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Astrology Forecast for the Scorpio Full Moon 2014

Wednesday, May 14, 2014 9:35
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Astrology Forecast for the Scorpio Full Moon 2014

by Kathy Biehl

May 14, 2014 12:15 PM PDT / 3:15 PM EDT / 7:15 PM GMT 23 Taurus 54 / 23 Scorpio 54

Scorpio-Full-Moon-2014_OMTimesCutting loose and moving on are the themes of this month’s Scorpio Full Moon. If you’ve questioned whether or how much your life has changed, the next couple of weeks will resolve those doubts, and how.

Last month restructured us in ways that are only starting to surface. The surfacing is about to speed up, and with that quickening all subtlety is going out the window.

What’s escalating now feels inevitable, monumental, and incapable of being resisted and possibly more than a bit irrational. It’s laden with endings, game-altering realizations and permanent changes of mind, heart and arrangements.  It packs the wallop of an eclipse, but isn’t one. (We’re done with eclipse season until October.) Instead, it’s delivering the wherewithal to deal with the eclipses and more that have just passed.

This Full Moon comes with a planetary line-up primed for action that is both responsible and daring.  The tension of last month’s grand cross is still distantly in play, but now with the force of unlocking or severing confinements while healing and stabilizing pour in.

The commanders of the Sun and Moon, Venus and Pluto, are in an exact square, demanding bold, fundamental movement and restructuring, particularly where desire and money are concerned. They are fueling an urgency, compulsion and willingness to go after cravings, however forbidden or unhealthy.  Both are in a hard, catalytic aspect to Uranus, the agent of radical, unpredictable change, which is making a jail break in our hearts. We want out, and don’t care what we have to do to get there.


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