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21st Century House Slaves

Friday, March 3, 2017 18:36
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Sylvain Lamoureux, Contributor
Waking Times

For thousands of years, the ‘house slave’ has been one which was treated better than the other slaves; allowed to live in the master’s house or at least apart from the others which were usually beaten into submission to carry out the toil of the day. The house slave was also something to aspire to, for it offered a hope of relief from the worst of their existence. The house slave was loyal to his master and was often used as a spy and as someone to ‘negotiate’ with the others and coax them into accepting their fate with a smile.

The Stockholm syndrome was not just borne out of Sweden. Looking throughout human history, one can see that slavery and money (gold) are both very predominant within the story of humanity. As the ages progressed, slavery had to take on a clandestine form, as it was no longer ‘acceptable’ and a ‘soft slavery‘ was introduced.

An interesting read was Michael Tellinger’s Slave Species of the Gods in which he relays information translated from ancient Sumerian clay tablets which indicate that humanity was actually created as a slave species but alas such information is merely dismissed as myth and legend. I won’t go into detail here but the book was well worth the read and within me, stirred up the question of why today’s modern ‘terrorists’ seem to revel in destroying ancient artifacts and sites which may contain further information?

Athens had various categories of slaves, such as:

– House-slaves, living in their master’s home and working at home, on the land or in a shop.
– Freelance slaves, who didn’t live with their master but worked in their master’s shop or fields and paid him taxes from money they got from their own properties (insofar as society allowed slaves to own property).
– Public slaves, who worked as police-officers, ushers, secretaries, street-sweepers, etc.
– War-captives who served primarily in unskilled tasks at which they could be chained: for example, rowers in commercial ships; or miners.

– Houseborn slaves often constituted a privileged class.

“None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.” ~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832)

One can see from the above that this has been happening for thousands of years, and that we seem to learn nothing from those which have tried to inform us of our condition in the past or from history itself.

So what happens when the majority of people become the ‘house slaves’? Fast forward to present day.

Two things to consider before I go on would be money; its history and its present importance. Be it the money changers from the bible, the Romans with their coinage or the Rothschilds of today; there has always been a group which controls money and the necessities of life tied to it. And information, which again throughout history, one can see its control of (national security anyone?) throughout the revisionist histories of our times written by the winner and forgotten by the masses. Both these things have never seemed logical to me.

In one of my previous writings, NWO Manifesto, I outlined these controls used by those in ‘power’ along with ‘property’ and ‘ego’ amongst others. Now that it can all be tied together, I shall continue with stating that as long as the house slaves are kept content, they will continue to perpetuate and enforce the mentality forward to future generations (multi-generational programming) while believing that they are doing the best for their children and grandchildren to come.

Some say that when we are born we are subject to some sort of ‘social contract’ but that is just a slave telling themselves and their offspring that ‘that’s just the way it is’ with the most illogical of justifications which, sadly, seems real to them.

Some scream, “I am my own boss,” for they believe they work for themselves. They become an ‘entrepreneur’ and tell themselves that they control their destiny. Delusion is powerful as I mentioned before, for it clouds the truth and lets us see what we ‘want’ to see. At the end of the day, this situation is not freedom, as they are still working for money to survive. They must still play the game of getting money out of another pocket to put into theirs, albeit different from the ‘9 to 5’ wage slave. They must still answer to a ‘customer’, they can still be put out of business by ‘unsatisfied’ clients and they must still pay a ‘cut’ to their masters in the form of licenses, insurance and taxes. So, how free are you?

You perpetuate your slavery forward, generation by generation, as you tell your children how proud you are of them for scoring well in the master’s educational institutions. For you tell them that it will ensure a better life for them and that all you want for them is to not have the hardships which you may have endured. You reward them for compliance and punish them for their failures because that is the only way that you know of; forever pushing them to be better than you, without really changing anything at all.

So who are the house slaves of the 21st century? Almost everyone (scroll up and see the points from Athens). The ones which own a house while still paying their masters for the privilege and proudly proclaiming to their friends how low their usury rate is (fixed or variable), this includes anything which one make ‘payments’ on. The ones which believe in or work for the ‘government’ (from the Latin Guvernare Mentis or control mind) because no one has the right to dictate how another shall live. The ones in the industries of enforcement for they are the lap-dogs of the masters and shall be discarded when they are no longer useful. The ones which teach at the master’s ‘educational’ institutions. The ones who work for or believe that the media does not lie.

The one’s which tell me that “private property is the foundation of freedom” (or anyone which agrees in the concept of ‘more for me’ without consideration that it also means ‘less for others’). Doctors, lawyers, bankers, CEO’s; the list is endless for as long as the majority of the house slaves are ‘satisfied’ in their life, they will drag others down to their level and beat those which dare to step out of line (just like the monkeys in the ladder experiment). The ones which believe in sovereignty of the state above that of the individual. As Mark Passio has mentioned in his many informative talks: there are enough order followers out there which keep the rest in line.

If you espouse such drivel as ‘Rome wasn’t built in a day’ and ‘hope and belief’ that the ‘100th monkey’ is just around the corner and that people simply need to ‘pull themselves up by their bootstraps’ while voting for a hero to come and save humanity, you are a house slave.

If your life is filled with ‘abundance’ and ‘happiness’ and this makes no sense to you, then I am happy for you and please disregard my ramblings. Go on living and smiling and don’t worry about anything catching up to future generations. After all, there is no advancement of the police state, no senseless destruction of nations and cultures, no worries about money becoming controlled by digital and bio-metric means, no dumbing down of future generations, no perversion of health and nutrition, no impending technological unemployment, no more risk of housing crisis, no erosion of privacy and definitely no worries for the future.

If one does not know who they are, they will never become who they can be. And I, for one, can no longer play this ‘game’ which people have told me to live just for myself. I can no longer be just a house slave. I don’t really see a difference between Athens and today. Can you?

About the Author

Sylvain Lamoureux is simply a man whom wants to think but is thwarted at every turn.

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