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Some thoughts on Toronto's housing crisis

Friday, April 7, 2017 16:57
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(Before It's News)

I was reading in my G&M today that the median household income in Toronto is seventy-eight thousand and change.

Meanwhile, the average price of a house has now passed a million bucks.

The affordability crisis has been brewing for years, but it wasn't till this week that Mayor Tory gathered up federal and provincial pols for a sit-down about what to do about the crisis.

Luckily for us, they came up with a plan.

They're gonna study it!

That is so Canadian, eh? We don't even expect our various levels of government to solve problems anymore. As long as they're studying the problem they get a free pass.

PM Justin got elected a year and a half ago on a promise to legalize the weed 'o wisdom. Is it legal yet?

No. They have to study the matter a bit more.

The federal government (ie Justin) has been underfunding First Nation's education for as long as we've had education. They continue to underfund it by about 50% compared to what provincial school boards get. What are they doing about this blatantly racist legacy?

They're studying it, of course.

So don't get your hopes up about any resolution to Toronto's housing crisis…

They'll still be studying it a hundred years from now.


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