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In the Spirit in the White House for 8 Hours Observing

Sunday, March 20, 2016 5:34
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Rich Vera found himself in the spirit supernaturally in the White House for 8 hours observing what is going on behind the scenes
Rich Vera found himself in the spirit supernaturally in the White House for 8 hours observing what is going on behind the scenes. Then God showed him a prophetic countdown for many nations of the world. Starting in 2016………..
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Transcript of Interview of Rich Vera  Mar 6 2016 
Is there a supernatural dimension, a world beyond the one we know? Is there life after death? Do angels exist? Can our dreams contain messages from Heaven? Can we tap into ancient secrets of the supernatural? Are healing miracles real?  Sid Roth has spent over 35 years researching the strange world of the supernatural. 
SID: Hello. Sid Roth here. Welcome. Welcome to my world where it’s naturally supernatural. You know, many people are wondering what is really going on in Washington, D.C.? My guest found himself in the Spirit supernaturally in the White House for eight hours observing what is going on.  Do I dare let him tell you what is going on? Are you interested? 
So my guest Rich Vera, he’s 18 years old, Catholic, not a believer, and his father blesses him, and he can come to Disney. He goes to Orlando for a week and he ends up getting a room in a home of someone that’s a member of Benny Hinn’s church. And so somehow he ends up in the church. It had such a dramatic effect on you. What effect did it have on you when you saw that? 
RICH: Now that I look back, it’s the best thing that happened. When I was 18, it was the worst thing to  happen.
SID: You wanted to go to the bars and Disney.
RICH: I wanted to hang out and it ruined my life. But the Lord became real. And I was at Catholic mass every Sunday, so I thought I was going to a mass. Walk into a church. There was an electric atmosphere in the place. I was crying and did not know why. My eyes were crying on its own and I had no desire to cry. And something on me told me to ask the Lord if this is real. I said, ‘I want it’, and the Lord encountered me that day, 2:30 in the morning, gave me a vision, and I saw the Lord coming up to me in a vision, stretch his hands towards me. And then I decided to reach out to him, the Lord touched  me. And the moment I touched his fingers I felt electrical power go through my body. And the Lord says, “Nothing will separate you from the love of God. I have a word for you and I will use you. Follow me.” And that’s when I came out of the vision.
SID: And then shortly thereafter he has a word, a visitation and he’s told not to go back home. Was it  Hawaii? I mean here you’re 18, you’re coming for one week for fun.
RICH: Yes. And I stayed for nine years.
SID: For nine years.
RICH: It was the longest week in my life.
SID: Okay. So he’s a youth leader at Benny Hinn’s church. But then some how, and you know, it takes no  talent, he got involved in business. And just, you know, the devil, little by little, he was more occupied with business than with God. But then he got the scare of his life. In 2005, you actually thought you were dying of, and you, so the first thing he did is he came to his senses quick.  He started repenting. Then what happened?
RICH: Yeah, you know, I was one of the youth within the youth ministry. Carlos Amando [sp] was a youth pastor and I loved God. I wanted God with all of my soul. I was a minister for nine years. Then, when the church closed down in Orlando, everybody went back to where they came from and I decided to, I was a missionary, but I was a broke missionary because I would preach, but I would never have money in my pocket. So when the opportunity came to have a business and to make
money, and I started tasting finances in my hands, I realized that I can buy what I wanted and do whatever I wanted to do. And suddenly I felt, now God is calling me to be a businessman. Of course, it was my feeling, it wasn’t the Lord. And I was amazed how quickly I let go of my passion to follow God and to serve him because money can definitely seduce you if you’re not ready for it, and it did the trick on me. And I walked away, little by little walked away, got busy with life, busy with business, and I ended up doing things that I thought I would never do, compromising, hanging out again, going to dances again, and all this stuff that comes with the territory of not walking with God. And then I found  myself a hundred percent immersed in business and God was on the backseat of my life. And I was grilling some fish with some friends at home in Hawaii, Maui, Hawaii, and suddenly I got sick and everything started spinning around. I fell on the ground, passed out and
instantly when my head hit the ground I was taken out of my body, and I stood in the gate of Heaven in the presence of the Lord. I fell at his feet and the first thing that I did was beg the Lord to give me a chance to make it right. I said, “God, I’ll let go of business.” I said, “If I have to preach in the middle of the mountains, I’ll do your will.” And God restored my life and delivered me, and put me back in the path that I’m in right now.
