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While the many people continue to think that 9/11 was a terrorist attack perpetrated by 19 box-cutter wielding hijackers…it was more likely executed by very sophisticated, highly intelligent international agents who meant the attack as a cover-up for financial crimes being investigated by the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI), whose offices in the Pentagon were destroyed on September 11th. [1] The attacks … were intended to cover-up the clearing of $240 billion dollars in securities covertly created in September 1991 to fund a covert economic war against the Soviet Union, during which ‘unknown’ western investors bought up much of the Soviet industry, with a focus on oil and gas.
The 9/11 attacks also served to derail multiple Federal investigations of crimes associated with the 1991 covert operation. Hundreds of billions of dollars of government securities had to be destroyed. A critical mass of brokers from the major government security brokerages in the Twin Towers had to be eliminated to create chaos in the government securities market. A situation needed to be created wherein $240 billion dollars of covert securities could be electronically “cleared” without anyone asking questions – which happened when the Federal Reserve declared an emergency and invoked its “emergency powers” that very afternoon.
This video is a MUST SEE. Share it everywhere you want the light of justice and truth to shine.
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The New World Order was born on September – 11 – 2001.
It’s The Same Old Story Every Day God 

These People are Still Out There
Challenger space shuttle 1986 disaster crew still alive
HOAX: NASA Challenger crew still alive
when God returns I want to hear what they say to him about all these lying people
Japan, China, US, Russia, Europe and India is lying
It’s like these motherf#ckers (T.V.) is just like professional liars
Nahh but perhaps they said ‘The game is afoot’
No plane hit the buildings. Perhaps a missile that got wings painted as a plane, then real time cgi (that failed), to fool the people. And tower 1 and 2 nuked from below.
Building 7, they investigated Enron, and the Bush admin house bubble fraud, Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac.
trump has talked about 9/11 -said we would find the truth if he were prez–we will see–too many elements are in power to thwart him i believe
That’s because MOST of the politicians were Lawyers before they completely sold their souls to Satan and became politicians !!! Lawyer , LIAR what’s the difference ?!!! They’re the Devil’s advocates !!!
What was that plane that followed alongside the second tower plane, I watched so many twin tower vids I think I’ve forgotten a lot.
apparently you missed an event on 9/10.. the pentagon seemed to have lost THREE TRILLION DOLLARS which was “quietly” announced on september 10th, 2001.. the very next morning 9/11 twin towers came down and no one ever mentioned the STOLEN THREE TRILLION DOLLARS AGAIN.. and you’re dithering on about 240 billion?? ahahahahahahahaa
The cruise missile specifically targeted the Naval Intelligence wing too.
If you don’t look at directed energy weapons dropping the towers you will stay fuzzy on the topic. And the underground alien base in Iraq is what US space command were after, the oil and the rebuilding contracts were just icing on the cake and a distraction for the people. To kill a million or so Iraqi people to get that is the real crime.
Why aren’t we taking a closer look at GH Bush? He seems to be the common thread through all of the 9/11 facts?
I now believe somebodies somewheres committed MURDER on 3000 people of many who were BURNED, CRUSHED, or JUMPED to their deaths.
Not to mention destruction of private and public property into the billions.
Yeah, it was an act of TERROR but not the one they want you to believe or blame on.
Somebody committed MURDER and MAYHEM on fellow citizens.
Larry Silversteirn, Dick Cheney, Bush Jr and Bush Sr., Rabbi Dov Zakheim, Tony Blair,
Us Air Force traitors, Benjamin Netanyahu, Israeli Mossad, CIA. Financed by Saudi
Arabia, Queen of England, The Rothchilds.
Osama Bin laden = patsy
Osama Bin Laden = CIA operative
All roads will lead to the little Bush, cheney, etcetera, they gave the orders to stand down airforce security interceptors
I’ve always had a feeling that the “folks” who were taken out on September 11th had been pieces on a financial chess board that had served their chess master faithfully (working on esoteric financial tools) and were then sacrificed ….as is the nature of the game of chess….use your pieces according to their particular skills/proclivities…modus operandi and at a given point in the game when they have served their purpose .. .you get rid of them….
