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By StargazersNation
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Complexity – The Inner Workings of the Human Consciousness – Must See in 3D

Sunday, May 18, 2014 23:37
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In order to awaken to our true self of infinite Divine consciousness, we must relinquish the conditioning of the disharmonic frequencies of our consciousness that is the operation of mind as thought and emotion.  This is the thinking mind and emotional energy system that is within both the conscious and unconscious levels of mind.  We open to heart consciousness when we directly resonate the Light within.

The awareness within is the way that we experience and express our nonlocal unity.  The moment we look without for the resolution of our true nature, we fragment our consciousness in a veil of separation.  Ideas, thoughts, people, places, etc., cannot provide our unity that is only from the pure awareness of our heart consciousness.  Our fear-based conditioning has directed us to look outside for an answer to our wholeness, success, or evolution.  If we are looking outside for an answer, we will reinforce the neural circuitry and emotional encoding of conflict, control, and separation.  The resonance of our love, peace, and creativity is solely an inner choice.  Any external experience in this dimension can only serve as a reminder of our response to receive, generate, and transmit our frequency.
B4INREMOTE-aHR0cDovLzEuYnAuYmxvZ3Nwb3QuY29tLy1kb2VlYjdrWHpKZy9VMjUxY2lvUU90SS9BQUFBQUFBQUFLOC9SM0daYVdzRS1hMC9zMTYwMC9xdWFudHVtK2VpbnN0ZWluK2ltYWdlLnBuZw==The Light Mind in the Heart

The Light is harmonic, fluid, frictionless, and with no opposition, conflict, or resistance.  In the incarnate dimensions of the universe, the full embodiment of Divine consciousness is a pure movement of frequencies of matter that pulse in a synchronous expansive and contractive movement.  There is not the constant inertia, friction, resistance, and struggle that has been the experience in a 3D/4D experience of the movement of matter.  Divine infinite consciousness experienced through the Light mind in the heart is a whole new experience of the frequencies of consciousness as physical matter.  These harmonic frequencies do not operate on the reactionary friction based energies of thought and emotion.

The thinking mind and emotions are based on accumulated past programming.  This conditioning system of mind and emotional signaling system is a restrictive protective system of conflict in a survival based consciousness.  The experience of hurtful actions of conflict is a result of the inharmonic dense level of consciousness that has infiltrated the human mind and body over thousands of years


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