Because I’m alone in the whole wide world (even if you check in China), who is relying upon the heavenly miracle that occurred when the lottery in Obama’s hometown drew the Number of the Antichrist 666, on the day after Obama’s election (so as to spread this news and reveal that Obama is beyond any possible doubt THE ANTICHRIST).
Obama of the LIGHT? Indian in the MACHINE is confirmed as a disinfo agent Here and NOW.
The Obama THING is nothing other but the perfect opposite of tghe LIGHT. Obama is the darkest black of blackest NIGHT – a mind controlled slave of the NWO.
IITM if you want to tell the truth then tell the TRUTH about Obama – that he is NOTHING other than a SPOKESPERSON for the corporate government of the United States of America Cororation.
He is not the head of any country – only the head of a corporation named the US of A.
Ashtar: “I Invite You to Become
A High Dimensional Activist!”
Ashtar On The Road Teleconference: December 8, 2015
“Greetings, Beloved Family! We are into the Season, and this is unlike any other!!! You’ve been hearing that within yourselves, first of all, or feeling it, or in some way getting the message. There’s Magic afoot! Big Magic for Planet Earth! And after all, who are the Magicians except you, Beloved Ones! You might call us the Magicians’ Assistants. And yes, we do bring some empowerment to support and assist you along the way – Destination:Golden Age and all of the Gifts coming from within yourselves to yourselves, as well as coming, oh, from one such as Saint Germain!!!
“But the greatest Gift of all is you, being the Love that You Are!!! That is the Greatest Gift in the Universe after all.It has been spoken of and realized by many, many Masters, Teachers – and by you. You – Masters walking in human bodies, Teachers of Love and all that Love engenders! And it is to be the Love that you are here. It is to lead the way.It is to share the Love and to share what you know about Love, about the Golden Age, about NESARA, and about living the Higher Dimensional Lifestyles, which is what you already are doing – to some extent or other!
“Sometimes you feel as though you’re really in the lower vibrations of 3D, but you also have those magical golden moments when you are uplifted and feeling uplifted! And you are very much in the knowing of the difference. It’s all about feelings, anyway. It’s all about bringing that LoveLight right into your beings, spreading it throughout the totality of you, connecting with all of you, and with all the LoveLight in the Universe beyond, because you’re part of that and yet you have your own individualities.
“Now, you have been supporting and facilitating the incoming of the Golden Age. You’ve been utilizing the incoming energies very well! They’re energies of Love.And yes, yes, we know that you have been experiencing some bumpy moments – you may still have them occurring. But it is worth it to get everything – let’s just say, to get the final housecleaning done of your beings, so that you can fully step into the Golden Age, leaving behind, you know, all of the 3D programming and mostly what we will call it – we’ll just sum it up to say FEAR! F-E-A-R, False Evidence Appearing Real because the third dimension is just a creation, a holodeck within holodecks, if you will, of whatever it was that Humanity has needed to experience.And you’ve all done your part and you’ve done it beautifully. And we say, ‘Congratulations!’ Now step up and out of that and into True Reality where there is only Love.
“Now, we will say this. You are more informed about these things than a lot of the population. But the population of Planet Earth, and I’m speaking of the human population, is waking up more and more! And there are leaders who are using their voices. Bernie* is one of them. Oh, yes, Bernie is shining very bright! And there are others, even in your political arena, your Hollywood – what you call, oh, yes, the ‘movers and shakers’ of Hollywood. Even among some of your institutions which have been almost held to a level of sacredness by those who want to perpetuate them, there are Light Beings ready to not only live themselves, but to assist you in living, or shall we say, en-Joying the High Dimensional, High Integrity, and let’s just say it, Loving Services that they are moving into offering solely, without any of the other kinds of things that go along with it!!!
“And you have brave ones, your whistleblowers. And some of even your country’s leaders – Obama is one of them. President Xi is another! And how about Mr. Putin? Talk about using his voice!He is talking Peace. He is talking financial abundance for all. He is talking a return to respecting and working with Mother Gaia and her Kingdoms in the matter of agriculture. He has decreed that Russia will be farming organically only by the year 2020!!! And the Truth be known, it will happen sooner than that! He has kept out the GMO’s. Monsanto, Syngenta, Dow and the others are not real happy about that, but Putin has the power and he’s got the population. And, yes, he has some military clout.
“And he is most particularly very much against non-labeling, or deceptive labeling of foods. In fact, his government is moving into rather stiff penalties for any food manufacturer or grower who does not clearly label the foods. And, furthermore, Russia is no longer dependent upon importing food and agricultural products, but rather is sending relief to countries who, for one reason or another, are not able to produce enough to feed their people and their animals and so on.
“Now, I’m giving you this example because I want you to understand that you do have a different situation in the United States. The ‘dark act’ is looming! And the dark act will strip you, the people, of any ability to insist upon mandatory labeling.The dark act is designed to let the poisoners keep on poisoning you while you remain ignorant!
“So, I, Ashtar have a proposal for you. And this is a general one.We are already asking you to step up and sign the NESARA petition. And it is getting more and more people reading it and finding out what’s really in it in the way of its articles or provisions. And, of course, this will do away with the corporations. Corporations will no longer have ‘personhood’ status! And it will also do away with the corruption in the government in all branches, and so on and so on. But in the meantime, it is for the people to support it. So we have already asked you to raise your voices in support. Sign the petition** – spread the word!!!
