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Chinese Find Missing Puzzle In Autism

Friday, March 3, 2017 16:50
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Basically, what Dr. Patterson is saying is that if a pregnant mother gets sick (virus, bacteria) while pregnant — an event that “activates” her immune system — that activation can impact the neurodevelopment (how exactly the brain is constructed) of her fetus, potentially leading to neurological problems after birth. Dr. Patterson took this explanation a step further, explaining that the brains of people with autism reflect the immune system activation that took place, even decades later, as he cites valuable work being done at Johns Hopkins. READ MORE….

VLA COMMENT: JB Handley (founder of Generation Rescue) goes on discuss how the Aluminum Adjuvant in the vaccines activates the immune system having an impact on the neurodevelopment of the growing child.

The post CHINESE FIND MISSING PUZZLE IN AUTISM appeared first on Vaccine Liberation Army.


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