In “Die hard 4” after working on the villain’s software program the cyber experts are then whacked…..
In “The Fourth Protocol” after having completed their mission for the KGB spy master the operatives are then eliminated with extreme prejudice…
In “Goodfellas” after the “mob” has committed the heist their leader (Robert De Niro) then proceeds to have the rest of his firm “put on ice”
In the TV mini series “The Company”…….. In 1987, as the Cold War winds down, improvements in technology have enabled the counterintelligence analysts, Vanessa and Tessa, to pinpoint the telephone number that Moscow Radio broadcast in the early 1950s to its KGB operatives. It leads to Kahn’s Liquor Store and to Yevgeny. Jack visits the dying Angleton who figures out that lists of further numbers broadcast by Moscow are not telephone numbers but bank accounts, part of a complicated financial scheme, codenamed Kholstomer, designed by Starik to wreak havoc on the American economy.
Esoteric financial tools …disruptive technologies ,,,, ,the end of the banking industry as we know it ?..
(Do you remember….the 21st night of September)
Was 9/11 the end of money (M2) as we know it ?
“The early bird gets the worm”
Advances in cryptology and its relationship to banking were being analysed and their implications discussed as far back as the early 80’s……and supposedly the NSA took a real hard look at it in the 1990’s…..
RICHARD GROVE: In 2000 SilverStream was contracted by Marsh to provide a technological solution beyond what we had done for any of the above-named companies; insofar as it would be used to electronically connect Marsh to its major business partners via internet portals, for the purpose of creating “paperless transactions” and expediting revenue and renewal cycles, and built from the ground up at the client’s site.
SilverStream provided a specific type of connectivity that was used to link AIG and Marsh & McLennan–the first two commercial companies on the planet to employ this type of transaction–and in fact Marsh was presented with something called the ACORD Award in the summer of 2001 for being the first commercial corporation to do so… and what you should take away from that is this: it means that no other companies were doing this type of transaction,so the question in your mind should be- what then were Marsh and AIG doing, and why did they need to leverage technologies that no other commercial entity on the face of the earth needed to conduct business?
Once securing the contract, SilverStream then stationed approximately 30-40 developers at Marsh, and this team was led by 2-3 managers, with whom I liaised to ensure delivery of the “solution” that was promised.The development team regularly worked late into the night if not all night, and sometimes worked 7 days a week in order to adhere to Marsh’s indicated pre-September 11th deadline.
And all of this took place within the top floors of the World Trade Center Twin Towers…
All this “BS” about Saudi Arabia’s culpability is just a sop to try to placate the truthers…Saudi Arabia could not sneeze without the say so of the CIA…
The how and why the Towers were brought down is open to debate……
The only thing that is for sure is that a number of intelligence agencies worldwide were involved so as to avoid what s known as the “spiral of alerts” which could lead to all out nuclear war………………….
(So many countries warned the US: Afghanistan, Argentina, Britain, Cayman Islands, Egypt, France,Germany, Israel, Italy, Jordan, Morocco, and Russia. Yet the two countries in the best position to know about the 9/11 plot—Saudi Arabia andPakistan—apparently didn’t give any warning at all. The ties between wealthy
Saudi figures and al-Qaeda are many, and too complicated to go into here. But it is interesting to notice that, while discussing the resignation of PrinceTurki al-Faisal, the head of the Saudi intelligence agency, the Wall Street Journal has speculated that the Saudi Arabian government may have had foreknowledge of 9/11: “The timing of Turki’s removal—August 31—and his Taliban connection raise the question: Did the Saudi regime know that bin Laden was planning his attack against the US? The current view among Saudi-watchers is that this is doubtful, but that the House of Saud might have heard rumors that something was planned, though they did not know what or when.”)