“Now here’s something else. This is an example.We are asking that you become Ashtar On The Road Activists in any walk of life, anywhere that you see that you want to help or bring about the changes. So, for instance, if you are concerned about the direction that your country is going in the area of – well, anyone’s rights – but let’s talk specifically about women’s rights. Why? Because the dark is so afraid of the equalization, or the balancing out between the masculine and feminine. After all, it’s been the masculine which has had its way through intimidation, wars, and so on and so on. We’re not going there.
“The feminine way is through Love and Peace, through harmonious discussion and communication and connection. And so they’re scared of the feminine. So, of course, they want to try to attack the feminine in a third dimensional way and that would be, of course, women’s bodies and their rights. So if you feel strongly about that, raise your voices!!! Sign those petitions! Get the word out! Get a neighborhood community group started of people who talk about ways to support this particular en-Lightenment – this putting the Light on the subject, so that people can understand what’s really going on.
“Here’s a good one! Next time you go into your grocery store, seek out somebody who works there – oh, in the meat department – and ask whether the meat that they’re selling has toxins in it. ‘Is it poisonous for me to eat your meat?’ And when the person says, ‘I don’t know what you’re’ – if they say ‘I don’t know what you’re talking about,’ say, ‘Well, has your meat been kept on feed lots and stuffed full of antibiotics and toxic materials, and fed grains that have pesticides and fungicides and all manner of poisons in them? Are they eating GMO corn or grains?’ And so on and so on! In other words, know what you’re speaking of and speak eloquently and with Love. You are not there to make war upon that employee, who will probably call for the manager. You are there to express your sincere support of them, at the same time saying, ‘Look, you’re eating this, too!How do you feel about poisoning yourself?Is it possible that if enough of us customers could get together with you we can talk about some ways to improve the quality of what you are selling?’
“Now, an example of how this worked out is the gigantic store chain – they call themselves the warehouse named ‘Costco.’ Costco has decided – on the basis that a lot of their customers spoke up individually and in groups, and in consumers’ group petitions – not to sell GMO salmon!!! Now this was a lot of people getting the Light on the subject, or the Lightbulbs turning on at the same time, but in different parts of the World! This was consumers’ groups getting together, mounting petitions. This was also individual.There is one sitting in this room who delivered her own personal letter to a manager in the local Costco store here on Maui! So it is a matter of individuals raising their voices, and you can do that!!! And if you want to get a group to work with you, you can find them online, or you can, as we have said, start a group. Invite someone to come and sit in your living room or at your kitchen table. Have a cup of tea and talk about what you might be able to do in your own community!
“These are examples. There are many. How about Dr. Keshe’s free energy? Perhaps there are one or more of you in the audience who are intrigued enough to learn more about it and then find some like-minded ones to work on this in your community. There is a wondrous one who lives in Santa Fe, New Mexico. He contacted Ashtar On The Road. There is a wondrous woman who lives in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. And there are others who inquired here and elsewhere. Get some groups together and start talking about how you might bring free energy into your community. Don’t try for the whole World at once. EMPOWER THE WHOLE WORLD within your community! Open your Hearts and see where you can share the Love and share the wisdom that is within you!!!
“Do you know a child who might benefit from having a new toy at Christmas time? That is Love in its own way – it might sound commercial, but to a child, Love is expressed in simple terms.The children already know about opening their Hearts!!! The children already know how to give, how to Love! And maybe you can find a way to help a child, or help a child’s family during this Holy Days Season. Perhaps inviting someone who is without a home to come and enjoy your Holy Days feast upon your own table; perhaps bringing Love to a place where older people live who have no other place to go.
“There are so many ways for you to Love each other, and in so doing, the Great Secret, which I’m about to tell you. The Great Secret in all this is when you do that, you shower your own beautiful selves with Love. When you open your Hearts to share with someone else – even if it is just a smile to someone who is standing ahead of you in the checkout line, who is obviously somewhat tired, or in a rush, or whatever – even if you just beam them for a moment with your Love, you change the whole dynamics – not just for that person, but for the whole entire place where you are and, very importantly, you change it for yourselves!
“Why let someone else broadcast their dumpies to you? Another way of saying it, of course, is that they dump it on you. Why don’t you broadcast your Love – and even if you are vocal with it, do so! ‘Can I help you carry your packages?It looks like they’re heavy. Is there something I can take for you? I’ll walk out to your car with you.’ [Do] You know what a difference that makes? And that reverberates all around the World and all through the Universe – an act of Love, an act of Kindness, an act of Compassion! This is High Dimensional stuff! This is up, up and out of 3D – that’s what you’re here to do!!!
“So I, Ashtar, invite you to take another step. I know you’re all Beamers. I know you’re all sharing your Love and I know that you know all about NESARA and the Golden Age. I’m simply suggesting that you take one step further. Raise your voices in some manner that reaches from the very Highest Levels of the Realms of Light right down and into, let’s face it, the lower vibrational levels of 3D, because what is our Mission, anyway? What is the Ashtar On The Road Mission; what is the Mission of the Ashtar Command, in partnership with the Ascended Masters, the Angels, the Angelic Kingdoms, Mother Gaia and all of her Kingdoms, and Mother/Father Creator God? Our Mission is to move up and out of 3D and into the Higher Dimensional Lifestyle!!! First stop along the way: the Golden Age; Destination: Ascension!
