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This article by Jean makes several points about what she feels it’s going to take for “America” to wake up, and points out several other key features about what’s “going on” in the world right now. In my view, there are indeed many who have awakened to who they are, and to the matrix in which they (we) find themselves.
I will only add that, individually, I see all of us as having the capability to do our own “escape from the matrix”, no matter what the “society” is saying, or “governments, cabal, etc.”, are attempting to do to us. But collectively, “America” (especially USA-ers) in general is quite a bit more asleep than any other country on the planet, and very well may require an event (or events) like what Jean describes here. However, I still keep my hopes open for those that are still asleep, that they just might awaken without the need of a mass “catastrophe”.
Highlights from my view…
“Yesterday… I shared my opinion that it is too late for the majority of Americans to get an intellectual understanding of what has happened in the US. The situation is incredibly complex, and much of the American population hasn’t the ability to comprehend it anymore. While this may not be their fault, I believe it is still a fact.
“I’m sorry to say it will a huge increase in the PAIN of the population, already suffering horribly, whether or not they realize it. They have been doing their best to survive the continued terror and fear that has been thrust at them on a daily basis, and so far they have been able to afford those things which keep them going, their addictions, if you will… The real struggle is for the survival of all humanity on earth, but the people of the United States aren’t ready to see that. No one can help them until they are ready. It will be a waste of time. They will continue to squabble among themselves and miss the entire point.
“What do I think Russia and China actually want of us as a country? They want us to pull ourselves up by our bootstraps so they never again have to deal with our country as it now is… Russia and China are intent on creating a multi-polar world, where national sovereignty is respected, and what we do here at home is our business — and what Saudi Arabia, Israel, Japan, etc., do at home is also their business, as well…
“I believe we have what it takes to clean up the mess on our planet without outside help; that is, ET help. On a spiritual basis, this is the way it must be. There is no easy road to healing, and there will be many people who will exercise their free will and continue to lay in the so-called gutter, playing the victim game, until they leave this earth. There will also be others who will join together to help in any way they can to bring life back to our country and planet — for the future of our children and grandchildren. I think there will be many more of the latter than the former.”
[Kp note: I retained the same text formatting as Jean has it in her article.]
What is it going to take for America to wake up — and how might it happen ? an Opinion by ~Jean
Dedicated to Thomas Deegan, with great respect for his inner strength, honesty and integrity — and to the wonderful friends who are supporting him. Hugs, dear friends! ~Jean
This article has been working around in my brain for several days, and finally I’m seeing my way forward with it. It’s about how and when, and for what reason, I think things will change in the United States.
Yesterday, when speaking with Leonard, who is working closely with Thomas, I shared my opinion that it is too late for the majority of Americans to get an intellectual understanding of what has happened in the US. The situation is incredibly complex, and much of the American population hasn’t the ability to comprehend it anymore. While this may not be their fault, I believe it is still a fact. This seemed to be proved to me last night when I spoke with a dear friend who works in a big box store similar to the large Walmarts, with a food market, clothing, toys, furniture, books and all sorts of cheap China ‘stuff’. Her comment was that people were coming in, using their food stamps to load up with groceries and then going back to load up with the cheap China goods. She said it felt like they were frantic; the energy didn’t feel good at all. I mentioned to her that for many people this gives them an unhealhy feeling of being alive. To make this clear, we have all seen the videos of the insanity of the Black Friday shoppers.
So if not intellectual understanding what do I see is the necessary ingredient that will bring down the cabal in the United States?
I’m sorry to say it will a huge increase in the PAIN of the population, already suffering horribly, whether or not they realize it. They have been doing their best to survive the continued terror and fear that has been thrust at them on a daily basis, and so far they have been able to afford those things which keep them going, their addictions, if you will: their junk food (fast food, alcohol, etc.); their movies; their internet games, fun; their television shows of all genres, and so on. The list is long, and I hope you will fill in the blanks.
Very soon, perhaps by the end of the week, the financial crash will begin its real assault on the population, much of which is totally unprepared for what is coming. Can you see the pain this will bring about? There will appear to be no way out for them.
When I read Anne Wilson Shaef’s book, When Society Becomes an Addict, and I finally understood the fact that it simply is not possible to survive the Matrix that has been thrust upon us without an addiction, I began to see the future a little more clearly.
Up to this point in time, the American population hasn’t seriously had to give up its addictions, but now, suddenly, many of them are going to have to go ‘cold turkey’. What this suggests is that the sheeple, sheeple for whatever reason, will finally be brought to their knees, or like the proverbial drunk who can’t see the truth about himself until he wakes up in the gutter somewhere, the American people are about to get hit with something they don’t have any way of understanding, but what they will feel is that serious PAIN seems to be the main ingredient.
Maybe, then, they will be willing to look at the truth, and it will be easy to understand — not from an intellectual point of view, but from an emotionally painful point of view. PAIN is God’s way of getting our attention.