The “Truth” is always Stranger than Fiction…
Now check out my diction……..
The Vatican …The Mafia …P2 Masonic Lodge…
Probably sent “Tony Soprano” a bullet he couldn’t dodge …..
A “spiked” Jack Daniels that would stop his heart…
Or miniature directed energy weapon aimed like a dart…..
They left no traces… they didn’t want folks to see…
Unlike in the “whacking” of Gods banker Roberto Calvi…
James knew the mafia well…
A “Goodfella” is not supposed to tell….
The “Black-Hand” specialises in criminality…
The hidden world that Joe Public can’t see…
To play a character you must immerse yourself in their world..
And that’s where “Inside jobs” slowly become unfurled…
Robbing deposit boxes is “Old-hat”….
Credit default swap Ponzi schemes is where it’s all at…..
The transfer of funds…we’re talking digital crimes…
But the evidence is on the “servers” logging dates and times…
Get paranoid like De Niro and you’re scared your crew might speak…
Can’t take the risk there would be the chance of a leak….
Finally decide that it’s high time….
To get rid of all traces of your trillion dollar crime….
Invite your criminal “firm” to all gather in one place….
You’ll make them “made-men” put treasury bonds in their briefcase…
Don’t take the chance that there might be an investigative “raid”….
The words been given (bada_bing_bada_boom)”flatten that World Trade”
A P2 masonic ritual then follows suit….
“Overturn the money lenders table” that’s their pay-off that’s their “loot”…
Hide the fact you’re a gangster from a “family” of cold blooded killers….
By symbolically bringing down “Samson’s” Twin pillars…
The demolition of the Twin Towers….
“Loose change” and at the funerals send flowers…
The Truth doesn’t quit….
So….. Forget about it..!!!
21 the ultimate “made man” …
See through walls…. yes we can…
James Gandolfini
”The Loose Change story begins in May 2002 on the opening night of a Mediterranean restaurant in Oneonta where Avery, then aged 19, is working as a dishwasher. A friend of the owner, James Gandolfini (aka Tony Soprano), is a guest at the party and Avery gets chatting with him. “We started talking about movies and shit,” Avery recalls. “Gandolfini told me, if you want to do something that matters, you have to talk to the entire world. You have to have something to say.”
High doses of microwaves can damage the functioning of internal organs, control behaviour or even drive victims to suicide. Anatoly Tsyganok, head of the Military Forecasting Centre in Moscow, said: ‘This is a highly serious weapon. ‘When it was used for dispersing a crowd and it was focused on a man, his body temperature went up immediately as if he was thrown into a hot frying pan. Still, we know very little about this weapon and even special forces guys can hardly cope with it.’ The long-term effects are not known, but two years ago a former major in the Russian foreign intelligence agency, the GRU, died in Scotland after making claims about such a weapons programme to MI6.
Maybe James’ watch was an electro magnetic pulse inducer…
If they were in the PNAC club, they knew. Jeb knew.
Pull me a chair and stand me a brew
and here’s the tale I’ll tell…
Of the Kursk gone down,
Her crew all drown,
In Davey Jones’ Hell
Then Halliburton Norway, in the heroes role
Came in to raise the sub,
But instead, two Granit missiles they stole
For their boss, the P.N.A.C. club
You see, Rumsfield spoke on 9/10/2001
About 2.3 trillion the O.N.I. said was gone
24 hours later, a Granit was on it’s run
To the accounting section in the Pentagon.
That event signaled to the magician
To bring three towers down
The last by controlled demolition
And the Twins by nukes underground.
So by these tricks they lit the fuse
That set the world aflame…
A media involved false flag ruse
Blamed on a swarthy Arab’s name!