“So shine your Lights, Beloved Ones! Raise your voices. Shower the World with your Love and become Activists, each of you according to your own Hearts and according to what you see as your priority, because the World is ready for you to be an Activist!!! Step up just a bit more, just a tiny bit more, and you will be making an exponential difference, not only to yourselves but to the entirety of the World. But you will see even more the Light that you’re beaming when you look in the mirror and greet the Divine God or Goddess who looks back at you. Thatis quantum physics, simplified to be sure, but nevertheless Reality and Truth!!!
“Now is the time! This Holy Days Season with all of these Energies coming in – High Dimensional Love Energies – is absolutely the most perfect moment in the history/herstory of Planet Earth to increase your activities even more, because one more step into becoming an Activist of the High Dimensional Kind is a huge step for all of Humanity on the Ascension path!!!
“So go ahead. Get with your guides, your own guidance group, and see what it is for you to engage in that is either new, or an extension of something that you are already doing, to increase not only your role as an Activist, but to shower even more the entirety of Planet Earth and the Universe beyond with your High Dimensional, Divine and, indeed, most Sacred Love!!!
“And so I, Ashtar, and the entirety of the Ashtar Command – and you can take this as being from you to you, if you wish – wish you absolutely – well, it’s not a wish – it’s the Truth- the most Joy-full, the most Happy, the most De-Lightful Holy Days Season that you have ever, ever, ever experienced in this lifetime or any other!!! Because, Beloved Ones, you have called it forth, and you are keeping the Promise, the Sacred and Divine Promise that you made long ago and far away! And so it is. Salut!”
All infos arrive via filtered channels. And one tells a tree by the fruit. FYI: one who is steeped in wisdom will find it impossible to lie. Barry Obama- if “Barry” even is his real name -is a pathological liar. And he is an absolute psychopath. His family? It’s a fake family and the thing he’s married to is a transvestite.
Let Ashtar know- via the channeler -that “Barry” is having a great time playing lots of golf and living it up on the people, as he propagates wars a, thinking nothing of sacrificing those in uniform. And if they blame it on the dark hats, send them some videos, clippings etc to back it up…let them know that one of their trainees has gone rogue and is mucking it up on Terra. Of course, they should be aware of this, yeah?
Interestingly, those who knew Barry in high school claim he was a total bull-sh*tter back in the day and used to sleep with older men to pay for his drugs. He was a terrible student (i.e. not too bright) and a bad worker. FYI: these aren’t exactly hallmarks of advanced beings who sit on high councils. Are you sure you’re pointing at the right one? After all, “Barry” is a total fraud who likes to use other people’s SSN.
Are you aware of what Barry’s new name means? “Barack” mean son of Akhenaton and “Obama” means “highest heaven.” Of course, the jesuits hide behind the tag “Society of Jesus.” Have you researched what Amenhotep IV did in Egypt? What do you know about Atonism? And I suppose Bill Clinton and George Bush (both of them) are sitting at the right hand of the Father?
Personally, I don’t take my marching order or get my infos from Margaret or any of the others who channel. In fact, I find some of their reports interesting, but that’s it…take it with a grain of salt.
Are you aware of the difference between an Initiate and a plain ole clairvoyant? I realise that it’s difficult to gather infos in a corrupt 3D world, but the latter types are not the best sources.
Oh peace and love now great spirit……
i like this one eh, he’s a sociopath! my best friends are sociopaths! seans fkn cool, and the stuff he says is like, kinda the stuff that you get if you put cool stuff in the gematria. and the IRONY, “Syrians” insteada “Sirius” HMMMMM i mean look, you put that fkn sweetass rant in and:
read the first line thats normally the one, but you just read down the list and free associate thinkin, that sideways looking out the eye, but with yer brain insted, sean tells us lots aboot sean and ourselves,. WHAT A RESULT!
and how SARCASTIC!
“express yourself to all you meet and you will reap positive rewards”
!!! and how much fun we having?? HAIL NOBRA!
Yo Cluck, go check the first entry in the eng. gemtria section… oy,, i suddenly feel great pity for our bro sean, pain, like his, is only fixed by exercising violence upon the sons of belial. its the only bandage for that hurt. ow. badass revelations today. we now know why sean is a bit, how you say, “feral” , thats exactly the kind of people i seek to gather. sean, our wait is not long, PLEASE just keep yourself seperate, and DONT DO NUTHIN, let the lesson of Gael be warning unto you, rather sit in comfort, and be safe, than have to go to government hotel till you get fetched mmkay?
LOOK!!! he dint listen! he sed “no g, your books are boring” AND NOW LOOK AT THE SHWANTZ.
well by the time this things all over we’ll find out if Ashtar will be eating his words. That may at least suppress the new age nonsense known as “ashtar command” that has been plaguing the spiritual world since the seventies where he debuted with a british accent on television in the U.K. But by all means, prove me wrong. Contact me, Ashtar, and tell me where i’m wrong. you know where to find me. I am completely open and ready to learn… just not from some internet hype.
So Ashstar says Obama is the light, the good guy we should trust him.
