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Victurus Libertas 3-10-17… “Insider Confirms CIA Controls CNN”

Friday, March 10, 2017 22:27
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(Before It's News)

Personally, I am not surprised at any of this. But it is great to have an “insider” who shares this information. Of course, disscernment is advised, but I believe we can safely add yet another nickname for CNN… the “CIA News Network” (see this prior post for a few more).

There is also a VL video that goes along with this, which I place at the end of the text.

“The CIA is indeed attempting, with all their might, to control the message to the masses! They are embedded with all of the mainstream media… the exact words of our source, “It’s been really bad. We have CIA folks here all the time now.

“According to our source, Vault 7 “let the cat out of the bag.” [And] says Tapper is scared of these guys. “He nods his head like a obedient dog, and then yells at us, and curses Assange,”

“The CIA runs the machine that creates the message. Folks, its no wonder Jake Tapper is scared. He is about to be exposed as a talking sock puppet for the clandestine services department of the Shadow Government.

“The CIA is constitutionally forbidden to spy on Americans. They came out yesterday and swore on their pinkie finger they were not spying on the citizens. 24 hours later, Assange stated that there are 22,000 cases of CIA domestic spying…”


Insider Confirms CIA Controls CNN

Our CNN insider had been out of touch with us for several days.  We were starting to wonder what was going on, but in our latest communication, our CNN insider did confirm our biggest fears. The CIA is indeed attempting, with all their might, to control the message to the masses!

They are embedded with all of the mainstream media – CNN, NBC, Huffington Post, New York Times, Washington Post, probably Fox, as well.

These are the exact words of our source, “It’s been really bad. We have CIA folks here all the time now.”

Our insider says the CIA are mainly talking to Jake Tapper and Wolf Blitzer and Jeff Zucker.  Our source says the CIA tells them what to say, and everyone is “so mad at this Vault 7 Assange person.”  

According to our source, Vault 7  “let the cat out of the bag.”

Our source also says Tapper is scared of these guys. “He nods his head like a obedient dog, and then yells at us, and curses Assange,” according to our source.

Our source claims someone in the production crew for Don Lemon was heard saying that the “personalities” here may be exposed by Wikileaks, because the CIA has a very close relationship with all the “glamour folks” here.

The CIA runs the machine that creates the message. Folks, its no wonder Jake Tapper is scared. He is about to be exposed as a talking sock puppet for the clandestine services department of the Shadow Government.

News is dead. Let that sink in for a bit… The MSM News is DOA……What we have now is State Propaganda, and an Orwellian version of news. Not only can (and do) the CIA control the message, they can listen in via the delivery system.

The CIA is constitutionally forbidden to spy on Americans. They came out yesterday and swore on their pinkie finger they were not spying on the citizens.  24 hours later, Assange stated that there are 22,000 cases of CIA domestic spying just in the first 3-4 data dumps.

Filed under: apocalypse, cabal, energies, new energies, partners in contrast Tagged: CNN, CNN insider, Victurus Libertas


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