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Trump, Putin, the CIA and the future of America. You have been warned PAY attention Russia is NOT America’s friend!

Saturday, December 10, 2016 7:10
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I left my natal France in 1972 and I am today close to 67 years old and after spending more than three months in my country, it made me aware of how controlling and powerful a government can become. And with it, everyone being abused in so many ways. But do not rejoice to fast because if you think America is better… Of course it is; but there is still some good in both countries.

I’ll be back home later this week following a successful surgery and more than happy to rejoin my beautiful, supporting wife Terania and our Lady pup which has been on my side (on Skype) every day since I left.  Thank goodness for technology making separation and distance much easier to deal with.  When I contracted cancer several years ago I also wish we had used Skype the way Terania and I have now because it seemed I was all alone in a Bangkok hospital fighting for my life as Terania didn’t yet have her passport. 

One may ask, what was good for me while I have been in France? Well, I have the love and care of my family as we are very close. Second, the good food only French people can produce and appreciate…As it is too rich for the fade palet of Americans who can never find love, peace, joy and life like we do in food. US citizens instead find all this in their chosen religions, sports or entertainment because this pious country is so gullible and so young compared at Europe very long legacy or decimating religious wars experiences.

America is currently learning the damages inflicted (predicted/Art Bell and Jesus) by religions like with ISIS, yet its God fearing population is not curious enough nor willing to gain cosmic consciousness and appreciate God real cosmic identity. Indeed, the challenges we face to help others grow up psychically is exhausting but unlike many “wealthy young so called-prophets and reptilius infected conspiracy “talking heads,” only those advanced enough; will be able to grasp God’s cosmic Divinity.


Introducing the world to cosmic consciousness

And of course, the supremely wealthy, well organised corporations like LinkedIn, Google/Facebook own all medias and control all the information. Meantime the sports  and entertainment mesmerizing matrixes are designed to stop you asking pertaining questions about your abusive rulers or how some as the Russians being able to control the election results. Thus, muting me is also part of the technical conspiracy against me. Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, Satan’s Minions and Dr. Turi

France is good for taking care of its people which have been abused by an avalanche of foreign war refugees abusing a system designed only for French people born in the country.

In fact, my older sister suffered breast cancer many years ago. She was, like me; taken care of and she decided to stay three months with my brother in Cannes, to undergo chemotherapy. Transportation to and from the house, the hospital by taxi was free as was the airplane trip back and forth to Corsica where she resides. Today she has no more bills to pay and the government also paid for the remaining of her home loan while she also benefits from an early retirement.

And of course, like millions of other French people in her situation, this is very costly and paid with heavy taxes by the working force. In France nothing is free, in fact everything is extremely expensive, especially in the French Riviera where my brother, his wife and children live. 

Note also, no one can work more than thirty five hours a week and all the French get a full month of paid holiday and an old guy like me can’t work there after the retirement age of 62. I may not look old at 67, thanks to Terania’s care but sometimes I feel it, knowing I worked all my life and still work today. While I can not always do as much as a young guy physically, I beat billions of them mentally and if I had to work physically I could probably still do it.

My cosmic work is not understood nor appreciated  by a God fearing and a traditionally “educated” rational society, but lucky for us we have our extremely rare spiritual VIP’s and a dedicated world wide reading audience.

What really pisses me off here too is the abuse of a government imposing its will to make more money on the over taxed French people using the heavy Paris’ pollution as an excuse. Gas is so freaking expensive in France and the roads are too small that we wouldn’t even be able to drive or afford a hummer.  The price of gas is close to $10 a gallon and you must pay a fortune to use all highways and parking too!

In fact, my brother and his wife took a trip from Cannes to Andorra, Spain and paid nearly $250 to drive 385 miles by using the highways system…  I did not ask him how much he paid in gas, to avoid suffering a heart attack!

There is a high pollution level in Paris right now, but as gas is so expensive, everyone use diesel which is much worse as far as pollution is concerned. Thus all French people who have cars with impair numbers must not drive on certain days and take their bikes, taxis, buses, trains or pool with other drivers to go about their businesses. Cops and the cities make a bundle with endless salutations, issued to people who can not obey the abusive rules.