Those who has not yet believed in Jesus is coming and rapture is about to happen let me ask you this.
if you laugh this off, you wont when you get left behind and obama starts his martial law to destroy america.
Thanks for this post.. certainly confirms that obama and ashtar is from satan.
Galactic research? what? like getting high all day and looking at yourself in the mirror, that kinda “galactic research” or perhaps you mean crowleyian ideal whereby you partake in rituals to infuse all the archtypes of the spirits, from lowest to highest into your form, to become full ONE with the hive mind, that kinda galactic research??
First it is the tooth fairy, Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny, and of course Jesus. But at some point we grow up and realize these are all just fantasies which have their childhood purpose. However, if we don’t grow up, they end up being Ashtar, Mel-kiss-my-dick, Sand-and-and, and the rest of the Galactic Federation Of Light machinations. I really hope you overcome this condition one day and can have a good laugh at yourself. If you are really an Indian, you sure have let your people’s down with such who-ha. The fact that you are so into it is kinda scary bro. Meds! At least get off the bong for a while. That smile/grin/wince on your face gives away a lot! But I am sure you are quite a likable person.
Native why is it i seem to believe you are the entire author for the galactic federation of lghtand so on you are the only person i have seen posting ?
God says demons are beings of light.
What is this? An Obama love fest? Obama is not of the light, he’s a puppet boy for he controllers just like all of the other presidents.
He wouldn’t be where he’s at now if he hadn’t bought into their plans, he’s a POS.
POHOHOHOO COUGH SPLUTTER BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAAAAAA. no, im sorry, you will have to die, you give weed a bad name.
“BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAAAAAA. no, im sorry, you will have to die, you give weed a bad name.”
I hope when it all goes down that you are able to make use of this tried and true technique. And remember… 1 is good, 2 is better, but you gotta go for the turkey.
This, is what i find hilarious, and while you peruse it, think “hall of examples” and then ponder…
hmmmm, a hall of examples, O YES!!! Coat the stuff i say with the syrup of the word “hypothetically” , like, i dream of bobble heads, in my hall of examples, and history teaches us sweetass methods to deal with those that you hate,eg and with the glory of every book every at finger tips, mwhahahaa, one can combine the concept of bobble heads, hall of example, and the side crackinly funny “badly stuffed animals” and then, yeah, let thy Inner Voice tell what i dream of
Thanks for that.
“one can combine the concept of bobble heads, hall of example, and the side crackinly funny “badly stuffed animals””
I sure hope they get combined.
when it all goes down, im putting it on Liveleak, i have a church, membership 30 000 plus, thats just the ones that found out, i dont write checks i caint cover, i told them, i cut my tattoo off, they sed, no you wont. pah. i am only limited by the laws of nature at this given point, hypothetically, what if that were to change? RAGNAROK DEATH CHURCH LIVES! thats a paradox eh!
have a gander, the audience, has been prepared, the foundations for viral spreading of badassery is RIPE.
The Warnings given, the Notices posted, one does not just go on ploughin a field over an over,
Isa 28:24 Does the ploughman keep ploughing all day to sow? Does he keep turning his soil and breaking the clods?
Isa 28:25 When he has levelled its surface, does he not sow the caraway and scatter the cummin, plant the wheat in rows, the barley in the appointed place, and the spelt in its place?
Isa 28:26 For He instructs him for right-ruling, his Elohim teaches him.
Isa 28:27 For caraway is not threshed with a threshing sledge, nor is a wagon wheel rolled over cummin, but caraway is beaten out with a stick, and cummin with a rod.
Isa 28:28 Grain is crushed, so one does not go on threshing it forever, nor break it with his wagon wheel, nor crush it with his horsemen.
Isa 28:29 Even this has come from יהוה of hosts, who did wonders in counsel, who made wisdom great.
o the crushing metaphors
Ragnarok Death Church is bada*ss.
And I know we’re going
So far away from this wretched life we lead.
With open arms meet catastrophe,
In the valley of the damned we’ll be
“metal church – watch the children pray”
nono, none of that eh, xO xO
but Gus has the right idea, but look hey, there is FALSE metal too, eg "slipknot" very very very gay and lame. ok look my fave band EXMORTUS comes from SoCal but whatever, Sabaton , Ensiferum, Amon Amarth ALL ORTHODOX. that ling you gave me./.. thats emo bro. i shall forgive you because you get the concept.
but go more like:
no metallica neither, thats hair rock, it aint metal
Wonder if the Name Indian in the Machine is a code, Like Machine could be the Mother Ship.
This person writing these articles, is Freaking Amazing, Kinda Like Billy Jack, Dr. Who, Red Dwarf, Keir Dullea, Capt. Steven Hiller, C-3PO, Flash Gordon, Buck Rogers all rolled into one.
Does the proclaimed Creator of this Article, Play Music backwards, to get some sort of message? thus create these articles.
Also to get the true Message one must have the ability to read these articles backwards, sideways helps to.
A lot of people missed being picked up by the mother ship a few years ago.
Now with these articles, and people reading them backwards, they will know the exact time, and place to be picked up.
“Ashtar: Obama Of The Light, Confirms Obama Went To Mars, Several Layers Above President, And Member Of Sirian Council”
To bad this Ashtar being does not have a real picture. Guess a cartoon picture is better than NONE, right?