Charles Ulysses Feney
It is a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma
I’ve always had a feeling that the “folks” who were taken out on September 11th had been pieces on a financial chess board that had served their chess master faithfully (working on esoteric financial tools) and were then sacrificed ….as is the nature of the game of chess….use your pieces according to their particular skills/proclivities…modus operandi and at a given point in the game when they have served their purpose .. .you get rid of them….
In “Die hard 4” after working on the villain’s software program the cyber experts are then whacked…..
In “The Fourth Protocol” after having completed their mission for the KGB spy master the operatives are then eliminated with extreme prejudice…
In “Goodfellas” after the “mob” has committed the heist their leader (Robert De Niro) then proceeds to have the rest of his firm “put on ice”
In the TV mini series “The Company”…….. In 1987, as the Cold War winds down, improvements in technology have enabled the counterintelligence analysts, Vanessa and Tessa, to pinpoint the telephone number that Moscow Radio broadcast in the early 1950s to its KGB operatives. It leads to Kahn’s Liquor Store and to Yevgeny. Jack visits the dying Angleton who figures out that lists of further numbers broadcast by Moscow are not telephone numbers but bank accounts, part of a complicated financial scheme, codenamed Kholstomer, designed by Starik to wreak havoc on the American economy.
Esoteric financial tools …disruptive technologies ,,,, ,the end of the banking industry as we know it ?..
(Do you remember….the 21st night of September)
Was 9/11 the end of money (M2) as we know it ?
“The early bird gets the worm”
Advances in cryptology and its relationship to banking were being analysed and their implications discussed as far back as the early 80’s……and supposedly the NSA took a real hard look at it in the 1990’s…..
RICHARD GROVE: In 2000 SilverStream was contracted by Marsh to provide a technological solution beyond what we had done for any of the above-named companies; insofar as it would be used to electronically connect Marsh to its major business partners via internet portals, for the purpose of creating “paperless transactions” and expediting revenue and renewal cycles, and built from the ground up at the client’s site.
SilverStream provided a specific type of connectivity that was used to link AIG and Marsh & McLennan–the first two commercial companies on the planet to employ this type of transaction–and in fact Marsh was presented with something called the ACORD Award in the summer of 2001 for being the first commercial corporation to do so… and what you should take away from that is this: it means that no other companies were doing this type of transaction,so the question in your mind should be- what then were Marsh and AIG doing, and why did they need to leverage technologies that no other commercial entity on the face of the earth needed to conduct business?
Once securing the contract, SilverStream then stationed approximately 30-40 developers at Marsh, and this team was led by 2-3 managers, with whom I liaised to ensure delivery of the “solution” that was promised.The development team regularly worked late into the night if not all night, and sometimes worked 7 days a week in order to adhere to Marsh’s indicated pre-September 11th deadline.
And all of this took place within the top floors of the World Trade Center Twin Towers…
All this “BS” about Saudi Arabia’s culpability is just a sop to try to placate the truthers…Saudi Arabia could not sneeze without the say so of the CIA…
The how and why the Towers were brought down is open to debate……
The only thing that is for sure is that a number of intelligence agencies worldwide were involved so as to avoid what s known as the “spiral of alerts” which could lead to all
out nuclear war………………….
(So many countries warned the US: Afghanistan, Argentina, Britain, Cayman Islands, Egypt, France,Germany, Israel, Italy, Jordan, Morocco, and Russia. Yet the two countries in the best position to know about the 9/11 plot—Saudi Arabia andPakistan—apparently didn’t give any warning at all. The ties between wealthy
Saudi figures and al-Qaeda are many, and too complicated to go into here. But it is interesting to notice that, while discussing the resignation of PrinceTurki al-Faisal, the head of the Saudi intelligence agency, the Wall Street Journal has speculated that the Saudi Arabian government may have had foreknowledge of 9/11: “The timing of Turki’s removal—August 31—and his Taliban connection raise the question: Did the Saudi regime know that bin Laden was planning his attack against the US? The current view among Saudi-watchers is that this is doubtful, but that the House of Saud might have heard rumors that something was planned, though they did not know what or when.”)
