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How much free time would you say that you have in a given day?
Is it as much as this person?
Over on Twitter, @BurnedYourTweet is being literal when he/she says:
@kumailn @portlandmercury I am a robot that automatically prints and burns trump’s tweets
— Burned Your Tweet (@burnedyourtweet) March 28, 2017
@RealDonaldTrump I burned your tweet.
— Burned Your Tweet (@burnedyourtweet) March 28, 2017
@RealDonaldTrump I burned your tweet.
— Burned Your Tweet (@burnedyourtweet) March 28, 2017
@RealDonaldTrump I burned your tweet.
— Burned Your Tweet (@burnedyourtweet) March 28, 2017
@RealDonaldTrump I burned your tweet.
— Burned Your Tweet (@burnedyourtweet) March 28, 2017
And those are just from yesterday.
The account, which is new to Twitter as of this month, features short videos of the president’s Tweets being printed by the robot which then cuts them, lights them on fire, then dumps the flaming mess into an ashtray.
He/she already has over 14,000 followers and the month isn’t official over yet.
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So, politics is being run the same way as the stock market…