Sure is a lot of Ashtar, and Mars stories to link to.
Looks Like a bunch of disinfo , to draw attention away from real news.
Aye aye Sitrep, you are 100% correct, this indian in the machine, has quite a following,
he is at the cutting edge of luciferian occultism, a student of alice bailey and helena petrova blavatsky, also, he is a student of timothy leary, who is basically the super gay crowley of the 1960s. They are a special kind of scum, they conglomerate thusly:
This “indian in the machine” is more correctly termed ” a heirophant in the cult of lam”
this is the single best summary i have:
and yes, your right, it is disinfo, but for a far more nefarious purpose, they seek to induce demonic possession in unwitting people, by using tribal shamanism and voodoo, it is belial, they seek to convice as many people as possible to get onto “space ships” with some shiny fellow in a robe, i say NAY! this is the trickery of the fallen! also! your sarcasm is far beyond these retards! but yaay sitrep yaay!
O THE IRONY! REFERENCES TO BACKWARDS LED ZEPPLIN DEVIL STORYS!@ ooo he knows! sitrep KNOWS! he KNOWs! Please do continue to bless us with your updates, your intel has been most stimulating! i SMELL A MIGHTY MAN OF VALOR!
I don’t even know those peeps bro. Chill out and be love… ask yourself who do you serve?
Obama’s the Antichrist.
I’ve said it for seven years. WHy do people want to block that? Are they paid by Obama?
Why would people devote a seven-year website to debunk me to block the news Obama’s the Antichrist?
There’s only one possibility: I’m the Messiah and Jesus’ Second Coming.
Because I’m alone in the whole wide world (even if you check in China), who is relying upon the heavenly miracle that occurred when the lottery in Obama’s hometown drew the Number of the Antichrist 666, on the day after Obama’s election (so as to spread this news and reveal that Obama is beyond any possible doubt THE ANTICHRIST).
Obama of the LIGHT? Indian in the MACHINE is confirmed as a disinfo agent Here and NOW.
The Obama THING is nothing other but the perfect opposite of tghe LIGHT. Obama is the darkest black of blackest NIGHT – a mind controlled slave of the NWO.
IITM if you want to tell the truth then tell the TRUTH about Obama – that he is NOTHING other than a SPOKESPERSON for the corporate government of the United States of America Cororation.
He is not the head of any country – only the head of a corporation named the US of A.
Ashtar: “I Invite You to Become
A High Dimensional Activist!”
Ashtar On The Road Teleconference: December 8, 2015
“Greetings, Beloved Family! We are into the Season, and this is unlike any other!!! You’ve been hearing that within yourselves, first of all, or feeling it, or in some way getting the message. There’s Magic afoot! Big Magic for Planet Earth! And after all, who are the Magicians except you, Beloved Ones! You might call us the Magicians’ Assistants. And yes, we do bring some empowerment to support and assist you along the way – Destination:Golden Age and all of the Gifts coming from within yourselves to yourselves, as well as coming, oh, from one such as Saint Germain!!!
“But the greatest Gift of all is you, being the Love that You Are!!! That is the Greatest Gift in the Universe after all.It has been spoken of and realized by many, many Masters, Teachers – and by you. You – Masters walking in human bodies, Teachers of Love and all that Love engenders! And it is to be the Love that you are here. It is to lead the way.It is to share the Love and to share what you know about Love, about the Golden Age, about NESARA, and about living the Higher Dimensional Lifestyles, which is what you already are doing – to some extent or other!
“Sometimes you feel as though you’re really in the lower vibrations of 3D, but you also have those magical golden moments when you are uplifted and feeling uplifted! And you are very much in the knowing of the difference. It’s all about feelings, anyway. It’s all about bringing that LoveLight right into your beings, spreading it throughout the totality of you, connecting with all of you, and with all the LoveLight in the Universe beyond, because you’re part of that and yet you have your own individualities.
“Now, you have been supporting and facilitating the incoming of the Golden Age. You’ve been utilizing the incoming energies very well! They’re energies of Love.And yes, yes, we know that you have been experiencing some bumpy moments – you may still have them occurring. But it is worth it to get everything – let’s just say, to get the final housecleaning done of your beings, so that you can fully step into the Golden Age, leaving behind, you know, all of the 3D programming and mostly what we will call it – we’ll just sum it up to say FEAR! F-E-A-R, False Evidence Appearing Real because the third dimension is just a creation, a holodeck within holodecks, if you will, of whatever it was that Humanity has needed to experience.And you’ve all done your part and you’ve done it beautifully. And we say, ‘Congratulations!’ Now step up and out of that and into True Reality where there is only Love.
“Now, we will say this. You are more informed about these things than a lot of the population. But the population of Planet Earth, and I’m speaking of the human population, is waking up more and more! And there are leaders who are using their voices. Bernie* is one of them. Oh, yes, Bernie is shining very bright! And there are others, even in your political arena, your Hollywood – what you call, oh, yes, the ‘movers and shakers’ of Hollywood. Even among some of your institutions which have been almost held to a level of sacredness by those who want to perpetuate them, there are Light Beings ready to not only live themselves, but to assist you in living, or shall we say, en-Joying the High Dimensional, High Integrity, and let’s just say it, Loving Services that they are moving into offering solely, without any of the other kinds of things that go along with it!!!
