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Time’s up for North Korea! US and Russia Launches Most Powerful Nuclear Submarine Yet! (Videos)

Thursday, April 6, 2017 8:17
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(Before It's News)





Jim Jong Un, you have been SERVED!



“Clock has run out’ on N. Korea:US & Russia launches most powerful nuclear attack submarine yet


-World on the EDGE as North Korea launches ANOTHER ballistic missile
-AND FOX NEWS IS REPORTING North Korean missile launch WAS likely a failure
-North Korea WILL RETALIATE with ‘devastating attack’ if Trump ‘incites confrontation’
-US is stating the ‘Clock has run out’ on North Korea
-Michael Snyder of the Economic Collapse asks Is The United States About To Bomb North Korea?

From The Alex Jones Channel

Is The United States About To Bomb North Korea? The White House Says ‘The Clock Has Now Run Out’

China Using North Korea To Push For Nuclear War

China is using North Korea to try and push for a global nuclear war to keep the globalist agenda alive.


MORE War Preparations! No Korea Threat Causes Trump to Remove Bannon and Bring in Military General McMaster (Videos) click here


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Total 6 comments
  • Then ‘OK’ Roar ~ North Korea……….(10) – (AG)
    Errant Hook ~ North Korea
    Earth ‘n’ Rook ~ North Korea………. Earth ~ Heart
    The Rook is known for its harsh call.
    Harsh ‘a’ Call ~ Arch ‘as’ Hall……….(10) – (AG)
    Harsh Calls ~ Shall Crash……….(AG)
    Harsh Call ~ Arch Shall………(AG)

  • It’s Kim not Jim you idiot. At least get the names of the peices on the chess board right before writing an article about them. Jesus tap dancing christ.

  • I don’t think any confrontation with NK will occur. If it does and Russia is also against them we are good because China follows Russia’s lead too in military so we won’t be battling the 3 huge powerhouse nations just the crazy one!

  • Boo

    This would be a good time for the Chinese President meeting with Trump in Florida to send a stern message to Little Kim that the jig is up and it’s time for him to grow up and stop playing with his military toys. Trump has just announced he is a wild card and does keep his promises.

  • CLOCK has RUN OUT on ….ashkeNAZI khazar…..BANKRUPT BANKS.

    Russia & China are re-introducing GOLD into the payments systems.

    And President Putin & President Xi have been buying all the …. MANIPULATED LOW-PRICE GOLD they can get their hands on.

    Grandmaster Putin’s Golden Trap

    North Korea …ashkeNAZI khzar CRAZIES……”narrative” is WHORES MANURE !

    North Korea: The Grand Deception Revealed

    NOT IN MY NAME…….are the …..EXCRE-MENTAL-a’lists……GOING to WAR.

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