SID: And you know what, the next day and the days after you told me that you felt currents of electricity running through your body.
RICH: Yes.
SID: Not just at that moment, but it just continued.
RICH: Yes. At 12, from 7 p.m. to 12-something midnight I was under the power of God in this visitation. Then when I was done, my friends took me to my house, laid me on my couch and for three days I could hear voices in the spirit world and everything was so loud and so clear that I thought I was going to lose my mind. And suddenly the Lord, I had to ask the Holy Spirit, I said  “Holy Spirit, stop.” And instantly, the Spirit of the Lord lifted from me and I got out of my bed, and I was able to go and take a shower. The Lord launched me into a prophetic ministry that now…
SID: And as a matter of fact, you began to read the hearts of men.
RICH: Yes.
SID: And as he did this, there’s so many amazing stories. I mean, he would be speaking in an area with drought and he got, this is in Argentina, and he almost got angry because people weren’t paying attention to him, and he says, “Tomorrow it’s going to rain.” And they said, “It can’t. There hasn’t been rain for weeks and months.” And the next day it rained. Well he just came off a 21-day fast and in this fast he saw God’s answer for cancer, God’s answer for Alzheimer. Would you like to find God’s answers out? 
SID: This is a new season and you’re going to hear about this new season. But there are always be rich people and, not in other countries, but in the United States of a miracle, of America, of a miracle. Hey I like that. Maybe we should change the name of our country, the United States of a Miracle.
RICH: We do need a miracle.
SID: But what type of miracles are you seeing in the United States of a Miracle?
RICH: You know, on a weekly basis, a weekly basis, I’m telling, I’m seeing cripples walking, people with deafness being healed, cancers dissolving on the spot out of people’s bodies. We’re seeing people, now I walked into a season where I started sending the word of healing to people in different cities, and while I’m sending the Word, to get out of hospitals, out of beds. We anoint, people bring t-shirts, people bring handkerchiefs, we anoint them and they’re being sent out around the world, and people are coming out of hospitals being healed of all kinds. I have over a  thousand testimonies verified by doctors of miracles in America, not counting around the world.
SID: And what you’re hearing is this is about ready to explode in high schools.
RICH: Yes.
SID: In colleges, in the marketplace. I mean, this is going, well, I know what you found out. He went on a 21-day fast. Why did you go on this fast?
RICH: You know, I felt a supernatural hunger to fast. It’s funny like I felt a hunger to fast.
SID: A hunger to fast.
RICH: But I felt the Lord drawing me to get away. I felt, number one, him to speak to me. But I knew in order for him to release what he has for me I had to get away. So I went away for 21 days, full fast but water. It was very difficult, but I was determined to get a fresh start for the Lord. The first day I went on the fast, the Lord opened my eyes and took me on the Spirit in the morning, and the first experience that I had, I went to the state of California. This was January 1st and I saw, you know, the drought and all the dryness, the lack of water that’s been happening in California. And when I was looking at the state I started seeing green all over the place and rivers of water running on the street. So I wrote on my iPhone real quickly, and the Lord told me, take a picture of the screen that it saves the day and the hour that you write it. And I did, which I have it on my phone. Three days later, I saw on the Internet in California that they’re blaming El Nino, you know, the current from the ocean that California experienced rain, that some places were being flooded. The landscape was changing. So I started getting into this prophetic about the nation about different states, about what’s coming in the church, about the new generation that God has reserved for the move in the last days.
SID: Is that this generation?
RICH: We are the generation. You know how I know that? Because I’m one of them.
SID: Okay. Well, I’m one, too. Are any of you one?
RICH: Yes.
SID: Okay. You know, I’m just kind of curious because this is in the news a lot. You found about 22 different nations and different states, and cities.
RICH: Yes.
SID: What did you see about Cuba?
