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by Pao Chang;
To know how your thoughts can change the word, you need to know what thought is. Thoughts are things but they exist as unmanifested matter with pure potentiality (infinite possibility and creativity). The main difference between thoughts and manifested things is the hierarchical change in frequency of the consciousness of the observer (you).
Thought, matter, and the external reality
Thought is an attribute of consciousness that acts like a focusing and filtering system. One of the main roles of thought is to focus everything in the external world into holograms, which are thought projections. A hologram is similar to an image but is three dimensional and multidimensional in nature. Within any point on a holographic image, no matter how small, all knowledge of the whole image is present.
Everything in the Cosmos is focused into existence by the thought of the Prime Creator. In other words, reality is thought construction. If the Prime Creator ever loses Its mental focus, every object in the Universe would simply vanish into thin air. Once you comprehend this knowledge, you should know that the reality you live in behaves more like an illusion.
Our version of reality works very much like an illusion, because when we break matter down to its fundamentals, it is mostly empty space and is made of only energy. One important thing you should know about the external reality is that the farther you move away from the Source that manifested the external reality, the less energy it can hold and thus reality becomes more and more like an illusion.
For strong evidence that the material world works like an illusion, read my empowering article titled What is Reality? How It Relates to Your Well-Being.
Thought has infinite potentiality
Thought is a subtle energy that influences everything we do, because every action involves the use of thought. Even though it is subtle, thought has infinite potentiality (possibility) and is the most powerful manifestation energy force in the Universe. It is so powerful that it has the power to manifest energy into material things.
Thought is the creative power that the Prime Creator uses to focus everything into being. The pure form of thought has no limitation due to the fact that it has infinite potential. The fact that you have thought is proof that you are a sentient being with infinite potential. However, because you are still in the very early stage of your evolution, you do not have access to the true power of thought.
To gain access to the true power of thought takes time, dedication, hard work, spiritual wisdom, personal responsibility, and eons of life experiences. The main reason for these requirements is because the true power of thought is too powerful for a naive human being to play around with.
Allowing a naive human being access to the true power of thought is like giving a baby fire to play with in a room soaked with gasoline and filled with explosive materials. In other words, if you are given access to the true power of thought without learning how to be a responsible being, you could destroy the Universe. With great powers come great responsibilities.
Once you comprehend and accept that thought is one of the fundamental energies that creates the Cosmos, you should realize that your thoughts can change the world.
Why you need to stop thinking that you are weak and powerless
When you think you are weak and powerless, and believe that you cannot change the world, it affects the collective human consciousness, which is the thought field that creates our reality here on Earth. Your own thoughts only affect this thought field to a small degree. However, if the rest of humanity thinks that they cannot change the world, it affects this thought field to a very large degree, causing psychological problems to manifest throughout the population.
The leaders (the International Banksters) of the New World Order (NWO) are well aware of the true power of thought, which is why they like to use their mainstream media outlets to condition you how to think. One of their goals is to condition you to think that you are weak and powerless. The purpose of this is to disempower you. In other words, this is how they trick you to think like a slave without your knowledge.
Remember, the collective human consciousness plays a major role in creating the reality here on Earth. By using the mainstream media to condition us how to think, the International Banksters can change our reality the way they see fit. In other words, they are playing gods by using our thoughts to shape the world we live in.
Why do you think the International Banksters are sometimes refer to as the Dark Magicians? The reason is because the Dark Magicians know that we live in a magical reality that uses the power of thought and intention to manifest energy into material things.
To learn more about why we live in a magical reality, read my enlightening article titled Understanding the Magic of Nature and Embracing It to Make Life Fun, Happy and Enjoyable Again.
Secret societies like to use their mainstream media outlets to cover news about fear. They like to do this because when you are constantly living in a state of fear, it weakens your higher thinking skills and intuition, and lowers the frequency of your body, making it easier for them to control you. This is why you need to stop thinking that you are weak and powerless, and avoid watching news that promotes fear.
The two following videos are evidence that the mainstream media outlets in the United States are not truly independent, because most of them take orders from a small group of international banksters. These banksters only cover news that they want you to know. After watching the videos, you should know why the mainstream media in the United States and many other countries are a joke and should not be trusted.
Media Caught Manipulating News on Conan
Pt3 Operation Mockingbird: How the CIA Controls the Minds of the Peons
How your thoughts can change the world
Once you know how the leaders of the NWO are using their mainstream media outlets to control your mind, you will know how to prevent your mind from being manipulated and controlled by their media outlets. One way to free your mind from their controlling systems is to change how you think. Another way is to become aware of the methods they are using in their mainstream media to control your mind.
A great article to read about the techniques that the mainstream media uses to condition you how to think is titled How Mainstream Media Deceives You with Its Magic Tricks. After you read this article, you should know why they call the news and shows on TV as “TV programs.” The term “program” is used because they are using TV to program your mind, so that they can condition you how to think. It is right in your face!
Your thought is the most power manifestation energy force in the Universe. The main reason why your thought does not feel very powerful is because you have not evolved enough yet to access the true power of thought. Even though you do not have access to the true power of thought yet, by changing how you think, you are already making a difference. That is how powerful your thought is.
One very important thing you need to know about life is that real power comes from the energy of the people. Because of this, the International Banksters and their government cannot thrive without our energy to support them, just like how a company cannot survive without us buying its product.
Once you realize that we the people are the ones with the real power and are creating the reality here on Earth as a collective, you will know that you are not weak and powerless, but have the potential to change the world using the power of thought. But remember, your thoughts are not powerful enough yet, so you will need to take appropriate actions to increase the chance of manifesting your thoughts into reality.
The right knowledge is power so once you learn how to use the power of thought to change the world, go out to the public and educate others about the power of thought. The more people know how to use the power of thought to change reality in positive ways, the more powerful we will be as a civilization. Each of our individual thought may not be that powerful, but when we are united and thinking as a collective, the Dark Forces cannot control us.
Once enough people wake up and realize that they can change the world into a better place using their thoughts along with actions, then real change will come and there is not much that the Dark Forces can do to prevent this positive change from manifesting into reality.
Every Day is Earth Day