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Mysterious Radiation Spike Coming From The Arctic

Thursday, February 23, 2017 18:05
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‘Mystery  From  The Top  Of  The  World’  Alarms  Experts – Scientists  Warn: ‘Billions  Being  Exposed’  As  Our  Food  Chain  Is  Decimated  
Was  Mysterious  Radiation  Spike  Coming  From  The  Arctic  A  Russian  Nuclear  Weapons  Test?

February 23, 2017
Stefan Stanford 

In the most recent story from ENENews, they report scientists are very concerned that the radiation now hitting the US will only continue to worsen with this dire warning: “BILLIONS are being exposed.”  Warning us the damaged Fukushima nuclear reactors will continue to pour radioactive water into the Pacific Ocean “for the rest of time”, their story is just the most recent proving the Northern hemisphere is getting hit by a whole lot of radiation, with a huge new mysterious radiation spike that has alarmed and baffled scientists and experts now striking Europe from ‘the top of the world’.


Fukushima/Scientists “Will Leak Until the End of Time/ Radiation/Europe”
According to a recent story from The Drive that Steve Quayle linked to on his website on Monday, increased levels of radioactive iodine have recently been reported all across Europe that appear to be coming from the Arctic Circle. As their story asks, “has there been a ‘nuclear incident’ in the Arctic”? 
Radiation Spike in Europe: Did Russia Just Secretly Test A Nuke in The Arctic?
In the 1st video below, our videographer takes a look at this latest mystery and asks, “has Russia conducted a nuclear weapons test in the Arctic region?”

The concern was great enough that the US has flown a nuclear ‘sniffer jet’ to the UK after the mysterious radiation spike in Europe, a plane designed to detect nuclear explosions that were also used after the Chernoby disaster in 1986 and were recently deployed around North Korea after they were alleged to have conducted a nuclear test in 2016.
Not surprisingly, according to The Independent, the radioactive Iodine-131 (most closely associated with atomic bombs) was found originally in Northern Norway back in December but authorities kept it secret, not announcing it until recently after it had also been detected elsewhere across Europe. Has a ‘dirty bomb’ been released by ISIS in Europe without the knowledge of authorities, its poisons silently spreading across Europe?
Like what is happening across the Northern hemisphere due to Fukushima now, radiation is the ‘perfect poison’, invisible to sight, unable to be touched or tasted or smelled and we certainly can’t ‘hear it’. We have no real way of knowing that it’s even there short of technology most of us don’t have.
From The Independent story: Mysterious radioactive spikes are being found across Europe – and nobody quite knows why.
Iodine-131, a man-made radioactive material, is being found in small amounts across the continent. It was found in northern Norway early in January, according to officials, but has been gradually moving across the rest of Europe ever since.
But despite finding the material in January, authorities didn’t announce that it had been found until recent days. That might be because it isn’t at all clear where it has come from or how it got to be spread out.
Further information makes the find even more unusual. Iodine-131 is usually found alongside other radioactive materials, but it wasn’t. And it has a short half-life – the time required for one half of the atoms of a radioactive substance to disintegrate – but a significant amount of it was found, meaning that it is likely that it was introduced very recently.
There is no imminent threat from the amount of material that is currently being found in Europe, according to the French IRSN, or nuclear security body. The IRSN said that it had shared the findings with the “Ring of Five” – a group of similar bodies across Europe – so that they can be further investigated.
With most of the mainstream media refusing to report anything of real significance to the American people, thus their ‘fake news’ label rightly earned, might America get some truth on the devastation that Fukushima radiation is causing from President Donald Trump?
If a chronic perfect poison is continually being released into the oceans, causing the mass deaths of Pacific Ocean life and putting BILLIONS at risk as experts have warned, shouldn’t we have the right to ‘officially’ know or is Fukushima just another globalist depopulation method, sure to be censored forever and eventually bring our planet to extinction?

The February 5th story from ENENews reported upon a record number of dead whales scattered throughout the Hawaiian Islands in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Most of them ‘sick and starving’, officially, scientists are officially ‘mystified’ about what is causing the mass deaths of our planet’s biggest mammals living in the sea.

We’ve called out our scientists over and over again in stories on ANP and will continue to do so within this story. As anybody paying attention to ‘real world news’ knows, the mass deaths of whales in Hawaii only continued a nearly 6-year-long spree of mass wildlife deaths across our oceans and planet Earth as has been extensively documented by End Times Prophecy.

Long ago we were warned by a very wise man who lived here in America long before the globalists came here to destroy our planet that ‘man does not weave the web of life.  We are merely a strand in it. Whatever we do the web, we do to ourselves’. As one ‘expert’ warned about Fukushima to mainly ‘deaf ears’ way back in 2015, “what is happening in Fukushima, it’s all going to cascade up to us” one day. That day is getting closer every day now.

In the 2nd video below, BPEarthwatch shares with us the news from scientists who warn that Fukushima will continue to ‘leak until the end of time’, completely poisoning and decimating our food chain (wonder why the whales are starving?!) while, in the final video, David Knight from Infowars gives us an update upon this disaster that is still being highly censored by the MSM and top levels of government despite the fact that it will NEVER go away.

NESARA- Restore America – Galactic News


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