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Note – this is an update of a previous post: “Las Vegas Know Your Rights Seminar by Attorney Stephen Stubbs to be Held March 23rd.” This post includes a video of that know your rights seminar.
On March 23rd in Las Vegas, local attorney Stephen Stubbs held a “know your rights” seminar. Although this know your rights class was open (and very much relevant) to the general public, the primary reason for it being held was recent harassment of motorcycle riders in Las Vegas by the LVMPD (“Metro”) using saturation teams and the gang task force, including a “motorcycle intelligence unit” specifically created to gather information on motorcycle clubs.
As Stubbs mentions in the Facebook Live video embedded below, this harassment has involved the profiling of people that ride motorcycles and several violations of those people’s rights. That includes manufacturing suspicion to stop them, attempting to force passengers to ID themselves, and detaining them longer than is required to perform an investigation related to the (often dubious) offense that they have been stopped for.
Obviously, the motivation behind these targeted stops and the attempts to question those stopped is to gather information about motorcycle clubs under the false pretense that anybody belonging to a motorcycle club is a criminal and the even more flawed pretense that anyone riding a motorcycle and/or fitting a certain description must belong to a motorcycle club. Beyond that, Metro has also been known in recent years to illegally put pressure on public businesses, such as bars, to attempt to force them to exclude members of bike clubs from those businesses. This often is done under the threat of having their liquor license taken away.
Included below are embedded videos containing the entire know your rights seminar, as well as a shorter excerpt discussing a somewhat controversial method of handling general police encounters in which police insist on questioning you even after you’ve already invoked your Fifth Amendment right not to speak (use at your own risk).
Full Video of Know Your Rights Seminar
As regular readers of the CopBlock Network know, Stephen Stubbs has a pretty long history (see “related posts” section below) of defending the civil rights of people (including himself) against the police, especially those departments located within the Las Vegas area. That has included defending motorcyclists against the frequent harassment they receive from the LVMPD.
Stubbs has also in the past done know your rights seminars numerous times at events and for various groups (as well as independently) throughout the Las Vegas area. (See below for an embedded video of a previous know your rights training.) Among other things, these seminars typically will cover issues involving the First, Fourth, and Fifth Amendments such as the requirements for a legal detainment, when you are obligated to identify yourself to police, your rights when the police want to search you, your right to remain silent and why that’s a good idea, and your rights when filming the police (and why that’s also always a good idea).
In spite of the direct motivation for this particular know your rights seminar being the harassment directed at motorcyclists, the topics and rights discussed were not exclusive to cyclists and are helpful and applicable to anyone that is stopped by the police.
Excerpt: How To Handle General Police Encounters in Nevada
LVMPD doesn’t care about the law
Previous Know Your Rights Seminar by Stephen Stubbs
Related Posts:
Those of you that have followed over the past several years are probably already aware that Stephen Stubbs has been featured numerous times on the Cop Block Network. He often represents bikers and motorcycle organizations, whom are frequent targets of harassment from the police. In addition, I have personally worked with Stephen on a somewhat regular basis through Nevada Cop Block on issues or cases within the Las Vegas area.
Therefore, there is a pretty lengthy (and growing) list of posts on Cop Block involving Stephen Stubbs, his clients, and/or people or groups he is associated with. Included below are links to those posts.
Other Videos: The LVMPD Gang Task Force is Corrupt
Original Stephen Stubbs Arrest Video
Lt. Yatomi is Promoted and Put in Charge of Internal Affairs
Know Your Rights Seminar Held in Las Vegas by Attorney Stephen Stubbs (Video) is a post from Cop Block – Badges Don't Grant Extra Rights