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‘Obamagate’ Blows Wide Open as WikiLeaks Releases Obama’s Wiretapping ‘Victim List’

Monday, March 6, 2017 19:43
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BREAKING: ‘Obamagate’ Blows Wide Open As WikiLeaks Releases Obama’s Wiretapping ‘Victim List’
Ever since the Trump got into office, there has been a consorted effort on the part of Barack Obama to take him down. Shortly after learning of Obama’s violence resistance movement Organization For Action (OFA) where his minions around the country are being trained in Saul Alinsky tactics, we are now hearing that Obama wiretapped Trump Towers

By Prissy Holly -

Mar 6, 2017

Communist Coward Weasel Butt Sniffer

Ever since the Trump got into office, there has been a consorted effort on the part of Barack Obama to take him down. Shortly after learning of Obama’s violence resistance movement Organization For Action (OFA) where his minions around the country are being trained in Saul Alinsky tactics, we are now hearing that Obama wiretapped Trump Towers during the 2016 presidential race to spy on Trump. As this new scandal being dubbed “Obamagate” blows wide open, WikiLeaks just dropped another huge bombshell, revealing that Obama has made quite the history of wiretapping and hacking political opponents and friends alike.

Obama’s cockiness throughout his presidency truly knew no bounds. But unfortunately for many people around the world, Obama’s antics weren’t just limited to spying Trump, as WikiLeaks just revealed. Obama bugged the meeting between UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon and German Chancellor, Angela Merkel. Obama also intercepted a call between then French president, Sarkozy and Merkel. But that is just the very small beginning of Obama’s long list of spying. Check out this insane list compiled by WikiLeaks of all of Obama’s wire taps:
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Ever since the Trump got into office, there has been a consorted effort on the part of Barack Obama to take him down. Shortly after learning of Obama’s violence resistance movement Organization For Action (OFA) where his minions around the country are being trained in Saul Alinsky tactics, we are now hearing that Obama wiretapped Trump Towers


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Total 2 comments
  • Dead link. Where is the actual wikileak list? I’ve seen enough poorly produced lies on here lately.

  • Boo

    It’s true … the line is crossed when you tap or try to acquire intel via US agency’s on an American, especially one running against your party in a Presidential election or his cabinet picks. For what purpose but a nefarious one would you tap a person hoping to get dirt on them without any serious mitigating proof in order to pursue this task. Whomever, secured a FISA warrant for this Trump/Flynn tap is the first person on this list I would look to for an explanation.

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