“And you have brave ones, your whistleblowers. And some of even your country’s leaders – Obama is one of them. President Xi is another! And how about Mr. Putin? Talk about using his voice!He is talking Peace. He is talking financial abundance for all. He is talking a return to respecting and working with Mother Gaia and her Kingdoms in the matter of agriculture. He has decreed that Russia will be farming organically only by the year 2020!!! And the Truth be known, it will happen sooner than that! He has kept out the GMO’s. Monsanto, Syngenta, Dow and the others are not real happy about that, but Putin has the power and he’s got the population. And, yes, he has some military clout.
“And he is most particularly very much against non-labeling, or deceptive labeling of foods. In fact, his government is moving into rather stiff penalties for any food manufacturer or grower who does not clearly label the foods. And, furthermore, Russia is no longer dependent upon importing food and agricultural products, but rather is sending relief to countries who, for one reason or another, are not able to produce enough to feed their people and their animals and so on.
“Now, I’m giving you this example because I want you to understand that you do have a different situation in the United States. The ‘dark act’ is looming! And the dark act will strip you, the people, of any ability to insist upon mandatory labeling.The dark act is designed to let the poisoners keep on poisoning you while you remain ignorant!
“So, I, Ashtar have a proposal for you. And this is a general one.We are already asking you to step up and sign the NESARA petition. And it is getting more and more people reading it and finding out what’s really in it in the way of its articles or provisions. And, of course, this will do away with the corporations. Corporations will no longer have ‘personhood’ status! And it will also do away with the corruption in the government in all branches, and so on and so on. But in the meantime, it is for the people to support it. So we have already asked you to raise your voices in support. Sign the petition** – spread the word!!!
“Now here’s something else. This is an example.We are asking that you become Ashtar On The Road Activists in any walk of life, anywhere that you see that you want to help or bring about the changes. So, for instance, if you are concerned about the direction that your country is going in the area of – well, anyone’s rights – but let’s talk specifically about women’s rights. Why? Because the dark is so afraid of the equalization, or the balancing out between the masculine and feminine. After all, it’s been the masculine which has had its way through intimidation, wars, and so on and so on. We’re not going there.
“The feminine way is through Love and Peace, through harmonious discussion and communication and connection. And so they’re scared of the feminine. So, of course, they want to try to attack the feminine in a third dimensional way and that would be, of course, women’s bodies and their rights. So if you feel strongly about that, raise your voices!!! Sign those petitions! Get the word out! Get a neighborhood community group started of people who talk about ways to support this particular en-Lightenment – this putting the Light on the subject, so that people can understand what’s really going on.
“Here’s a good one! Next time you go into your grocery store, seek out somebody who works there – oh, in the meat department – and ask whether the meat that they’re selling has toxins in it. ‘Is it poisonous for me to eat your meat?’ And when the person says, ‘I don’t know what you’re’ – if they say ‘I don’t know what you’re talking about,’ say, ‘Well, has your meat been kept on feed lots and stuffed full of antibiotics and toxic materials, and fed grains that have pesticides and fungicides and all manner of poisons in them? Are they eating GMO corn or grains?’ And so on and so on! In other words, know what you’re speaking of and speak eloquently and with Love. You are not there to make war upon that employee, who will probably call for the manager. You are there to express your sincere support of them, at the same time saying, ‘Look, you’re eating this, too!How do you feel about poisoning yourself?Is it possible that if enough of us customers could get together with you we can talk about some ways to improve the quality of what you are selling?’
“Now, an example of how this worked out is the gigantic store chain – they call themselves the warehouse named ‘Costco.’ Costco has decided – on the basis that a lot of their customers spoke up individually and in groups, and in consumers’ group petitions – not to sell GMO salmon!!! Now this was a lot of people getting the Light on the subject, or the Lightbulbs turning on at the same time, but in different parts of the World! This was consumers’ groups getting together, mounting petitions. This was also individual.There is one sitting in this room who delivered her own personal letter to a manager in the local Costco store here on Maui! So it is a matter of individuals raising their voices, and you can do that!!! And if you want to get a group to work with you, you can find them online, or you can, as we have said, start a group. Invite someone to come and sit in your living room or at your kitchen table. Have a cup of tea and talk about what you might be able to do in your own community!
“These are examples. There are many. How about Dr. Keshe’s free energy? Perhaps there are one or more of you in the audience who are intrigued enough to learn more about it and then find some like-minded ones to work on this in your community. There is a wondrous one who lives in Santa Fe, New Mexico. He contacted Ashtar On The Road. There is a wondrous woman who lives in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. And there are others who inquired here and elsewhere. Get some groups together and start talking about how you might bring free energy into your community. Don’t try for the whole World at once. EMPOWER THE WHOLE WORLD within your community! Open your Hearts and see where you can share the Love and share the wisdom that is within you!!!
“Do you know a child who might benefit from having a new toy at Christmas time? That is Love in its own way – it might sound commercial, but to a child, Love is expressed in simple terms.The children already know about opening their Hearts!!! The children already know how to give, how to Love! And maybe you can find a way to help a child, or help a child’s family during this Holy Days Season. Perhaps inviting someone who is without a home to come and enjoy your Holy Days feast upon your own table; perhaps bringing Love to a place where older people live who have no other place to go.
