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The Global Bubble Is Popping – SGT Report Podcast w/ Dave Kranzler

Friday, January 8, 2016 17:48
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(Before It's News)

different_this_time bubble“Two kindred spirits talking about reality” –  SGT

TND Podcast Spotlight:  SGT Report

“What caused me to almost fall off my chair when I read that article (San Francisco Fed President John Williams gave a speech in which he stated that he Fed would raise interest rates 3-5 times in 2016 and asserted that the economy “is in good shape”) was when he said the economy was doing fine. I’m not really sure what data he’s looking at or if he’s being completely disingenuous for the sake of being a cheerleader on the economy…We would have to sit down with him in private and show him the data and say, “what are you really looking at here, John, because your statement makes you look like a complete idiot to everyone out there who knows the truth.”

“Anyone who wants to buy precious metals now and they understand the reason why and they want to convert their fiat currency into precious metals – buy as much silver as can…silver is extraordinarily cheap outright and its extraordinarily cheap vs. gold.”

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sgt report logoSGT Report is an “alternative media” website offering stories the mainstream typically avoids or distorts.  The SGT Report team “hand picks” editorial content and also publishes in-house, original reporting.  Click here to visit the SGT Report.  This article is reprinted with permission.

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About Dave Kranzler:

Aspen1-dave I spent many years working in various analytic jobs and trading on Wall Street. For nine of those years, I traded junk bonds for Bankers Trust. I have an MBA from the University of Chicago, with a concentration in accounting and finance. My goal is to help people understand and analyze what is really going on in our financial system and economy. You can follow my work and contact me via my website Investment Research Dynamics.  Occasionally, I publish on Seeking Alpha too. As a co-founder and principal of Golden Returns Capital, LLC Mr. Kranzler co-manages the Precious Metals Opportunity Fund, a metals and mining stock investment fund.

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