RICH: You know, in 2012, I was preaching in Florida in front of a congregation and I have it on YouTube. I prophesied that Cuba was going to open up, but God was going to bring, first of all the Catholic and the Pope to Cuba. And then now the Catholic Church was going to have a place, a school for priests in Cuba and then it was going to be opened up for investors to come, then Americans were going to come in and invest, and doing those kinds of areas, and God was going to infiltrate ministers of the Gospel that are also business people. And there was coming an awakening in Cuba where  there was going to be one of the greatest revivals to happen in the Caribbean to the point that Raul Castro will go back to the Catholic Church and to prayer, even though he’s an atheist. So I have this on the Internet.  And surely a few years later, the Pope went to Cuba, and Cuba opened up, as you can tell now. But the part that hasn’t happened yet is little by little God is beginning to infiltrate his servants that are going to  come in and bring such a moment of the Holy Spirit that will not be denied to the point that Cuba will be one of the few islands in the Caribbean that will be Christian, that will be dominant as Christians. And churches are going to grow by the thousands, and the government will not be able to stop it, and there will be a transition that God will blow a wind of change. But the church in Cuba was going to be a voice for the entire region, even for the state of Florida and part of the U.S.  I saw evangelists coming out of Cuba infiltrating  America with the Gospel, with signs, wonders, miracles and power, and this is what coming to Cuba.
SID: All right, very quickly, India, what did you see that’s not in the news.
RICH: Yes. The Lord took me on a mission and I  hovered real quickly over the ocean. I was in India. And the Lord told me that India, that the spirit of change was on India, that there was going to be a new source of energy that was going to come to India, and that India was going to tap into what’s called nuclear power. And I saw a relationship with Australia and India coming together, and I saw the spirit of prosperity beginning to hit some of the poorest areas in India, and I saw a change coming in the theology and the government to a point that the Christian church, especially the Catholic voices, were going to be strong in the nation of India.  Then the Lord took me to the churches and the Lord told me that in India the day is going to come that the churches will go around the world, and not only people will come to bless India, but Indians will go to the nations of the world and they will carry the Gospel, and they will mentor people. And I saw churches in India growing in such an incredible pace that Christianity in India was not going to be a forbidden religion, but it will be accepted in society and accepted even in the government because of the massive wind of change that’s coming in India that it will bring prosperity to the land and prosperity to the body of Christ in that nation.
SID: And what did you see about breakthroughs and health, and cancer, and mental illness?
RICH: Yes. The Spirit of the Lord took me and showed me cancer, and I saw the spirit of cancer like a living something. And I saw the Lord blow it upon them. The Lord says a cure of cancer, within five years it’s not going to be able to spread. 
And the Lord took me to Europe, especially in the area of the U.K. and that area, and the Lord told me that out of that place will come cures for sicknesses and a cure for cancer, and that this was not going to be denied like in previous times. But God was going to cause that sickness that has killed millions of people, but mainly some of his chosen servants, to be judged in this generation where the cure of cancer eventually will be as easy and accessible to the people as the cure of anything else.
SID: How about Alzheimer’s.
RICH: Yes. The Lord told me that this sickness has taken many of his servants. And I saw an angel come up and say God is about to judge that sickness because of what it did to his servants. And I saw literally a drug. It’s like the byproduct of another drug that found a cure for that disease, where the next generation of people on their older years will not struggle with that disease that will kill them because of the cure that was going to be found in this generation.
SID: Believe it or not, believe it or not, he saw something about Donald Trump and President Obama. You know, you saw so many things.
RICH: Yes.
SID: And we can only touch on a few of them. But the thing that really intrigued me about what is going to happen with travel.
RICH: You know, I saw that they approach where we’re going to be able to go from New York to Europe in about two and a half hours.
SID: Love it.
RICH: I love that, too. And God was going to cause people, inventors, to come up with ways to move faster throughout the earth. But the purpose of that is for the preaching of the Gospel.
SID: Right.
RICH: They’re just getting the benefits of what God is doing that for.
SID: Things seem really wild in the oil industry now. What did God show you about oil?
RICH: Yes. I saw oil beginning to lose its power over the nations of the world, that God was going to cause a new system of fueling our lives, you know, our societies, to the point that oil was not going to be, the oil was going to become secondary to what God was going to bring on the earth. And I believe, what I feel that that’s in the process of maybe even coming to light in the next few years. But God has things that man has not seen yet in existence, yet they’re coming from the ground. They’re coming from the earth.
SID: Tell me about Donald Trump.