“There are so many ways for you to Love each other, and in so doing, the Great Secret, which I’m about to tell you. The Great Secret in all this is when you do that, you shower your own beautiful selves with Love. When you open your Hearts to share with someone else – even if it is just a smile to someone who is standing ahead of you in the checkout line, who is obviously somewhat tired, or in a rush, or whatever – even if you just beam them for a moment with your Love, you change the whole dynamics – not just for that person, but for the whole entire place where you are and, very importantly, you change it for yourselves!
“Why let someone else broadcast their dumpies to you? Another way of saying it, of course, is that they dump it on you. Why don’t you broadcast your Love – and even if you are vocal with it, do so! ‘Can I help you carry your packages?It looks like they’re heavy. Is there something I can take for you? I’ll walk out to your car with you.’ [Do] You know what a difference that makes? And that reverberates all around the World and all through the Universe – an act of Love, an act of Kindness, an act of Compassion! This is High Dimensional stuff! This is up, up and out of 3D – that’s what you’re here to do!!!
“So I, Ashtar, invite you to take another step. I know you’re all Beamers. I know you’re all sharing your Love and I know that you know all about NESARA and the Golden Age. I’m simply suggesting that you take one step further. Raise your voices in some manner that reaches from the very Highest Levels of the Realms of Light right down and into, let’s face it, the lower vibrational levels of 3D, because what is our Mission, anyway? What is the Ashtar On The Road Mission; what is the Mission of the Ashtar Command, in partnership with the Ascended Masters, the Angels, the Angelic Kingdoms, Mother Gaia and all of her Kingdoms, and Mother/Father Creator God? Our Mission is to move up and out of 3D and into the Higher Dimensional Lifestyle!!! First stop along the way: the Golden Age; Destination: Ascension!
“So shine your Lights, Beloved Ones! Raise your voices. Shower the World with your Love and become Activists, each of you according to your own Hearts and according to what you see as your priority, because the World is ready for you to be an Activist!!! Step up just a bit more, just a tiny bit more, and you will be making an exponential difference, not only to yourselves but to the entirety of the World. But you will see even more the Light that you’re beaming when you look in the mirror and greet the Divine God or Goddess who looks back at you. Thatis quantum physics, simplified to be sure, but nevertheless Reality and Truth!!!
“Now is the time! This Holy Days Season with all of these Energies coming in – High Dimensional Love Energies – is absolutely the most perfect moment in the history/herstory of Planet Earth to increase your activities even more, because one more step into becoming an Activist of the High Dimensional Kind is a huge step for all of Humanity on the Ascension path!!!
“So go ahead. Get with your guides, your own guidance group, and see what it is for you to engage in that is either new, or an extension of something that you are already doing, to increase not only your role as an Activist, but to shower even more the entirety of Planet Earth and the Universe beyond with your High Dimensional, Divine and, indeed, most Sacred Love!!!
“And so I, Ashtar, and the entirety of the Ashtar Command – and you can take this as being from you to you, if you wish – wish you absolutely – well, it’s not a wish – it’s the Truth- the most Joy-full, the most Happy, the most De-Lightful Holy Days Season that you have ever, ever, ever experienced in this lifetime or any other!!! Because, Beloved Ones, you have called it forth, and you are keeping the Promise, the Sacred and Divine Promise that you made long ago and far away! And so it is. Salut!”
* Bernie Sanders **
Transcription by Marta.
Given through Susan Leland, December 8, 2015.
© Ashtar On The Road Publications 2004-2015. All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered or deleted.
© Ashtar on the Road Publications 2004-2015. All rights reserved.
yes yes, funny how vampires can only come in IF YOU INVITE THEM.
You’re going completely crazy Indian, Ashtar Command is the largest source of false information which you could join. My condolences.
All infos arrive via filtered channels. And one tells a tree by the fruit. FYI: one who is steeped in wisdom will find it impossible to lie. Barry Obama- if “Barry” even is his real name -is a pathological liar. And he is an absolute psychopath. His family? It’s a fake family and the thing he’s married to is a transvestite.
Let Ashtar know- via the channeler -that “Barry” is having a great time playing lots of golf and living it up on the people, as he propagates wars a, thinking nothing of sacrificing those in uniform. And if they blame it on the dark hats, send them some videos, clippings etc to back it up…let them know that one of their trainees has gone rogue and is mucking it up on Terra. Of course, they should be aware of this, yeah?
Interestingly, those who knew Barry in high school claim he was a total bull-sh*tter back in the day and used to sleep with older men to pay for his drugs. He was a terrible student (i.e. not too bright) and a bad worker. FYI: these aren’t exactly hallmarks of advanced beings who sit on high councils. Are you sure you’re pointing at the right one? After all, “Barry” is a total fraud who likes to use other people’s SSN.
Are you aware of what Barry’s new name means? “Barack” mean son of Akhenaton and “Obama” means “highest heaven.” Of course, the jesuits hide behind the tag “Society of Jesus.” Have you researched what Amenhotep IV did in Egypt? What do you know about Atonism? And I suppose Bill Clinton and George Bush (both of them) are sitting at the right hand of the Father?
