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Lavoy Finicum’s “John Day” Oregon Is At Same 44 Degrees As Real Rubicon Crossing! (VIDEO)

Monday, February 1, 2016 15:28
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(Before It's News)

Before his death, LaVoy Finicum spoke about ‘crossing the Rubicon’. This phrase originated in ancient Rome when Caesar crossed the point of no return in an act of defiance; a shallow river called the Rubicon that marked the boundary that would lead to revolution. LaVoy spoke about seeing an eagle that told him it was okay to cross. Similarly, Caesar sees a ghost before he crosses the Rubicon.

Another name for Rubicon is Fiumicino, the same letters also spelling OI FINICUM. In in another odd twist of fate, the place where Finicum was going to when he died, John Day, Oregon, is at the exact same 44 degree parallel as the real Roman Rubicon!

John Day died at Donald MacKenzie’s Snake River Fur Trading Post. Donald MacKenzie coined the name MALHEUR which is French for MISFORTUNE. MacKenzie hid his furs in rocks to protect them from Indians, just like in the film Revenant. The following videos detail much more foreshadowing of the death of LaVoy Finicum in Hunger Games Mockingjay 2 and The Revenant:

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