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Trump Accuses: Obama Stole My Speech. Trump Jr.: BO Plagiarized. Sr. Demands Stolen College/Passport Records (Video)

Friday, July 29, 2016 2:17
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King of Shambhala

also see here for me….I belong to an old Norwegian aristocratic ROYAL family including  Count Tolstoy (scion of the Chernigov Princes – 11th cent. – by far the oldest Russian royalty), Henrik Ibsen, Papal and Royal Chamberlains, many Members of the Royal Household, barons and counts. All those who fail to heed heaven’s voice will be thrown into hell in the end times says the Bible.

Well, heaven has spoken.
On the day after Obama’s election the lottery in his homestate drew 666. The 666 lottery-draw also reveals that Obama’s Mark of 666 means his money. 

Check the lottery numbers in Obama’s homestate here : the Pick 3 of Nov 5, 2008 was 666, less than 24 hours after Obama’s election!! 
Because I’m alone in revealing the lottery draw of 666, the Mark of the Beast that everybody knows is the Antichrist, that makes me the Messiah and Jesus’ Second Coming.    In the Last Days, those who deny the miraculous heaven-sent omen of 666 to curse Obama as the Antichrist are the false christs predicted by Jesus which the Bible says are doomed to hell. Those false christs have sinned.  
None who refuse to accept this heaven-sent ’666′ omen will be saved in heaven. Follow me: I’m the only way and the truth. 
Tibetan Tantric Buddhism is the highest form of culture in the world and I follow it’s Kalachakra creed. Buddhism and Hinduism never carried out war like Christianity and Islam (That’s the worst thing existing in the world.)

Donald Trump Jr. Accuses Obama Of Plagiarizing His Convention Speech

Trump: I wanted to hit some DNC speakers



Donald Trump responded to some of the criticism of him at the Democratic National Convention by saying he wanted to “hit a number of those speakers so hard, their heads would spin.”

Donald Trump Jr. Accuses Obama Of Plagiarizing His Convention Speech

Excerpted from The Hill: The son of Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump says he’s “honored” President Obama would “plagiarize” a line from his Republican National Convention speech.

Last week, when addressing the Republican convention in Cleveland, Trump Jr. said: “There’s so much work to do. We will not accept the current state of our country because it’s too hard to change. That’s not the America I know. We’re going to unleash the creative spirit and energy of all Americans. We’re going to make our schools the best in the world for every single American of every single ethnicity and background.”

On Wednesday, Obama said: “What we heard in Cleveland last week wasn’t particularly Republican, and it sure wasn’t conservative. What we heard was a deeply pessimistic vision of a country where we turn against each other and turn away from the rest of the world. There were no serious solutions to pressing problems, just the fanning of resentment and blame and anger and hate. And that is not the America I know. The America I know is full of courage, and optimism, and ingenuity. The America I know is decent and generous.”


When Obama Plagiarized Speeches from Deval Patrick and John Edwards


Trump’s demanding Obama turn over his lost college and passport records.


Trump: Obama Refused 50 Million Dollar Offer To See His College Records



Speaking at the National Press Club Donald Trump proposed a new theory about Obama’s birth certificate. Trump conceded there’s a “very big chance” Obama was born in America but said he believes Obama lied about being born in Kenya to get into college.


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Total 9 comments
  • BIN hasn’t allowed this article to get more than 13 views.
    I wonder why.
    It’s suspicious how some people at BIN are so very [exaggeratedly...] pro-Hillary and Obama.

    • T’es rendu à 14 crisse de crétin!

    • P.S.: it doesn’t mean I read them ’cause it’s always the same bull-crap! GET OVER OBAMA – TRUMP AND HILLARY ARE NOW IN…

    • Perhaps they’ve blocked it because you told another one of those Buddhist lies of yours in the headline.

    • Only those who recognize the miracle of heaven will be saved.
      Those who don’t recognize the heavenly power of the omen announced in the Bible will go to hell.
      666 cropped up on the day after Obama’s election in the lottery-draw of his homestate and that makes Obama the Antichrist beyond any possible doubt.

      • What happens to lying, slandering, angry Buddhists who hate the Christian God? Where do you think they go?

        • Tibetan Tantric Buddhism is the highest form of culture in the world; it’ doesn’t slander and lie like Christianity that carried out war.
          Trolling for several years is a big mental illness says Wikipedia.
          Only those who recognize the heavenly power of the omen announced in the Bible will go to heaven.
          666 cropped up on the day after Obama’s election in the lottery-draw of his homestate and that makes Obama the Antichrist beyond any possible doubt.
          There is no Christian God. It’s a lie.
          Jesus said no Christians would be saved in the end times = JESUS SAID ALL CHRISTIANS IN THE END TIMES WOULD BE FALSE CHRISTS.

          • Simple question KOS. As a lying, angry Buddhist who thinks Christianity is a lie, where do you think you will go when you die? Christian Hell? Buddhist Hell? Reincarnation as a cockroach?

    • Now Trump will spell out hellfire for Hillary.
      The end is here.
      It’s NOW.

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