Personally, I don’t take my marching order or get my infos from Margaret or any of the others who channel. In fact, I find some of their reports interesting, but that’s it…take it with a grain of salt.
Are you aware of the difference between an Initiate and a plain ole clairvoyant? I realise that it’s difficult to gather infos in a corrupt 3D world, but the latter types are not the best sources.
Wishing you all the love in the world…
Thanks you’ve got some great intel.
I wish he would go back to Mars then
Oh peace and love now great spirit……
i like this one eh, he’s a sociopath! my best friends are sociopaths!
i like this one eh, he’s a sociopath! my best friends are sociopaths! seans fkn cool, and the stuff he says is like, kinda the stuff that you get if you put cool stuff in the gematria. and the IRONY, “Syrians” insteada “Sirius” HMMMMM i mean look, you put that fkn sweetass rant in and:
read the first line thats normally the one, but you just read down the list and free associate thinkin, that sideways looking out the eye, but with yer brain insted, sean tells us lots aboot sean and ourselves,. WHAT A RESULT!
and how SARCASTIC!
“express yourself to all you meet and you will reap positive rewards”
!!! and how much fun we having?? HAIL NOBRA!
omw brain broken much?
O BY THE WAY!!! forgot to tell you, the gematria, says,
inflated ego satan the joke opponent 2c buddy of transgressor quote jews unquote 2c is capturable and killable
indian, i want to, capture and KILL the commander of ashtar command! YUP!
Yo Cluck, go check the first entry in the eng. gemtria section… oy,, i suddenly feel great pity for our bro sean, pain, like his, is only fixed by exercising violence upon the sons of belial. its the only bandage for that hurt. ow. badass revelations today. we now know why sean is a bit, how you say, “feral” , thats exactly the kind of people i seek to gather. sean, our wait is not long, PLEASE just keep yourself seperate, and DONT DO NUTHIN, let the lesson of Gael be warning unto you, rather sit in comfort, and be safe, than have to go to government hotel till you get fetched mmkay?
LOOK!!! he dint listen! he sed “no g, your books are boring” AND NOW LOOK AT THE SHWANTZ.
now, YOU, Sean of broken heart, go read this:
and then after you realise how hard that book rocks, READ THEM ALL, that should keep you busy until we fetched, dont be like Dustin eh.
you must also read it mr Cluck, a whole new perspective it gives mmm
Oh come on Indian, you don’t REALLY believe that Obama is of the light, do you?
Hahaha … I can not stand it … Ashtar ?? command ??? again ??? Indian, you still hilarious, the last of the Mohicans for sure !!
well by the time this things all over we’ll find out if Ashtar will be eating his words. That may at least suppress the new age nonsense known as “ashtar command” that has been plaguing the spiritual world since the seventies where he debuted with a british accent on television in the U.K. But by all means, prove me wrong. Contact me, Ashtar, and tell me where i’m wrong. you know where to find me. I am completely open and ready to learn… just not from some internet hype.
btw thanks contributor. I dig your zest!
So Ashstar says Obama is the light, the good guy we should trust him.
Those who has not yet believed in Jesus is coming and rapture is about to happen let me ask you this.
if you laugh this off, you wont when you get left behind and obama starts his martial law to destroy america.
Thanks for this post.. certainly confirms that obama and ashtar is from satan.
The message does not say blind allegiance… Ashtar has been hanging out with Jesus (Sananda) for the past 2000 years.
Oh yeah… and with Santa, Easter Bunny and Alice in Wonderland…
You’ve been watching too many cartoons and videos, and not enough real galactic research, and now you haven’t a clue what you’re talking about.
Galactic research? what? like getting high all day and looking at yourself in the mirror, that kinda “galactic research” or perhaps you mean crowleyian ideal whereby you partake in rituals to infuse all the archtypes of the spirits, from lowest to highest into your form, to become full ONE with the hive mind, that kinda galactic research??
fkn idiot
First it is the tooth fairy, Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny, and of course Jesus. But at some point we grow up and realize these are all just fantasies which have their childhood purpose. However, if we don’t grow up, they end up being Ashtar, Mel-kiss-my-dick, Sand-and-and, and the rest of the Galactic Federation Of Light machinations. I really hope you overcome this condition one day and can have a good laugh at yourself. If you are really an Indian, you sure have let your people’s down with such who-ha. The fact that you are so into it is kinda scary bro. Meds! At least get off the bong for a while. That smile/grin/wince on your face gives away a lot! But I am sure you are quite a likable person.
You feel I am a likeable person, but not as superior as you? Thank you for patting one of the little people on the head oh gallant one.
If you said that Muslim, Marxist, homosexual, son of a whore was in Uranus, I would be more likely to believe you.
If you read this article backwards, it will give coordinates to the Intergalactic Mothership.
Also give to real names of the “Dark Hats”
It will give all a time and place to meet, awaiting the arrival of the Mother Ship.
See you there, Heeeeehh right?
What a joke this article was.
Native why is it i seem to believe you are the entire author for the galactic federation of lghtand so on you are the only person i have seen posting ?
God says demons are beings of light.
What is this? An Obama love fest? Obama is not of the light, he’s a puppet boy for he controllers just like all of the other presidents.
He wouldn’t be where he’s at now if he hadn’t bought into their plans, he’s a POS.