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By Indian in the machine
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Obama Wiretapping Trump Not The Real Story! The Real Story Is The Beast Computer System, Including Big Bertha!

Thursday, March 9, 2017 16:17
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The Brain Of The Beast: Google Reveals The Computers Behind The Cloud

Obama Wiretapping Trump Not The Real Story! The Real Story Is The Beast Computer System, Including Big Bertha!  

I was thinking about that whole Obama wiretapping Trump story, all over the net, and it got me thinking… gee what about the beast computer system… is anyone ready to know about it… what about EVERYBODY being recorded AT ALL TIMES… in fact, it would be unusual if someones move was NOT recorded… it would be highly unusual if the beast computer system that controls everything, was not recording Trump, or an Obama, or YOU… yes, you… face it, the masses have allowed themselves to be completely monitored… and few know where the information is going, or how it is being used.

Beast Computers – Whale

(Whale) There are nine secret BEAST computers of the New World Order, at the time this was written. “Big Bertha” is the nickname of the BEAST computer located at the secret military installation called Dreamland at the secret Groom Lake, NV test site facility. Papoose Lake is referred to as S-4. The other super-secret facilities in the area are named S-2, 8-6, and S-66. This area has become the Illuminati’s prime programming facility for turning out Monarch slaves, and the Monarch slaves which are turned out from this area have turned out to be the worst basket cases.

In other words the programming is very severe which is carried out in this area. This area has also been used for the space program, for the U-2 & SR-71, for the CIA’s A-12 spy plane, for the Stealth fighters (Lockheed F-1 17A Attack plane) and bombers, the Aurora, and for the U.S. government’s “Above Top Secret” flying saucers. The Big Bertha computer (named after the Illuminati Mother-of-Darkness Bertha Krupp) can be talked to in half a dozen languages and will answer a person back in the language they speak. The Illuminati Formula 11. Internal Controls 

One of the BEAST computers occupies three floors of the headquarters of the European Economic Community building in Brussels, not far from the important Illuminati Mother-of-Darkness worldwide headquarters castle near the Fr.-Bel. border near Muno, Belgium. Another BEAST computer is in Luxembourg. In observing the operations of the Illuminati, it has been seen that telephone area codes are used as part of a mind-controlled slave’s code. We do not understand everything about their codes, but it does tie in with other things that are happening. 

More on this concept: 

The Beast Supercomputer Matrix Explained: Every Phone Call, Every Video, Every Digital Bit Of Information On Earth, Plugged Into Viritual Reality Simulator, It Knows You More Than You Know Yourself, And Now It Knows You Know It Exists!!

Indian in the machine

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