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11 Jan 16
Would you believe that Tyrant O will spend much of his time tilling us what he thinks of us and what WE should be doing? Wow, this is going to be very different, folks. (I say impeach him now before he does more damage) but… Check this out for more on what to expect:
Pro-Jihad discussions from the San Bernardino terrorist were posted on FB before her “Fiancé Visa” was approved. Do you really think this won’t be used as freedom of speech restrictions and an obscene increase in invasions of privacy?
The “reviewing” of FB, websites and emails will NOT be contained to possible terrorists, but will go across the board.
That means you and me!
This is a MUST SEE alternative video site with uncensored videos, points of view and revealing disclosures covering almost every conceivable topic! This intiguing, safe site is ‘Before It’s News’ approved! This is not a gimick; it’s the real deal.
The Bible tells us that every human has sinned and fallen short of the glory of God which is is a heart-penetrating truth. He has provided a way to cleanse us of our sins since we can never be “good enough” to cleanse ourselves. That avenue to God’s grace, mercy and forgiveness (the cleansing of our sins) is through His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ of Nazareth Who is equally God.
Not one of us are guaranteed a “tomorrow”. Has your time run out? Will you continue to ignore the promptings of God the Holy Spirit or have you awakened to the essential need for God, risking eternal damnation?
God the Holy Father, God the Holy Son and God the Holy Spirit are One God, the true, living, uncreated God Who is ever-present, all knowing, all powerful and all loving. He desires that every single person be forgiven, saved and to live eternally with Him. He is our only real protection and His love for you is unchanging. Accept Jesus Christ as your Savior, the true Messiah, today.
You can’t take your salvation for a test drive. You’re all-in or not.
Admit to Him that you are a sinner in need of forgiveness, that you are truly sorry for your sins. Acknowledge that He died for your sins, rose from the dead and lives forevermore. Invite Him into your life and to help you to turn from sin. Rejoice! You just became a Christian! Now trust in Him and get to know Him through the Bible which tells us everything we need to know and through prayer/talking to Him. He eagerly desires relationship with you.
An Exclusive You Have To See: The Last Frontier of Free Press Is Here! No More Censorship, Unlike YouTube and Others!
Barrack Hussein Obama aka Barry Davis is a 33rd degree Masonic Freemason and Knight of Malta Under The Jesuit Order.
Guess who Barry Davis’s baby momma’s daddy is?
Frank Marshal Davis That’s who…
“An act of Treason was committed in 2008, Constitutional TREASON against the very Constitution itself. The treason is this. A probable ILLEGAL ALIEN who has NEVER proven legitimate citizenship in this nation or his parentage, Barack Hussein Obama was made our new President against the spacific Constitutional requirement that a President be a NATURAL BORN CITIZEN of the United States.
This act of treason was comitted by a MILITARY order of the Roman Catholic Church known as the so called “Society of Jesus” or more popularly the Jesuit Order and their Coadjutors or more properly Quislings in the media, particularly the Tell-A-Lie Vision system, and in our court system through an economic collapse caused by Investment Banks and the “Federal” Reserve system which are wholly owned subsidiaries of the Jesuit Order and their inbred Illuminati Coadjutors.
The purpose of electing Barack Obama to the presidency is to further the Jesuit Order’s purpose to enact and enforce the Roman Catholic COUNCIL OF TRENT in America and totally eliminate the Bill of Rights and the genuine Protestent Christianity based on the 1611 King James Reformation Bible both of which go against the Council of Trent whose basic purpose is to restore the Temporal (SECULAR) authority of the Roman Catholic Pope as SECULAR KING as well as spiritual leader over the entire world.”
False,,, 33rd degree is an honor degree, in which so few have obtained… 2nd Obama is not a Mason. I have seen no masonic communications pertaining to him, and I reached out to Prince Hall Masons, and they have seen none as well
DUE DILIGENCE whines about having BO in the White House, but it’s DUE DILIGENCE’s fault that we do because DUE DILIGENCE spreads heresy and heresy leads to sinful rebelliousness against God — and bad leaders such as BO are a punishment on the world for the sins which DUE DILIGENCE encourages and spreads.
Are you crazy Louis?
Lous, another agent drone wannabe.
Lous’s statement is a fine example of visiting brainwashing social media sites fakebook, and 3 word Twitard sites, and prolonged viewing of a 4″ screen with microwaves blasting the brain.
A mere drone in a hive system controlled by the Elitis. Drones working endlessly to please its puppet masters. Within a political system designed to give the masses the perception of choice by vote.
Ask most anyone if they voted for certain people they will say No, yet the same people are placed in office anyway, under the Illusion that an individual has a choice by vote.
Using Media, and Polls, they put on a good show as though certain puppet politicians have public support.
Ah it is so sad… Now the Elitis do not even attempt to hide their plans
Brace for nothing Obama is the ceo of a corporation that doesn’t matter. They manufacturer war whoopee.
If you think I does matter your a fool.
So go fy I’m tired of the Bull.