This is another so called smart way for the government to screw French people of their hard earned money because if you think half of the drivers in Paris will make a difference in the world’s pollution, you deserve the same abusive government treatment in the US. 

The upcoming Uranic dragon will be affecting the US, France, Japan and Italy and February and August 2017 will speak of the shocking, disturbing, revolutionary, liberating power of this humanitarian dragon.

This is where, as VIP’s; you should make a note of my predictions’; because the stars do not lie.

Sharing those visions with a gullible, insensitive critical public serve no real purpose; because even with the well documented, dated predictions, many envious idiots will never be able assimilate my obvious quatrains and keywords and will never accept my God given predictive gift!


2017 Nostradamus Personal and Universal Forecast 

Most accurate psychic since Nostradamus

The psychology and neuroscience of terrorism by Dr. Turi

This is why it is important to never let the government impose its will upon you and why liberty can only protected with big guns. And in France, all people are indoctrinated not to fear God but guns. This does not stop the reptilius infected evil souls to find and use them against anyone if needed!

In many ways, my words enunciate a form of conservatism, even an undeniable support for someone who own a smart UCI and a better set of stars than Trump.

My work isn’t political but “visionary” in nature and I clearly and steadily prepared the world for a SHOCKING Trump’s election controlled by the Russians hackers. The quatrain and key words used to describe those days do not lie but the  public is ill prepared to heed the signs they know nothing about!.

The article “Secret Service whisks Trump – ASSASSINATION PREDICTIONS!“  include another vision I hope will never come to pass.

But again, my work can only serve the smarter,curious people, or those able to assimilate a cosmic work that is designed to serve spiritually inclined future generations.

Spending over three months here in France has taught me how lucky and free we are in the USA. When and where there is health, will and an idea,  the American dream isn’t dead. While I would feel more relaxed with someone with sound political wisdom  or a more temperate attitude than Trump, I also realize we need to be hopeful for the world’ sake.

We couldn’t trust a politician (Clinton) who’s lies with the drive and lust for power that matches Trump’s egocentric bullyism. And he has already cursed this country in the eyes and mind of many foreign powers. Apart from the evil of Russia reptilius infected hackers creating and imposing false news and with it, the outcome of this remarkable, shocking anticipated election.

If I was right then by preparing you with the mind boggling results then, maybe you should trust my visions of the future. I don’t think so, because the idea of changes, the passion, the degradation of America’s face and the “invasion” of foreigners stimulated by the Russian endless bombardments in Syria is designed to bring  more fear into the minds of people and more foreigners fleeing death to Europe and America.

Trump seems to be the only one able to “save” this  country when my visions offer a  different picture, if not the opposite at the end of a reign imposed by foreign governments. While I  want to have and wish I had the same faith as Terania and so many other voters endorsing Trump logically motivated by fear and changes… I only read the stars and can only hope to be wrong in this one.

And because I am truthful, direct and expose nothing else than the undiluted truth, I tend to vex so many and in the process, get muted, rejected and ridicule.

I do not know yet why I wrote the quatrain below but the future will once again prove me right and I will be there once again to offer you the clarifications!

As usual, instead of recognizing my cosmic gift, Facebook is not allowing me to post links confirming my large earthquakes predictions and my visions pertaining to Trumps’ troublesome Presidency and the Russians hackers helping him to win the Presidency. With such revealing articles there is no wondering why Facebook and Google are muting me! 



And as usual, all I can do is to offer the same quatrain and in time, offer you more rational information to the Nostradamus 16th century Divine Astrology methodology used in my predictions…

Smile, rise lies can blind many

Truth hurt 14 big tree to fall noise

Secrets in dark to light 24 arise

Cold friends wire spoke evil



Since the dawn of time, the Creator has shown his truth to the humble, a truth that is hidden from the vain blinded by worldly pleasures, but which is written in the skies, which nightly speaks of the glory of God. Nostradamus.

DON’T BE A VICTIM OF THE COSMIC CODE, RESPECT GOD’ SIGNS!  “God created the stars and the heavens for more than the sake of beauty, he gave them to us for interpretation so you may live a safer more productive life.” Nostradamus “Millionaires do not use Astrology billionaires do.”  J.P. Morgan What will 2017 bring you? The future is already here! Dr. Turi’s readings

Dr. Turi










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