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The War On Alternative Media Won’t Last! We Have The Numbers To Prove The MSM Wrong!

Sunday, March 26, 2017 19:26
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(Before It's News)

In light of the recent war on alternative news, it seemed relevant to highlight some key points and
differences between viewers and readers of the mainstream news and that of the base of alternative news.

Those of you reading this are most likely aware of the total disregard for the truth that the mainstream media (MSM) has, as long as they follow the agenda, go along with the narrative, etc.

This brings us to you. The wonderfully inquisitive souls that partake in a different kind of news that isn’t spoon fed to us by the MSM.
The brilliant thinkers who have built a mindset of diligent truthseeking are becoming the new mainstream. This is a good thing.

First I would like to say that I am a daily Before It’s News reader and have been for several years.
This has taught me, along with other alt-news outlets, to have a keen eye for truth.

During this past election year I noticed a trend: I NEVER saw pro-Hillary articles on BIN.
I saw anti-trump stuff, sure, but never anybody praising a Clinton.
Interestingly enough, the MSM was completely the opposite; demonizing Trump and putting Clinton on a pedestal.

The funny thing is when you read the comments about MSM stories on, for example, youtube,
all the commenters are slamming the story; calling it out for the BS that it is.
I believe that people are waking up. And waking up fast!

Here is the main difference between “mainstreamers” and “alt-newsers”:
The readers and viewers of the MSM take it in as fact. They don’t dig for truth. They see the news being reported and don’t question it- ever. Why would they?
The alt-newsers train themselves to have a disciminating eye; to question every story until a source or real proof is demonstrated.

We all know the depth fake news has infiltrated the truth-seeking community and although it’s a shame, we take it with stride,
disregarding that which doesn’t stand the test of truth and we keep reading on.

This brings me to my main point: The mainstream narrative wants us to believe that alternative news is obscuring the truth,
when what they really fear is the empowerment of individuals whom realize the strength of their own discernment and thus, are able to speak out alternative ideas.

I strongly encourage you to keep doing what you are doing and contribute your own stories to BIN or any other alt-news website.
If you don’t want to contribute, then the comment section of any article is a perfect place for your thoughts.  (ahem… some people disable comments. Not sure why this is an option. I don’t like it.)

Just remember, you have a voice. And it is loud.

You are the real heartbeat of the world.
You are the ones that are slowly affecting the outcome of humanity.
You are the unsung heroes of the future.

Keep thinking.
Keep questioning.
Keep commenting.
Keep reading.

Keep supporting alternative news.

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