The “Truth” is always Stranger than Fiction…
Now check out my diction……..
The Vatican …The Mafia …P2 Masonic Lodge…
Probably sent “Tony Soprano” a bullet he couldn’t dodge …..
A “spiked” Jack Daniels that would stop his heart…
Or miniature directed energy weapon aimed like a dart…..
They left no traces… they didn’t want folks to see…
Unlike in the “whacking” of Gods banker Roberto Calvi…
James knew the mafia well…
A “Goodfella” is not supposed to tell….
The “Black-Hand” specialises in criminality…
The hidden world that Joe Public can’t see…
To play a character you must immerse yourself in their world..
And that’s where “Inside jobs” slowly become unfurled…
Robbing deposit boxes is “Old-hat”….
Credit default swap Ponzi schemes is where it’s all at…..
The transfer of funds…we’re talking digital crimes…
But the evidence is on the “servers” logging dates and times…
Get paranoid like De Niro and you’re scared your crew might speak…
Can’t take the risk there would be the chance of a leak….
Finally decide that it’s high time….
To get rid of all traces of your trillion dollar crime….
Invite your criminal “firm” to all gather in one place….
You’ll make them “made-men” put treasury bonds in their briefcase…
Don’t take the chance that there might be an investigative “raid”….
The words been given (bada_bing_bada_boom)”flatten that World Trade”
A P2 masonic ritual then follows suit….
“Overturn the money lenders table” that’s their pay-off that’s their “loot”…
Hide the fact you’re a gangster from a “family” of cold blooded killers….
By symbolically bringing down “Samson’s” Twin pillars…
The demolition of the Twin Towers….
“Loose change” and at the funerals send flowers…
The Truth doesn’t quit….
So….. Forget about it..!!!
21 the ultimate “made man” …
See through walls…. yes we can…
James Gandolfini
”The Loose Change story begins in May 2002 on the opening night of a Mediterranean restaurant in Oneonta where Avery, then aged 19, is working as a dishwasher. A friend of the owner, James Gandolfini (aka Tony Soprano), is a guest at the party and Avery gets chatting with him. “We started talking about movies and shit,” Avery recalls. “Gandolfini told me, if you want to do something that matters, you have to talk to the entire world. You have to have something to say.”
High doses of microwaves can damage the functioning of internal organs, control behaviour or even drive victims to suicide. Anatoly Tsyganok, head of the Military Forecasting Centre in Moscow, said: ‘This is a highly serious weapon. ‘When it was used for dispersing a crowd and it was focused on a man, his body temperature went up immediately as if he was thrown into a hot frying pan. Still, we know very little about this weapon and even special forces guys can hardly cope with it.’ The long-term effects are not known, but two years ago a former major in the Russian foreign intelligence agency, the GRU, died in Scotland after making claims about such a weapons programme to MI6.
Maybe James’ watch was an electro magnetic pulse inducer…
If they were in the PNAC club, they knew. Jeb knew.
Pull me a chair and stand me a brew
and here’s the tale I’ll tell…
Of the Kursk gone down,
Her crew all drown,
In Davey Jones’ Hell
Then Halliburton Norway, in the heroes role
Came in to raise the sub,
But instead, two Granit missiles they stole
For their boss, the P.N.A.C. club
You see, Rumsfield spoke on 9/10/2001
About 2.3 trillion the O.N.I. said was gone
24 hours later, a Granit was on it’s run
To the accounting section in the Pentagon.
That event signaled to the magician
To bring three towers down
The last by controlled demolition
And the Twins by nukes underground.
So by these tricks they lit the fuse
That set the world aflame…
A media involved false flag ruse
Blamed on a swarthy Arab’s name!
Charles Ulysses Feney
It is a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma
How does an airplane disappear into one of those towers, without tearing off the wings and tail section?