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House Speaker Paul Ryan is committed to ramming through his health care plan, ostensibly repealing and replacing Obamacare as promised by presidential candidate Donald Trump — an issue that resonated with American voters and helped propel him into the White House. But the American Health Care Act, frequently referred to as Ryancare or Obamacare Lite is receiving push back from congressional conservatives who charge it doesn’t make the necessary changes.
Enter the American Action Network. The group with close ties to establishment House Republicrats, including Speaker Paul Ryan, is airing $500,000 in a deceptive TV ad blitz in more than two dozen media markets, urging conservatives associated with the Freedom Caucus to support Ryan’s flawed health care legislation.
The group boasts this latest campaign brings AAN’s total spending to $8.5 million in over 75 congressional districts nationwide. The Center for Responsive Politics lists 2016 cycle donors to American Action Network.
The latest ads will target 30 Congressional District Representatives including three in Arizona: Paul Gosar (CD-4), David Schweikert (CD-6) and Trent Franks (CD-8).
Breitbart’s Matthew Boyle provides what under reasonable circumstances would be the implausible back story to this high level deception. Obviously these are not reasonable circumstances. Paul Ryan’s deception is grand scale.
We urge you to read Boyle’s “Honeymoon Over: Speaker Paul Ryan Targets His Own Republicans, Not Democrats, with Ads on Health Care.”