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Brazilian Catholic Blogger Condemned to Pay US$ 6,000 for View Contrary to Homosexuality

Wednesday, April 5, 2017 7:05
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Brazilian Catholic Blogger Condemned to Pay US$ 6,000 for View Contrary to Homosexuality
By Julio Severo
In a lawsuit by the Federal Prosecutors’ Office in the State of Mato Grosso do Sul in Brazil, a Catholic citizen of Rio de Janeiro was condemned to pay US$ 6,000 in reparation for moral and collective damages for having published an article mobilizing the population against a measure granting taxpayer funds to a homosexual group.

The article, published in 2007, was enough for Judge David de Oliveira Gomes Filho, of Campo Grande city, to condemn blogger Roberto Flávio Cavalcanti and his blog “Catolicismo e Conservadorismo” (Catholicism and Conservatism), hosted by Google.

Ten years ago, “Catholicism and Conservatism” criticized a public hearing discussing taxpayer funding to TTAMGS (Tranvestite and Transexual Association of Mato Grosso do Sul).
From a complaint of TTAMGS, the article “Campo Grande City May Fund Transvestite Association,” published in the blog “Catholicism and Conservatism,” was targeted by authorities. Jaceguara Dantas Passos, chief in the Federal Prosecutors’ Office, labeled the article as “clear hate speech and incompatible with human respect and dignity.”
The lawsuit by the Federal Prosecutors’ Office also included Google, responsible for hosting Cavalcanti’s blog, summoning it to deliver all condemned blogger’s data.
The condemned article had this information:
It is the limit of villainy to consider giving taxpayer money to the main hosts of infectious and communicable diseases as AIDS and syphilis. Understand that the verbiage of the homosexual advocacy always includes soft words as “tolerance” and “elimination of prejudice and fight against discrimination.”
If a citizen of Campo Grande does not agree with this, he can express his view in a poll in the website of the Campo Grande City Hall, which asks if the visitor supports or not the Transvestite Association being granted public status — a title allowing it to receive public funding.
Evidently, Campo Grande has more moral and urgent needs for tax money than funding an association of transvestites. In a little while they may propose tax money to pedophiles. If you are also against the State funding homosexuality and faggoting, visit the website and vote NO.
Even though the language in the text is forceful, worse behaviors against Christians and Christianity have been shown without authorities and media being able to interpret hate and instigation to hate. Left-wing activists who advocate the homosexualist movement have inserted, publicly, crucifixes in their anuses as a form of protest, with no fear of being prosecuted.
In his contention, the Federal Prosecutors’ Office remarked, “The criminalization of discrimination for sexual orientation is nothing more than a state imposition of tolerance toward any individual regardless his sexual orientation, meaning that the State will not tolerate an individual being discriminated because he has a determined sexual orientation instead of another,” adding that “Roberto Flávio Cavalcanti is a provoker of moral pain and suffering to the LGBT community in Campo Grande through this offense against the rights of personhood of those people.”
The heavy view of authorities against a Catholic blogger is strange, because it can be much more rightly said that homosexuality is a provoker of moral pain and suffering to society. In fact, acknowledging those damages, Russia approved in 2013 a law banning homosexual propaganda to children and adolescents, to protect them exactly from the moral, physical and spiritual damages of homosexual acts.
A Catholic blogger’s condemnation shows that if homosexuality is not recognized in its due place of provoker of moral, physical and spiritual damages, opposition to homosexuality will be forced to occupy this place.
In his defense, Cavalcanti, who is a journalist and lawyer, said that, even though he created blog “Catholicism and Conservatism,” there were other contributors. The condemned article had been written by one of those contributors. Cavalcanti said, “There is no penal law in Brazil to punish ‘discrimination for sexual orientation,’ especially in a Catholic-oriented blog.”
Cavalcanti also explained that the judge who sentenced him appears publicly in TV newscasts advocating the gay agenda.
With information from TopMídiaNews.
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