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“Its written in the stars.” This being and nothingness.
Black holes, massive stars, space and matter.
Signs in the heavens all point to mans destiny, his plight , his misery and his redemption too perhaps.
Can the only form of life we know of who can appreciate the beauty of the heavens, not participate in the same beauty here below?
It seems unreasonable to suggest otherwise.
Man himself is an infinite source of being and nothingness. Sartre was only too well aware of it, titleing his monumental tome with these words.
What is mans contribution to the miracle and mystery of his own life?
The answer is simple, it is his decisions. Being and nothingness derives from his decisions. Few would doubt it, but fewer still would comprehend it, its fulllest meaning.
But just as the nothingness of space is a misnomer, space contains so much, mans decisions are full of implications also.
And just as matter is a vast quantity also, in the universe, his decisions carry considerable weight at times but at others there is only the unknowable quality of darkness attached.
The destruction of Iraq and other countries is a prime example of this darkness, this unknowableness, this nothingness. But like the not so emptiness of space it contains timeless implications, hidden forces and not so accessible meaning and unlike space itself, none of it is seemingly neutral or good.
The merchants of death now have their owl eyes on Ukraine. they never stop. They never tire, they never waver. Their nothingness must be opposed with being, our being, our refusal to accept in our own hearts and minds, their nothingness. In this way we will preserve our being amidst dark times.