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No Love No Mercy

Thursday, March 9, 2017 16:44
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No Love No Mercy

By Joe Fettig
March 9, 2017

In a small world being Judged by worthless fools
Blinded by the illusion easily being used as a tool

Keeping the enemy fooled with the smoke and mirrors
They will never know the real plan everything becomes unclear

The slow bitter attack wrapping around there mind like a snake
Taking away the power until the opponent breaks

Fight all the way to the death
No Pain No Mercy until they have no breath

An attack that is so hard to spot very indirect
Vanish in the mist nothing left in sight to detect

No mercy in a cold war
Hidden agenda's divided into four

Raining blood through the soldiers eye's
Black operation's assassin of spy's

The Art of War flows like the blood for money
Crooked politicians do all of the dirty laundry kind of funny

You have to kill a few pawns to get to the Queen
One false move then kill the King
Following the trail of honey in the dark springs

Nuclear holocausts you can already hear the silence screams
Blinded and never awake living an engineered dream

Collapse of humanity new agenda's put into place
No Love No Mercy the end of the human race



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