RICH: Donald Trump. Oh my goodness. You know, the Lord gave me a vision. I’m not political, I’m not for either party.
SID: I understand.
RICH: But the Spirit of the Lord told me that there was a prayer, there was something he had as a younger man with the Lord that the Lord marked his life and separated him, and because of that is the prosperity that [he] has experienced, come on his life, in spite of what people believe of his belief systems. But this is a man who is going to be used of God to bring to light a lot of dirt. For many years to come you’re going to hear him as a man who started in the forefront and in the media to expose the secrets of darkness in society and in government here in America.
SID: Speaking about the secrets going on in government, you found yourself in the spirit in the White House observing everything that was going on for a good eight hours. Bottom line, what are some of the things you saw?
RICH: Yeah. You know, it sounds crazy, but I was going to sleep and I fell in a deep sleep on my bed, and I went into a profound dream vision, and I hovered over the White House, and I hovered over the room where Obama does his work. And I was there, and I could hear conversations. I could see him, all his stuff that he’s doing. And I could see people in his circle coming to him and they’ll have papers written with things, and they would put them on his table, and this is what you’re going to say and this is what you’re going to do. And he will be like trying to say, well but this and this, this is what’s got to be done. And he just started like to tear up and he was like in a way he wasn’t able handle the handle the pressure of what’s coming. And I’m watching all this. I have no idea why I was there, and the Spirit of the Lord came from my left side and said, “I’m going to corner him in a place that I’m going to cause him to call on my name and I’m believing him to take things out and put him in positions that he will call on my name.” And that’s what the Spirit of the Lord told me. And I believe the day will come that God is going to use circumstances for him to discover the real, not the historical Jesus, because the Lord told me he believes in the historical Jesus, but he will find the Messiah, Jesus Christ, and he will call upon his name.
SID: What is going to happen, quickly, in America?
RICH: You know, America, there is a spirit of fear that’s being released on the land. Yet the Lord told me this, for you believers, Isaiah 60, the Bible says, “Gross darkness will cover the earth, but the Glory of the Lord will rise upon you.” And I believe that America is going to see some dark, dark seasons but however, the body of Christ, you and I, God’s Glory is going to surround us like a bubble. And when the world suffers, you are going to see like the children of Israel, the protection, the backing up and the provision of God. I saw great light lifting up the body of Christ and I saw darkness over America. But the Lord also told me this is the season that he’s raising up evangelists in the land of America where evangelists will go to all the corners of the nation and the days of the Gospels and the days of the parks and the Gospels being preached on the plazas are coming back in America where there are going to be signs, wonders and miracles in places that are not churches, and a mighty harvest is coming to this nation in this season.
SID: All right. I want you to release what God has in right now in the next minute or so.
RICH: Yes, sir. Many of you are watching and you watch too much television. You watch the news like this is the Bible. But God told me to tell you the news is [only] men’s opinions. God has the agenda for the nations and the agenda for his church. And there is an agenda of God that includes blessings, promises, protection and provision. And God is about to raise some of you to places where you’re going to see the supernatural provision of God. When you don’t have food, food is going to be on the table, where God is going to super naturally delete your bills, where God is going to save you from situations that you would know that only God can preserve you. And God tells me that this is the season for evangelists to arise. You that have felt the call of God to minister, you don’t have to wait for the states or for television to minister. God says, “Preach my Gospel and my signs and wonders will follow you, and the harvest of souls in America will come.” And you’re going to see once again the days of revival come on this land, not 20 years from now, but even in this year, God is calling out evangelists to arise and to proclaim the Gospel with miracles, signs and wonders
because this is the season for the Glory of God to shine and the world is going to know that Jesus the Savior is alive and well. And I pray right now I believe that’s coming.
SID: Now let me tell you something. Let every man be a liar, but God’s Word is true, all of God’s promises for you are yes. They’re yes and amen. So forget the failures of the past. Look towards the Messiah. New dedication, new hunger in Yeshua’s name. Done.
Pastor Rich Vera interviewed by Sid Roth
March 6 2016