When our savings are literally stolen, when are rights are further taken away, when we are chipped so they can withdraw our money from us by making the chip unavailable for our use, maybe then we will begin to awaken — AND WOE UNTO THE CABAL WHEN WE DO!
Maybe then, for instance, they will forget the power struggles between Democrat and Republican, and they will see that we all are suffering. It’s not about Obama, who is an illegal President. FACT: Romney as President would have been just as illegal. What we see is still an ongoing power struggle between two views of the world, but I think this is not what the real struggle is about. If the Republicans are so upset about Obama, why in the world aren’t they also prosecuting John McCain and Lindsay Graham, who are also total war criminals? The hypocrisy is rampant on both sides of the aisle. This clearly speaks of a power struggle between right and left, a fake power struggle, one the people of the country cannot yet understand.
The real struggle is for the survival of all humanity on earth, but the people of the United States aren’t ready to see that. No one can help them until they are ready. It will be a waste of time. They will continue to squabble among themselves and miss the entire point. The Constitution as a document affects us all, but so many still choose to believe that the Constitution, as we were so ably taught, almost comes from God. The facts is, though, that it does not. Can we come together on this point? I think we must. The Constitution must be reworked.
Along with this viewpoint of mine, I can’t help wonder why this Judge Anna is putting out all these articles, one of the most recent I think is called, Judge Calls For US Marshals and FBI To Arrest Congress and The President. It seems to me that the call to do this is a call to create chaos. The American people are still too lost; too many don’t get it, and they could easily be even more used and abused if such a thing were to happen. If the sheriffs could get themselves together to follow her suggestion, I can see martial law being imposed in a flash.
To me, this article of Anna’s is not meant to show caring for the American people, but meant to subtly do something else entirely, like break their backs.
Anna says she counsels Popes, but I have never seen what she counsels them, have you? She is giving us lots of apparently good information, but why is she doing this? If she is in the service of the Pope, then surely she knows how evil the Vatican is, particularly because of the information she is giving us. This Pope, who is in charge of the largest and wealthiest corporation on the entire planet could call a halt to the chaos on the whole planet any moment he chooses, but it seems he doesn’t choose. Why? Has Anna asked him, and will she share his answer with us?
Has Anna counseled him to free the planet from the Vatican’s control? Now I think that would be a rather interesting article to read, don’t you?
Is he advising Anna, instead of Anna counseling him? Is he advising her to put out this information, knowing full well the militia isn’t there for us — not yet, anyway, that chaos likely will arise, with all kinds of ugly outcomes brought down on us, the people.
America has a long way to go to get itself back together. Russia, who I do not believe has any intention of saving us, had to go through being beaten up and beaten down by the cabal before they as a nation got the picture — and Russians have now come together under the able leadership and guidance of Putin to save their own country. Many other countries, beaten down by the same criminals running our country, are now joining with them. Sometime after the New Year these countries will leave the fiat dollar behind. They are just playing for time — and they will NOT, in m opinion be drawn into a war. War is always the way in the past a financially broken country works its way out of the mess they created, and the United States is desperately trying to create a war, This time, it isn’t going to happen.
What do I think Russia and China actually want of us as a country? They want us to pull ourselves up by our bootstraps so they never again have to deal with our country as it now is, and they want all this to happen so they can trade with us. They like to ‘do business’, particularly the Chinese, who have no intention of taking on our sick population in a prison-style situation, and making the insane effort needed to control it. This is what our propaganda machine has been telling us to keep us in fear, but it isn’t true.
Russia and China are intent on creating a multi-polar world, where national sovereignty is respected, and what we do here at home is our business — and what Saudi Arabia, Israel, Japan, etc., do at home is also their business, as well. If the people of those countries want to change things inside them, they, too, will have to be the ones to do it.
Of course, we will be left out of the international scene, because under a gold standard, it is very likely that we won’t be able to pay our bills in gold. They will allow us to trade, but will charge us a hefty price to do so — too hefty for us poor Americans. The American people, already suffering and in pain, are finally going to figure this out, and I think it won’t be long before they demand the end of the illegal and unconstitutional Federal Reserve — and that it be put back inside the Treasury where it belongs. As the people get the picture, the Corporate government will also be brought down.
I believe we have what it takes to clean up the mess on our planet without outside help; that is, ET help. On a spiritual basis, this is the way it must be. There is no easy road to healing, and there will be many people who will exercise their free will and continue to lay in the so-called gutter, playing the victim game, until they leave this earth. There will also be others who will join together to help in any way they can to bring life back to our country and planet — for the future of our children and grandchildren. I think there will be many more of the latter than the former.
The United States will finally grow out of its continued, imposed adolescence, and we will begin to mature as a country, just like all the other countries who have suffered at the hands of the cabal have had to do — in order to free themselves. We will begin to move into the new paradigm, and when we are ready to receive them, when we have begun to achieve properly functioning governments and United Nations, we will then be able to receive the ETS from a much higher plane of existence than the one in which we now are living.
Filed under: apocalypse, cabal, new energies, spiritual growth Tagged: Jean Haines