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Health and Medical [Group Posting]

Saturday, January 16, 2016 18:26
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I am a mother of four in my mid 30′s and I have been told that I have some psychic abilities, mainly psychometry, paranormal, and lately remote viewing. Things come to me in the form of pictures in my mind, feelings and impressions, and sometimes sounds. I typically get them when asked to focus on specific objects or events. I clear my mind, think of the question or object and this blog is an example of what I get. This blog is a way for me to organize all my thoughts. Q. Frankincense side-effects.  I’ve tried taking one drop of food-grade frankincense in a glass of orange juice, but 24 to 36 hours after taking it I get flu-like symptoms — fatigue, headache, upset stomach — which fade over 48 hours. Should I be taking something with the frankincense, like activated charcoal or food-grade benontite clay, to take up toxins released? Or would side effects have a cause other than toxins?
A. I get that you should first investigate the Frankincense and confirm that it is certified food grade. Some examples of ingestable Frankincense are through doTERRA essential oils and Young Living essential oils (there are others, but those two came to the forefront).  Be certain that it is tested and is safe.

When you take your Frank, try putting a drop in water rather than the juice.  I get there is an imbalance with the acidity of the juice which makes your stomach upset.  If you are still sensitive, consume some protein when you drink the Frank (I am being shown a piece of cheese as an example).

Frank is a great overall supplement.  It helps with inflammation and ridding the body of toxins.  Since it does do such a great job of detoxing, I get you really need to drink a lot of water (a minimum of 6 to 8 full glasses) to be sure your body is purging out the toxins.  Toxins in your system will create that headache feeling, so they need to be removed (water is really the best way).

[There are many great products out there.  I use and trust the doTERRA brand.  Here is a link for more information on doTERRA.   You may find another product that feels more right for you,.  Please always remember to trust your gut and do what resonates with you.]

B4INREMOTE-aHR0cDovLzMuYnAuYmxvZ3Nwb3QuY29tLy1pZkE1LUdaUnJpYy9WcHJlNk5KczdKSS9BQUFBQUFBQUQ5by9mQTQyNzFJQWlIZy9zMTYwMC9pbWFnZXMlMkIlMjUyODQlMjUyOS5qcGc=Q. Hi Lynn,  I know you’ve done a posting on cancer, but I was wondering if you could do a reading on cancer in pets? Specifically, I have a young cat with mammary cancer, and know many people experiencing cancer with their pets as well. It there anything that could help either prevent, slow down, or reverse cancer in pets? I am hoping for anything from diet to reiki to acupuncture… Anything that may make a difference. Thank you so much for your time and love!
A.  Energy work is a great place to start.  Pets, unlike humans, don’t have a rational mind always working which can block energy healing from happening.  Pets are open and in tune to both their physical and energetic environment, which makes them great candidates for reiki. 

I also get to modify their diet.  Focus on a diet that is more alkaline.  I also get to increase all the B vitamins (I see a visual of some kind of vitamin spray).  

Q. Hi Lynn, You said that blueberries is a good way to slow down the accumulation of plaque in our hearts but what about removing the existing plaque that is narrowing the arteries. I heard that pomegranate juice can remove the arterial plaque, do you see any truth in this?
A. Pomegranate juice does look healthy for the hearth and circulatory function, but the absolute best way to remove arterial plaque is to reduce or eliminate high fructose corn syrup from your diet.  Additionally, the more corn products you can cut back on, the better it will be for your heart and arteries.

Q. Hi Lynn, Can you look into ways a person can lower high blood pressure naturally without medication?  Thank you.

A.  I get there are two main things that cause high blood pressure.  They are diet and lifestyle.  Aside from modifying your diet, the best way to lower blood pressure is to learn self calming techniques.  The internalization of stress, worry and anxiety create the tension that can contribute to high blood pressure.  Some of the best calming techniques are exercise, meditation and stretching exercise (like yoga).

[Side note:  YouTube is a great resource for free self guided meditation videos.  I have attached a few for you to sample.]

Q. Could you take a look at the flavor enhancer E 621 (MSG, monosodium glutamate) And if it is related to autism. I didn’t research it yet, but it also could be a nerve killer. Anyway lots of side effects to take into account.
A. I cannot connect MSG to autism, but MSG does have adverse health affects. I see that is disrupts the natural metabolism, and causes people to feel lethargic (actually ill).  There is also a level of water retention and bloat that MSG causes, it is very hard on the kidneys.  I also see it changing the consistency of the blood.  I hear the word “sticky.”  It causes stress on the heart which can lead to other circulatory problems.

I get a conflicting feel that it is both toxic, but also addictive.  It looks like the more MSG you consume, the more you want, therefore, food manufacturers put it in food to make you want more of their food.  The difficult part with this is the food that you would be craving isn’t the highest quality of nutrition. 

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light-  


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