NESARA- Restore America – Galactic News


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  • Jesus Christ gave several warnings about Barack Obama to prophet Linda Newkirk right after the 2008 election…. here are some some excerpts. Do not be taken in by the counterfeit revival that is coming to the churches, they are filled with the lukewarm.

    Nov 2008…..

    Just know, My Little One, that his roots go deep, that his roots are dark, and that they stretch wide in Communist/Marxist teachings and doctrines, even as I have shown you in a previous vision! For, these words and visions of our Father are also My words and visions to you! Obama has been brought through the ranks and has been deeply indoctrinated and trained in subversive techniques. And, he has been groomed and prepared for this time of world communism and Satanism; for nothing of such a magnitude happens in Satan’s kingdom by chance! But, even so, am I not in all of this?

    You, Oh, My People in this nation have refused Me! You have refused our Father! You have forsaken righteousness, preferring instead to follow after the world, and to trust in the arm of the flesh, and to believe in men and their powers! Yes, indeed, to trust in a wicked government to rescue you, to fix your problems and to provide for you!

    Now comes the very antichrist into your midst and you see it not! For, you are looking for someone to SAVE you from your own downfall! You are looking to a man to fix the world situation! You are looking to a man to save you from war, to save your houses, to save your jobs and to save your families! Yes, you are looking to a man and I have given you a man, who will lie to you! He will tell you every smooth tale! He will con you with every smooth plan, even as he leads this nation off a cliff, to a point of no return. Even as he sets up death camps in your midst and even as he executes your families and even as he ravages your land with war and destruction, he will tell you that this is for your own good! Even as he beheads and kills you by the hundreds of thousands, oh yes, he will tell you that the terrorists and the dissidents must be purged.

    June 2012

    My Blessed Child, I am your Father Yahweh, yea Jehovah, Most High God, yes Jesus, Lord of Lords and King of Kings! I tell you again, that I am One and the Same! I am your Saviour! I am your Redeemer; and I am Most High God; and besides Me, there is none! But, there come those, who wish to quibble, who wish to find fault and who wish to dispute the truth of who I am! And some say, “She speaks to another Jesus! She hears from another God!” But, I tell you, My Blessed Child, that among these very mockers are those, who speak to another god. They speak to another Jesus! For, I am not found among them; and these include some of your biggest critics, who control the churches, and who mock these works.

    But, now, My Blessed Child, I come to you and I tell you a very important thing! And, this very important word is about to accelerate all of My judgements in the earth! Yes, people will look here and they will look there and they will say, “Oh, look at these Satanists! Oh, look what they do!” But, I tell you this! Hear Me in this! For, I am empowering the Satanists over you!

    Just as I raised up Nebuchadnezzar and I empowered Nebuchadnezzar to come forward and to overrun and defeat My people, who did evil and who would not heed the warnings of My prophets, I have now raised up another in your midst! Indeed, he is Satan’s choice and Satan has put him over you through his secret organizations. But, I tell you now that I control Satan! He does what I allow and what I command!

    I wrote the Book of Revelation; and I have spoken through My prophets down through the ages, for this is what My people chose. And, I have honored their choices!

    But now, hear Me in this! Make no mistake about it! Barack Obama is the antichrist! Whine all you want! Be in denial all that you want, but you will not change who he is; and you will not change the fact that I put him over you!

    He is your worst nightmare, oh America; for he will burn you down and laugh as he sees you burning! He has no allegiance to America; for his allegiance is to Satan; and this man’s heart is set upon his rule of the whole world!

    You, oh America, are but fodder for his fires, you wicked and adulterous peoples of America! And, burn you will! Yes, you will burn; and the fires will spread all across this nation, even before the nukes come! Yes, you will burn, oh America! For, you will not repent! And, because you will not repent; and I have called out to you for many years to repent of your evil ways, and you will not hear My cries, I tell you that you will burn! (The Lord warned the prophet, Dumitru Duduman, that America will burn. We have now come to that time!)

    And, the famines, great famines, will begin to rip across this land, from one city to another and from one part of this land to another! In years past, I warned you through My words, which I gave to My servant, Linda Newkirk. I told you that if you would not repent that I would dry up your corn fields, that I would bring famines; and you would not hear! You would not believe!

    Now come the famines, and you can see it at your door! For, the droughts are so great! And, now the great fires come, yet few of you can see them, and these fires continue on! Now comes also the time when your antichrist president will wallow in his victories! For, now comes also the time when he is coming into his power!

    What will you do, oh you decadent nation of America? You will fall! America will fall! Yes, America will fall, and all over the world, the people will shudder! They will panic! They will fear with a great fear! For, they shall soon say, “America is fallen!” Yes, the whore of the world is fallen! That old wicked woman, who made the world to drink of the cup of her perversions, has fallen!

    Yet, not all will fear, but only those nations, who have depended upon you, will fear! Many will rejoice! Many will be joyful! They will be glad; for you, oh decadent nation of America have terrorized many nations! (end excerpts)

    Were it possible even the very elect will be deceived! Come out of the churches and come out the world….

    Read much more at

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